Monday 31 January 2022

Cerebus Short Stories and miscellany "checklist"

Hi, Everybody!

As it's a Monday, here's where I post Dave's Monday Report:

Except I didn't get one because Dave is ill.
SO, Dave and I are SUPPOSED to be doing the Please Hold thing on Thursday, but if he's not up to it, it's not happening. Go ahead and send your questions in to, and if not this month, then in March.

Anyway, Mikhail Bocharov, the Official Cerebus Russian translator is working on the Russian Cerebus #0. Which is going to be the Russian collection of all the Cerebus Miscellany stories (Cerebus Jam, the Swords of Cerebus back-up stories, the Epic bits, and any other things Mikhail can get his hands on and get 'em translated.) 

And the REASON why we English speakers can't have version of this is that this is gonna be digital, and Dave's busy...

Anyway, anyway, Mikhail asked me if his list was accurate:

Well Mikhail, here's what I got in the order I think they should go in, (links to the stories if AMOC has them...or if I know where to find them if AMOC doesn't) which is story order, not necessarily published order.

Young Cerebus: 1390-1394
The Girl Next Door (1390, age five)
His First Fifth (1391, age six)
Selling Insurance (1393, age eight)
Squinteye the Sailor (1394, age nine)

Cerebus, Mercenary/Tax Collector/Freelance/Soldier: 1402-1411
The Defense of Fort Columbia (1402, age seventeen)
A Friendly Reminder (1403, age eighteen)
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do (1403, age eighteen)
The Invention of Armour 1404 (1404, age nineteen)
The Applicant (1405, age twenty)

Cerebus, Barbarian: 1411-1412
The Challenge
Cerebus versus the Spirit
The Name of the Game is Diamondback
A Night on the Town
Cerebus Dreams
What Happened Between Issues twenty & twenty-one

Cerebus, Former Prime Minister of Iest: 1414
The Morning After

Cerebus, Pope: 1414
Cerebus Dreams II
An Untold Tale of the “Secret Sacred Wars”

Cerebus, Non canonical: Team-ups, Cross-overs, & Oddities
The Face on the Barroom Floor
Arnold the Issurian
Hypothetical Cerebus

So, Magiking and Silverspoon for the next Soto voice Cerebus posts...
Cerebus in Hell?:
Swords of Cerebus in Hell? volume 1
Hey, remember Gerhard's getting "Slabbed"? That happens on the 11th. So...don't ferget.
Over on the FaceItBooks, Craig Johnson shared:
For real Sim completists - completionists? - ah, whatever - Clifford Meth posted this and a few here might be interested for the Dave intro:-
Sadly, our friend, the writer/artist Bill Messner-Loebs (Flash, Wonder Woman, The Maxx) has fallen on hard times again. He and his wife, who is not in the best of health, are currently residing in a temporary residence while Bill seeks work. At age 73, that isn't as easy as it should be. While I can only hope other publishers will have work for him, I've developed a project for Bill that will take time to unfold--in the meantime, we have some books that Aardwolf published in 2005, and a handful with bookplates SIGNED by Dave Cockrum, Bill, and myself. THREE TENORS OFF KEY features an introduction by Dave Sim and an Afterword by the late, splendid Tom Spurgeon. SIGNED books just are $25 each plus $3 for postage. Please contact me directly if you'd like one.
I reached out to Mr. Meth, and he said:
I’m afraid they will have to connect with me if they want copies. And I don’t have that many left. I’m sorry but this book was published many years ago and I’m not set up as a business—Just a writer and old friend helping Bill. People can connect with me on Facebook or email me at
And then added:




I also have a handful of these. They are signed by Bill, Dave Cockrum, Paty Cockrum and myself. Selling the sets for $18
So, if you want to help a brother out... 
If you want Digital PDFs of glamourpuss, email me at: and I'll take care of ya...
You can also email there if you want to buy a copy of Pieces of Turtles 8 (Canadian Price Variant) for $25 American. (I got 8 copies available...)
Heritage, they got a bunch of neat Cerebus stuff.
Carson's SDOAR Contests (these end today!):
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark is currently free with commercial interruptions on streaming channels "Plex", Comcast's "Xumo", or watch commercial free at "Vimeo On Demand" for $0.99 (to download for $1.99)  or on Tubi.
Up to 35% off site-wide:
Some time in February
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off -- that means $13 tees, $20 phone cases, $30 hoodies, and way more!
Next Time: Probably Magiking...

Sunday 30 January 2022

Cerebus Around the World and Web #116 by Oliver Simonsen

Oliver Simonsen:

Panels & Prose says "The Strange Death of Alex Raymond" presents "...deft and truly illuminating rumination on the aesthetics of comics in their historic context.

"Strange Death of Alex Raymond" is the work of a great putting out some of the greatest work of his career

"Strange Death of Alex Raymond" is an "awesome book"

"Strange Death of Alex Raymond" latest Amazon reviews:
Paul Mckenzie says "Strange Death of Alex Raymond" "...will simply blow you away", "...both Dave and Carson's artwork are inspired" "Beautiful and amazing artwork"
Michael R calls "Strange Death of Alex Raymond" "Fantastic! Words and Pictures are awesome" " amazing in depth journey..."

