Saturday 30 November 2019

That weird Cerebus Preacher/Punisher crossover?

Hi, Everybody!

House of Cerebus. (FOC should be REAL soon...)

The Silver Cerebus

As was mentioned in an old Please Hold For Dave Sim (you're gonna have to find it yourselves, I got a headache...) Dave was once a guest at an Australian Comic Con, along with Garth Ennis. They ended up spending a lot of time together. Which makes the following even stranger:

So, just before the 2/3rds mark of Cerebus (Issue 198), Dave does this bit:

We all know how it ends.

Well, at just before the 2/3rds point in Preacher (Issue 39 (of 66)), Garth Ennis does this bit:
Weird coincidence right?

It gets weirder:

Everybody remembers this bit:
Well, AMOC's ol' friend Paul Slade sent in:
Dear Matt,

I’m currently working my way through Garth Ennis’s Punisher Max run. In issue #39, I found this scene featuring a Russian general called Zakharov. It’s the 1980s, and he’s executing a village full of Afghan civilians by marching them off a cliff when one of them begs him to save her baby. Zakharov agrees to take it, and then this happens:

TWO issue #39s by Ennis, that echo Cerebus?


Next Time: Oliver!

Thursday 28 November 2019

Netflix Ninja Turtles doc (Dave's Weekly Update #315)

Hi, Everybody!

The Way to Sannozay

A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

We last saw Dave Sim's first notebook used in the creation of Cerebus this past March in Hold On There Y'Long-Eared Galoot. It covers Cerebus #20 to 28 and had 194 pages scanned.

The self portrait by Dave on page 118 had me stop and take a closer look at the page. He had written Cerebus No. 25 along the top, and what appears to be notes for the issue show up on it. Dave's notes make it clear that the artist chap who is never named was originally named Wrightson, "the guy inside the castle -- draws pictures of guys with big swords and girls with big tits."

Notebook 1, page 118
It also seems that Chico was going to appear to buy Wrightson's paintings for his commander. Dave then gives "Berni" some dialogue.

Then on page 124 we see some sketches of the artist chap. Doing a two minute google search, I couldn't find any pictures of Wrightson with hair that looked like that.

Notebook 1, page 124

Wednesday 27 November 2019

VARK WARS #1: on sale NOW!

Benjamin Hobbs:

Hurry to your LCS, VARK WARS #1, the hottest issue of CIH? this year, is on sale NOW! How hot is this book? So hot there are TWO sequels in the works!  Wow! This issue is a "MUST BUY"!

Final cover may not be shown.  I just grabbed what I posted last time.

Now available to order from Diamond: The Silver Cerebus #1!

Promo strip courtesy of David Birdsong
Next week: You may be full of left-over stuffing, but we'll be defacing VARK WARS #1.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Just the Fax Ma'am (A Vark Wars Story.)

Hi, Everybody!

Vark Wars comes out tomorrow, it's too late to get yourself a Vark Wars shirt when you go pick it up, but don't forget to order your House of Cerebus and The Silver Cerebus, your life can't be complete without them*.

Speaking of the Vark Wars, at the end of Steve Peters Week 2, I faxed Dave the "Steve Peters Week 3-D" gag, and he faxed back:

So, there's gonna be a Vark Wars 2.

The Cerebus in Hell? brain-trust and I got to work.
Click to see the NOT FINAL cover bigger....

My first thought was a teaser in the back of the issue before:
Dave said he'd bump whatever issue of CiH? was on the schedule to do Vark Wars 2. so THIS strip goes on the inside back cover to the issue BEFORE Vark Wars 2:

Inset panel in panel one: A comet or meteor shooting through the sky crashing into the ground. SFX on bottom of inset: BOOM
Panel one: A smoking crater in hell (I'd use the Nietzsche panel and take him out.) with two black half circles rising out of it. Robotic caption: [Redacted to NOT spoil the strip-Matt]
Panel two: The black circles have risen out of the crater, and revealed themselves as an Imperial Probe Droid with Mickey Mouse ears. Robotic caption: [Also Redacted.-Matt]
Panel three: Close-up of Batvark looking through binoculars. The Imperial Probe Droid is reflected in the binoculars. Robotic caption reflected in binoculars:[So much redaction....-Matt]
Panel four: Close-up Batvark with the binoculars lowered. Caption Batvark: Well shit....
Text bottom of panel four: COMING SOON: VARK WARS WALT'S EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (with that as the Vark Wars Walt's Empire Strikes Back Logo)
After-gag: [Redacted because it's not funny with out the other stuff-Matt]

I can draw a prototype if the staging is unclear...
Well, Superman's Frenemy: David Birdsong said, "Yes."

I drew this:

Click to see the glory! [Uh, that's NOT the REAL dialogue...-Matt]

Well, Benjamin Hobbs said:
Can we just run that as is?
Well, I faxed up to Dave and said:
I’m not gonna lie Dave, I WAS just gonna storyboard the strip, but then I thought, “all I’m doing is laying out the panels, I don’t need to use the ACTUAL dialogue, they have the script.” And much like the penciled Martin Luther King (that’s says “Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout Dave Sim?”) in my first glamourpuss pitch, the alternate dialogue JUST POPPED IN THERE…

I think it’s funny.

