Wednesday 11 October 2023

Marvelmanvark #1 Kickstarter... ONE WEEK LEFT!

Benjamin Hobbs:

The Marvelmanvark #1 campaign is flying high! Currently at $3,719 as I write this! If you want to back the campaign, you can do so HERE.

In case you missed it, David Birdsong posted this comment about the future of CIH? in the campaign and in the comments of last week's post:

Each issue will continue to be released via the Diamond distribution system Worldwide after the Kickstarter campaign has ended. Because of the campaign time, printing time and shipping time I think we will be fortunate to publish five issues next year. It's actually a bit of a savings if you only want the main cover and none of the variants. A bit because next year's issues that come to your local comic shop will be $5 instead of $4. It's not ideal for anyone when inflation is driving the cost of shipping a lightweight comic book into the stratosphere.

There are digital options on the table as well, but that will require another day or two to work out. It's the first time we're doing it this way and maybe there should have been a big announcement but it isn't like Cerebus in Hell? is being canceled, it's just slowing down. I have a cover rough for issue 100, maybe we'll all see it in about three years.

If nothing else the completed issues will be seen on AMOC or sold cheap on Cerebus Downloads as long as there is still an internet to share them on and someone wants to read them.

Dave sent this fax, which Matt posted Monday, but may have been lost in the word jumbles: 

 Next Week: The last day to back Marvelvarkman!

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