Shannon Wheeler on "Strange Death of Alex Raymond": "I’m about 20 pages in and just amazed by the style and technique" "...the drawing and storytelling is amazing! (So far)" "...there’s a lot to learn from it. Pretty amazing.""...worth the read - and 1,000x better than most of the stuff out there." "Everyone I know steals from Sim (ie. is influenced)"
Erik Larsen on "Strange Death of Alex Raymond": "'s a great looking book. The layout is super imaginative and that cover is amazing. I'm glad I bought it..."
Michael Yakutis: "I am about half way into it right now and I'm LOVING it."

"Strange Death of Alex Raymond" spotlighted (in Italian)

Apropos photorealism: from the RAID Gallery's current exhibit; TRAILBLAZERS, A Tribute To Canada’s WWII Comic Creators. This piece by Dave Sim is a tribute to Gerald Lazare
Margaret Liss supplies this link with additional info
Sean Michael Robinson has begun a comprehensive series of articles and videos on the best practices of bringing artwork to print in a brand new series, "Paper to Pixel to Paper Again". Join "Living the Line" every Thursday for a new installment.

Cerebus fan Pam Heinze says of the Cerebus film: "Wow! I just watched it! It was great!"
(I asked if i could share here and she kindly responded: "I would love it if you did! Thank you for making it a reality!")

The start and end of the film production:).

You might recall Blake Andrew Roten's review of the Cerebus film "I watched your Cerebus CG animated Indie Movie on Plex, and it was a whole lot of fun to watch" "...very lively and ambitiously entertaining..."
Blake has now seen the film TWO additional times on Tubi requesting a sequel and/or other projects. Which begs the question, what do I do with myself now?:)

Speaking of channels, playing around with some "streaming channel variant covers":)
Tubi is available in Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and United States on Roku, Fire TV, Android, iOS, Comcast, Samsung, Vizio, Web, Android TV, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Apple TV, Cox, Tivo, Telstra, Hisense, Rogers, Echoshow, Enseo.
Someone at Tubi may know their alternative-groundlevel-underground-indie comics. Tubi's owned by Fox and their first "original programming", and biggest hit, is "Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers" and they wrote this wonderful synopsis for the Cerebus film: "The mind-bending and earnest adaptation of the graphic novel about an adventurous aardvark who risks his destiny by straying from who he truly is."
Plex is available wordwide, except People's Republic of China, on Fire TV, Android, iOS, Apple TV, Web, Samsung TVs, LG TVs Xbox, Xumo, FireTV, Roku TV, iOS, Android
Xumo is owned by Comcast, which also owns NBCUniversal, and is available in Canada, Brazil, Mexico and United States on Web, Roku, Amazon FireTV, iOS, Android, and the following smart TVs: LG, Hisense, Magnavox, Panasonic, Philips, Sanyo, Sharp, and VIZIO
Vimeo is worldwide on everything

Cerebus film dream

Cerebus film 12 year twitter anniversary

Deciding which comics to send to CGC for their in-house Gerhard signing

Gerhard coloring progress on "Becoming Frankenstein"

Dave Sim on "The Comics Journal" cover

Dave Sim comic strip shortly before Cerebus

Calls Dave Sim brilliant while sharing the first 5 "Swords of Cerebus"

Cerebus part of one's comic DNA

Italian site spotlights Cerebus Vol. 15: "Latter Days"

Luis in Spain reviews Cerebus Vol 3

Andrew Rilstone promotes his book on Cerebus

Neil Gaiman and Groucho...or is that Lord Julius?

Erik Larsen and Cerebus

Savage Dragon and Cerebus

Cerebus and Manga

Two "Cerebus and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle" commissions for Joshua Even below:
by Mike Dubisch

by Anthony Figaro

Marcin Pajdak doodles Cerebus

I doodled:)

Cerebus, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Crow

Cerebus, Bone, Madman and Grendel

Cerebus and Spawn (in French)

CerebuSpawn drawn by Manuel Conde Serna

Got Cerebus Cover Art Treasury Edition

Cerebus among the big 4 of Indie comics (in Portuguese)

Cerebus is great (in Portuguese)

Dave Sim story in Marvel's "epic magazine" was great

Bruce Timm drawing of Cerebus

Cerebus and Maus

Dave Sim's "Judenhaas" honor the victims of Auschwitz

Cerebus Russian hashtag

Cerebus #28 in Russian:

James Windsor-smith shares Artie

James Windsor-smith's curtains

Larry Wooten shares Cerebus ads (and Alex Raymond, too) in Savage Sword of Conan magazine (click link for more and the actual pages)

Sketch for a Cerebus anti drunk driving campaign in1985 by Joe Vecchio while based at Misawa Air Base in Japan. Click link for full details

Sean Michael Robinson: this week Carson and I took a look at the genius art of the late, great Gene Day, from the last twenty issues of Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu. Included is a lot of discussion of Gene's influence on Dave, and the reverse as well.
(Thanks to whomever posted their recent Cerebus MOKF sighting! That was what inspired this dive.)

Part one of two...
Joe Vecchio draws Ultra Roach

Thanks Oliver!

Next Time: Another request?