Sunday 31 October 2021

Cerebus Around the World and Web #104 by Oliver Simonsen

Oliver Simonsen:

One day kids around the world will dress up in grey bunny suits for Halloween:).

David Birdsong made the wonderful graphic above of which I made a banner out of it as it coincides with this being the last Sunday of the amazing "Cerebus in Hell?" kickstarter!!

Hardcover of High Society auction also ends soon - get your official copy now

Tim Mullins is reading "Strange Death of Alex Raymond" - make sure you get the "none misprinted version" in November, Tim!

Sean Robinson shares how to get corrected copies of "Strange Death of Alex Raymond": "...five pages missing the blue print. If you received your copy from a comic store, you should exchange it at the comic store for the corrected printing (arriving Nov 10). We have not been paid for any copies that were not destroyed by comic shops and sold erroneously. If you received it from Amazon, you can request a return as outlined above!" (see link)

Larry Wooten: "Short Sword & Flames #11, Sequential #10, has arrived! Thanks Dave and Ron Essler!"

In the comments Ron: I'm waiting to open this until I see if I get a box in the mail...
[I opened and posted mine yesterday. Here's the image again -Matt:]

The other "Mad Cerebus Gifter" gift went to Margaret Liss:

Darkest Image!! $5. Proceeds go CBLDF! Contains a Spawn/Cerebus sequel written/drawn by Brian Payne and inked by James Windsor-smith!!

Cerebus and Spawn Remastered shared

Cerebus and Spawn crossover praised

Dave Sim and Todd McFarlane

A Cerebus and TMNT commision for Joshua Even by Matt Lesniewski (click link for slideshow of close-ups)

Mikhail Bocharov shares a "fun fact: In the animated series about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003), there was a episode-adaptation of the plot of the eighth TMNT issue (about Cerebus). The character was cut out, the story was rewritten a little, but such an Easter egg flashed through."

Cerebus #21 in Russian:

Giving Cerebus figurines as thanks for help with Russian translation

Dave Sim and Neil Gaiman

Dave Sim and Dark Horse Comics

Dune is like Cerebus

Wojciech Morawski draws Cerebus and the Roach

Reading Cerebus while recovering from Covid

Reading Cerebus while recovering from a cold

Cerebus the First Phonebook gives a good chuckle

Cerebus a must read for anyone that wants to create a comic

Gerhard the maestro

Cerebus mixing prose and comics

Lettering reaches it apotheosis with Cerebus

An eyeful of Cerebus shared (click link for slideshow)

Doing 300 issues was the easy part

Cerebus mural restoration has hit a snag

Cerebus heyday poster shared

Me playing around with some promo art

Our Cerebus Film "Production Company logo animation" - using my character, "Captain Zap", who i selfpublished in the 90s under my imprint "What ? Comics". (It was a highlight of my life having artists I idolize being so kind of my comic efforts.). The whole animated spot was done by Sergey Bel based on my sad storyboard:)
New indie comic series "Future Egg" compared to Cerebus

Like a gender swapped Cerebus?

David Birdsong made the graphic below as well. Actually he found it - explaining "Apple/Mac updated everything today and now I'm finding stuff. Weird."
I asked for a Halloween theme caption and he's as stumped as I am so i went with the obvious: Cerebus in costume as the guy (Rami Malek) from one of my favorite shows "Mr Robot" (which actually doesn't have anything to do with robots....he and a group called "fsociety" take down a conglomerate)

Saturday 30 October 2021

Listen, I DON'T just wanna run faxes from Dave, but I got ELEVEN PAGES OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, Everybody!

It's a VARK-tober Fax-a-palooza! (Which is the nice way of saying that if the Wife hogs the desktop for three days, I'ma run a weeks worth of posts in a day to catch up on the pile...)

Where to begin?

Quit Russian me...
(see, if you click "Russian", it'll take you to the last post of the faxes between Dave and Mikhail. Anyway:)

Speaking of The Russian...
Mikhail asked me:
Since I now communicate with Dave, thanks to you, I would like to indicate your name in thanks section in comics. Please tell me if the Matt Dow (Мэтт Доу) option is acceptable?
Of course I told him "yes", why wouldn't I?
And he sent me:
I'm thanked third.

