Friday 7 December 2018

January ComicLink previews... (Dave's Weekly Update #264)

Hi, Everybody!

Heeeeeere's Dave:

The Kickstarter for the birthday card.

Next Time (If the F#$@ing thing uploads...):


Steve said...

For anyone curious as I was, the ComicLink auction results:

Birthday card: $850
Glamourpuss splash, #16 pg 13: $775
Glamourpuss splash, #11 pg 18 and 19 : $301
Glamourpuss splash, #17 pg 9: $300

The issue #31 pg 13 page brought in $2575.


Slumbering Agartha said...

What about Matt's "Please Hold for Dave Sim" comic? When is that going to be auctioned?

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...


I guess I'll ask Dave if he wants to. Otherwise, you can just have it.

(Unless some Yenta with more money than brains wants to start a bidding war...)