Monday 17 February 2020

*rustle* *rustle* *rustle* Hey look old craaa...I mean, NICE-PICTURES-OF-DAVE! From fifteen years ago...

Hi, Everybody!

Green Dante/Green Virgil! (FOC has GOT to be coming soon...)

Anyway, what do I got to "moment" about today...

Well, this has been sitting in the "kitty" for a year or two:
Click to read all the great jokes...
 It's the September 1997 Wizard calendar. (See, Wizard used to come with these posters, and the reverse side would have one of these calendars. I don't even remember what poster this was, but I hung on to it long enough to be more interested in this:

That's right, I'm not a hoarder, I'm a Cerebus collector.


Okay, these three pictures were in a folder crap on my computer, they were labeled "paula porn".

I...have no idea why...

They're photos from (I'm gonna go on a limb and say 2005,) at the Small Press Alternative Comics Expo in Columbus, Ohio. (I guess 2005, because that was the first year I got a table. And the wife and I look pretty young...)

Okay, from left to right: Cerebus Fan Girl: Margaret Liss, Letter Hack and Yahoo: Larry Hart behind Margaret, Dave Sim Fan Boy: Jeff Seiler in front of Margaret, standing in the back: Dave Sim, Matt Dow's then girlfriend/current wife: Paula, and the fuzzy fat @#$& with the girls on his shirt: Interim Editor: Matt Dow

Again, starting on the left: Seiler, Margaret, the guy in the read shirt with his back to us is Super
             e        oo e
Duper L nny C  p r, then me, Dave Sim, then my wo-man... (I dunno the guys at the bar... "Norm" maybe?)

Larry, Dave, Margaret, some dude who I think worked at the hotel, Paula, Me, Seiler, L nny's elbow.

Since I don't see noted filthy hippy: Jeff Tundis, I assume he's the one who took these pictures...

"Moment" enough?


Well then I guess you're just gonna have to come back tomorrow now, ain't ya?!?

Next Time: I mean, Oliver had me post like fifty links yesterday, you ran through ALL of them already?!?!?


Margaret said...

You are correct - these pictures are from 2005's SPACE in Columbus. Gerhard took these pictures and Tundis is sitting to Lenny's left. Tundis' right elbow is in the picture with Lenny's back facing us. I do have a fourth picture that has Tundis in it. . .though I look like I'm sleeping or stoned or both in it (I was neither! Just blinking). I can add it to the post if you'd like. . .

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

Hey, yeah, sure, why not...