So I got THAT going for me...


I got mail:
As I said, Steve was "annoyed" by these images:

I mean, I count only twenty-five...

Only twenty-four in this one...

Anyway, I got an email:
Hey Matt,

Here are some photos from Dave. These are the extra KS proof copies that needed to be destroyed.

Have a great day.

Wait for it Steve, wait for it...

Speaking of Cerebus #2 Remastered:
1. Books are being printed.

2. The "Proof Set" of 5 books featuring all 5 of Dave Sim's new covers. After reviewing this draft Dave made significant changes to the book. If you picked up one of these proof sets then you will getting a version of the remastered Cerebus No. 2 that is a lot different from the final production book. There are only 30 signed and numbered sets of all 5 and we have a few left on Indiegogo here -

Obviously, #19 isn't available. 'cause it's down in the AMOCave...

3. The glow in the dark "Demon Khem" trading cards arrived and they turned out great! We photographed the front and back of the card and attempted to capture it in all it's glowing glory. The glowing effect was difficult to capture clearly in a pitch black room but you can see that it works. It's much cooler in person!

They ask me to rewrite this stuff in my own words, but I can't do it for this one... 

4. The rest of the extras are in production.

Cerebus in Hell?:
And Hobbs's Swords of Cerebus in Hell? Kickstarter ends on Wednesday. 

Speaking of Kickstarters:
Friend to the Blog, Gary Boyarski, is Kickstartering his next issue of Jack Grimm: Harbinger of Death. With Dave AND Gerhard art on variant covers.


Back to the Fax Machine:
Yesterday I got from Dave:

Whoa whoa whoa Sim!

I'm gonna cut you off there, and let the good AMOC readers SEE the pages BEFORE they read your take, so that you don't colour their perceptions like you did me...

Okay, everybody see the pages? Anybody got an idea what's happening? Because once you read Dave's guesses, you won't be able to see anything else. *Avert your eyes lest ye go blind*:
I mean, I read this BEFORE I saw the pages, and now I can't see anything else when I look at them...

Heritage, has:
the original art to Dave's New Cerebus #1 cover (see, Dave wanted Dagon to offer a new cover for Cerebus #1 on the Cerebus #2 Kickstarter, but that didn't happen(?) (I don't think...) anyway, here it is:
I've seen the colored version. It's hilarious...

They also got High Society Regency Edition #5 (with #4 and #3 coming soon. And 2 and 1 will be "live" by Thanksgiving...) 
And a 9.8 Graded copy of Epic Illustrated #16, SIGNED by Barry Windsor-Smith (Arnold the Issurian appears in that one.)

And Dave's still selling them Aardvark: Short Sword & Flames, right here on AMOC.

Up to 35% off site-wide:
October 30 – 31
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off -- that means $13 tees, $20 phone cases, $30 hoodies, and way more!
I should probably add some new stuff...

Your friend and mine:
Sean Michael Robinson has made an album
And he and Carson have a Patreon.
And SODAR is coming! SODAR is coming!
The Strange Death of Alex Raymond HC corrected copies are scheduled to arrive in stores with product on sale November 10th!
Just an fyi-- if you are one of those "lucky" 199 folks who had a Strange Death of Alex Raymond misprint shipped to you by Amazon, and you want a corrected printing with all the pages, you'll need to request an exchange and indicate you want a replacement copy. Put "misprinred copy-- pages missing" or something similar in your "reason" field!

The book will be in comic stores Nov 10th and book stores two weeks or so later
Please Hold For Dave Sim:
Barring any unforeseen difficulties, Dave's calling on Thursday. If you got a burning question, please, Please, PLEASE sent it to I got a couple, but can ALWAYS use more...

That's it, that's all I got:
Well, except this:
I know the lack of pupils is canonical, but it still creeps me out...

Plus, I like the strips...