I’ve been quietly laughing and saying “I’ma kill your stupid dick…” to myself every ten minutes since.

What have you turned us into?!?

Mr. the Dow
 And got this response:
But, alas, Dave also said that he's not running a teaser. It's strip #1 now.

So, there ya go.

I'm thinking I might do drawings of the whole book, and release it as "Vark Wars: The WTF Edition" (Would anybody buy it? Sound off in the comments....)

Next Time: Vark Wars comes out. Hobbs has more details....

*Well, it could be, but would it be complete, really?

Monday 25 November 2019

Auctions Extravaganza!

Hi, Everybody!

So, the Vark Wars is coming out on Wednesday (if you're a Prime member, you could pick it up from your LCS in a Vark Wars shirt and blow their G__ D___ MINDS! (Free two day shipping!) (And while you're there, you can order House of Cerebus and The Silver Cerebus!) (Sh*t... that'd be a pretty full day...).

Anyway, Who's got money? 

You got money?

'Cause there's Sim Art out there:
Page 19 of issue 16 at Comicslink
Page 14 from Issue 19 at Comicslink
Original Comic Art:Panel Pages, Dave Sim and Gerhard Cerebus #161 Story Page 20 Original Art
(Aardvark-Vanaheim, 1977).
Page 20 of issue 161 at Heritage
Original Comic Art:Covers, Dave Sim Mars Attacks Zombies vs. Robots Variant Cover B Original
Art (IDW Publishing, 2013)...
Cerebus At-acks Cover at Heritage
This one is sold, but I LOVE the description:
Original Comic Art:Covers, Skottie Young Cable & Deadpool #45 Cover Original Art (Marvel,
Skottie Young Cable & Deadpool #45 Cover Original Art (Marvel, 2007). Although the gag of the marked-out logo for the cover reads "Captain America & Deadpool", the cover art seems to be more like Captain Deadpool & Bucky! It's a funny cover that reminds us of early issues of Dave Sim's Cerebus. Rendered in ink over printed blue lines of Young's own pencil work on bright white Bristol board with an image area of approximately 10" x 15". There are some ink smudges in places. In otherwise Excellent condition.
And then there was this. (You know we can figure out who originally bought this, right?)

Okay, Happy Bidding Jeff (Don't give me that look, you know he is gonna...)!

Next Time: Wanna see a fax from Dave?

Sunday 24 November 2019

Cerebus Around the World and Web #3 by Oliver Simonsen

Hi, Everybody!

Oliver's Back!

Oliver Simonsen:

Still working on a banner idea...maybe plug my comic book character? Here's Dave Sim kindly giving my comic book "Captain Zap" a plug back in the day on his streaming service "Cerebus TV".

Will Elrod, I mean Elric, be the next Game of Thrones?

Mario discovered Elric via Cerebus and in the comments suggests maybe the TV show will take their cue from there

Someone has started reading Cerebus and finds the Elric parody spot on

That time I thought about doing an Elrod comic:)

And here's me trying to do some crayon coloring... get your Dave Sim Xmas cards in early!

Cerebus covers. Cerebus Epic. Cerebus colored everywhere?

Dean White (Amazing Spider-Man, Punisher, Dark Avengers, Captain America, Black Panther, and Wolverine) is asked to color "Cerebus in hell?" Eddie Khanna remembers Dean Reeves colored Cerebus page commision: An amazing hand coloured page (by Ger) from the first issue of Cerebus that he ever worked on: Any Thing Done For the First Time Unleashes a Demon.

Gilmore Girls and Cerebus Syndrome

With Cerebus appearance on the NetFlix show "Toys that made us"

Maybe time for a look back on George Gatsis' and Daniel Grant's Cerebus toys? The toy that comes to life in the beginning of each Dave Sim Weekly Update. There's the "Action Figure yet to be" and the chess set, both which has been covered here and elsewhere before

But there's more

Favorite Cerebus fight move/moment shared

"BobH" of the "Four Realities" blog also shares Cerebus' appearance on a charity jam poster

Cerebus source of Frank Miller news

Alan Moore to do Cerebus?

Suditech shares his Cerebus obsession

Most here probably know that the comic store "Escape Pod Comics" has a "Cerebus wall" - here is the latest edition drawn by @andrewmaclean

The surreal success of Cerebus in hell?

learn from latest promo

"Cerebus in hell?" and furries

He comes from the world of Cerebus...

Thanks mom for Cerebus

Dave Sim Superman letter

Dave Sim and Corp

Cerebus sale

Someone is watching the "Comic Tropes" episode spotlighting Cerebus - which is now at almost at 150k views

She's thinking about Cerebus

Bleeding Cool spotlights the upcoming "Cerebus in hell?" issue called "Silver Cerebus" - order now!

When they had call to the public for submissions for "Cerebus in hell?" parody ideas way back when at this blog i shared their post to the Cerebus Facebook Group and added this in the facebook comments as a goof, but didn't actually submit it. There are legal issues using the movie poster for one:).

