Monday 2 September 2019

Happy Labor Day!

Hi, Everybody!

Happy Labor Day!

This Week's Auction is at $10 (US).

You should order the Vark Wars.

And Dave's calling on Thursday, so get your questions in to (or comment here, I'll see it either way.)

Next Time: Another Please Hold transcript? Don't mind if I do...


Birdsong said...
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Tony Dunlop said...

Kevin Williamson is a creative-destruction, open-borders "Classical Liberal." The fact that the quote ends with a gratuitous loogie in the face of Christianity is a further clue that conservatism, in any meaningful sense of the word, is very far from his mind.

It's possible to speak on behalf of the working class without being a Marxist.

Oliver said...

Birdsong, this is how you are choosing to promote "CIH?"?

Birdsong said...
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Oliver said...

The "Cerebus hates holidays" holiday special might make for a good "Cerebus in hell?" comic though:)

Erick said...

You are wrong.
There is no such thing as a 'useless' holiday when it is a paid day off and also includes an extended weekend of grilling, eating drinking and sleeping.

erick said...

And quoting Kevin D. Williamson?

Good gravy. Next thing you know it will be that old chestnut about Halloween and Christmas co-opting Pagan and Zoroastrianism.

Just busting your giblets

Steve said...

Well I got lucky - it was a paid holiday from one job (my regular 7 - 5.30, Monday to Friday) *PLUS* getting paid to be on call for a hospital, since their regular staff was, you guessed it - on a paid holiday.

I'll get neck deep in that lovely trough of capitalism as often as I can!


ps -- and no, I'm not why the costs of medical care have skyrocketed...

Dave Kopperman said...

Since much about Capitalism is completely illogical, I don't see the harm in having one illogical national holiday celebrating that illogic.

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

David Bonehead reveals himself yet again to be one of those "minds" who thinks that everything he disagrees with is communism. At least Bob Burden made some funny comics.

-- Damian

Tony again said...

I get along with classical liberals (and anyone else, to the extent that it's up to me) just fine. I just think it's long past time for capital to stop pretending it's anything but indifferent, at best, and more often openly hostile, to the traditional values of family, community, faith, et cetera.

And I had an unpaid "day off," but of course as a teacher, I had work to do anyway, just as I do every weekend from September through May, even though those are also officially unpaid days...