And THANK YOU again to the Mad Cerebus Gifter. I meant what I said in the video. If you want a set of Manly Matt Dow Cerebus in Hell? issues, signed and...well not personalized if you want to maintain your anonymity... just let me know through Dave, and they're yours. In fact, if I send them to you through Dave, he might sign them too... But really, Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Already hung in the "Hall of Solitude"
photo by the five year old.

Thanks, no, really.
Next Time: I just GAVE you a week's worth of posts and you want more?!? You're insatiable!!!

Friday 29 October 2021

More Contagion and Yoda (Dave's Weekly Update #414)

Hi, Everybody!

Dave's Weekly Update: (which is picking up from #412, itself picking up from #410.)

If ya want Steve's book (which Dave dinna talk aboot...):
Anyone outside the U.S. should email me at for a shipping quote.

Buy Parallel Comicverses #1 ($11 postpaid) by Paypal:

Buy a digital copy of Parallel Comicverses #1 ($2) on Paypal:

It's also available on eBay; my seller ID is awakening_comics
Cerebus in Hell?:
And Hobbs's Swords of Cerebus in Hell? Kickstarter ends in four days. 
Friend to the Blog, Gary Boyarski, is Kickstartering his next issue of Jack Grimm: Harbinger of Death. With Dave AND Gerhard art on variant covers.
Heritage, is gonna be auctioning off all sorts of neat stuff. Check it out.
Up to 35% off site-wide:
October 27 – 31
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off -- that means $13 tees, $20 phone cases, $30 hoodies, and way more!
And your friend and mine, Sean Michael Robinson has made an album
And he and Carson have a Patreon.
And SODAR is coming! SODAR is coming!
The Strange Death of Alex Raymond HC corrected copies are scheduled to arrive in stores with product on sale November 10th!
Just an fyi-- if you are one of those "lucky" 199 folks who had a Strange Death of Alex Raymond misprint shipped to you by Amazon, and you want a corrected printing with all the pages, you'll need to request an exchange and indicate you want a replacement copy. Put "misprinred copy-- pages missing" or something similar in your "reason" field!

The book will be in comic stores Nov 10th and book stores two weeks or so later
 Aardvark: Short Sword & Flames.

Next Time: Faxes! All these dang faxes...

Thursday 28 October 2021

When I declared it VARK-tober, I didn't expect this...

Hi, Everybody!

Is Thursday, yes?

"Yep, time for more Aardvark, Short Sword & Flames covers from Dave, yes?"

You are correct, imaginary AMOC reader who lives rent-free in my head...

"I sense a 'but' coming..."

Two-for-two, I.A.R.W.L.I.R-F.I.M.H., is that butter on your pants? 'Cause you're on a roll!

Dave DID send me the latest covers, BUT, he also sent me what can ONLY be described as a "Dave's Weekly Update". See WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY back before Dave started shooting videos in advance and letting Everybody(! (Hi.)) know what he got in the mail/what the new Cerebus in Hell? was/what he thought of that thing I sent him/etc... he would type up an update, and Fax it to our Editor Emeritus, Tim W., and Tim would run it as The Weekly Update

And if THAT ain't what this is, I'll be a monkey's uncle:

Okay. Everybody (hi,!), feel free to unpack ALL OF THAT, while you decide if you got the $800 Canadian ($647.83 'Murican!) to buy one of these (clicky for bigger...): 
This one's a holdover from Last Week, I think the price MIGHT not have gone up...

And this one is "YUGE!" because I want you to REALLY see what Dave did:
That don't look like no sketchbook cover...

I'm not accepting one of these in exchange for giving Dave the eight sketchbooks I have. Dave can just have the dang things. (Nobody wants one of these with a Matt Sketch on it. Or, rather, Nobody wants one with a Matt Sketch on it to the tune of a few hundred dollars (Canadian or American.). I ain't THAT egotistical...) And I'd rather Dave got some coin off these things then send me something he could get paid for. (Although a little part of me wants to draw a Batvark or Little Orphan Aardvark inside them and see if anybody ever finds it...)

Next Time: Dave's fer real Weekly Update
Last Time: Margaret, she's right down below