Rap mascot Quasimoto is an aardvark
For those unfamiliar with world renown rapper Quasimoto check out his Wikipedia page

And here is Ed Piskor (X-Men Grand Design, Hip Hop Family Tree) doing a mashup

"A Moment of Lord Julius" shared. Now there's a thought:)

Dave Sim and limos

Dave Sim cure for boredom 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover 

Moon Roach!

Cerebus returns! "Motion" comic

RIP Tom Spurgeon. Here covered by New York Times no less.

His stature and the momentous occasion of his "top 10 comics of all time", featuring Cerebus of course, was in his lifetime acknowledged as well. AV Club had an article on his list even, adding: "...the first 150 issues of Cerebus are unparalleled in their ambition and quality, and the last 150 are noteworthy for their singular passion and astonishing art. Cerebus should be in the Top 5"

Thanks Oliver!

Next Time: Art!

Saturday 23 November 2019

It's a long trek out to the ol' AMOC Mailbox, what with the two mile long driveway, and the servants are all hunting, so it's up to me, and I'm no spring chicken, but it's gotta be done...

Hi, Everybody!

So, the Vark Wars is coming out on Wednesday (if you're a Prime member, you could pick it up from your LCS in a Vark Wars shirt and blow their G__ D___ MINDS! (Free two day shipping!) (And while you're there, you can order House of Cerebus and The Silver Cerebus!) (Sh*t... that'd be a pretty full day...), and you'll all get to finally read it.

I read it when I got my copies from Dave.

I signed and sent a copy to Benjamin Hobbs, and he sent one back:
And then....he drew little halos on everybody. EVERYBODY!!!:
Click for bigger insanity.

He also drew mustaches on people....
I love this, but I HATE it! Because I didn't think of it!!!
He even did this:
I need some of those sold out issues too...
And to add insult to injury, he included these:
I made C.O.A.s for all the issues I signed. His are funnier....
And if all that wasn't funnily horrible enough, he ALSO sent me this:
Click to see it in all it's majesty.
(It's at this point, that I feel compelled to note that in the original unfinished (and unpublished) Iguana VS Beer #1, there's a running motif that at the end of every round, I declared a winner between Iguana and Beer. There'd be a caption box that would say: "WINNER: Beer!" or "WINNNER: Iguana!" depending on how the round went. All I can do is the following.)

You want a hilariously goofy signed Vark Wars? Comment on Hobbs post on Wednesday, and maybe he'll sell you one.

Want one signed by me? (I mean, I DID write like half the issue...) Email, and let me know, $4 (USD) plus shipping (which is like a buck or two, and YES, I ship to Timbuktu and all points in-between.).

Next Time: I expect the email from Oliver any minute now... 

Friday 22 November 2019

More mailbag, maybe manga (Dave's Weekly Update #314)

Hi, Everybody!


Speaking of the Vark Wars...

Also House of Cerebus.

And there's a new kid on the block:

The Silver Cerebus
Click for the biggerness

Next Time: A trip to the Ol' AMOC Mailbox.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Changes to the Princess of Palnu

A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

In Get Him Out of the Hotel from October 2017 we last saw a page from Dave Sim's 14th Cerebus notebook, which covers Cerebus #113 to 117. There were 66 pages scanned from the notebook, and 8 blank pages, leaving 6 pages taken out of the notebook. This notebook contained many pages full of writing. Writing Oscar's Princess of Palnu storyline. Some pages had black ink, and others like this page, had what appears to be a black ink that faded differently than some other black in.

Notebook 14, page 31 (click for  larger view)

Walls of  text in a black ink that appears faded over the year. One word, solemnly, stands out as a dark black ink.

On the next page, there are more mark-ups visible.

Notebook 14, page 31 (click for  larger view)
Having the two different "colors" of ink, it makes i easier to compare the changes Dave did as he was writing or shortly thereafter, and some later, perhaps hours or days after the fact.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Cerebus and Dave Sim on Netflix?!?

Benjamin Hobbs:

Hey "Manly" Matt, do I win the award for "Most Click-Bait Title On AMOC In 2019"?

Last night I was watching season three of THE TOYS THAT MADE US on Netflix. This documentary series chronicles the history of various toy lines, each episode focusing on the story of a specific line.  One of the episodes in the new season features the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

About five minutes into the episode the Narrator describes Eastman and Laird creating the TMNT and then goes on to say, "After further developing the characters and story, with limited resources, Eastman and Laird self-published their very first issue."

This text is accompanied by this photo:
On the left we see Laird and Eastman holding up issues of Cerebus, and on the right we see someone holding up a copy of TMNT... is that Dave?  I faxed him and this is his reply:

Cerebus appears again in the documentary about a minute later.  Peter Laird says, "Issue 8 sold 135,000 copies."  And it is accompanied by this image:

Cerebus is not mentioned by name in either brief appearance. (Aside from the cover of TMNT #8, obviously.)

Next Week: Vark Wars is on Sale at your local LCS!