Sunday 20 September 2015

Arnold The Isshurian

Arnold The Isshurian
by Dave Sim
(Originally published in Epic Illustrated #16, February 1982)
Click image to enlarge


Anonymous said...

Dave donated the original art for this strip (6 pieces, as each tier was drawn separately) for an auction I ran benefitting the Disabled American Veterans. He also donated the cover to Swords of Cerebus number 3. I believe his contributions alone raised over $7,000 for the vets. Thanks again, Dave!

Jimmy Gownley

Jeff Seiler said...

THE most generous GUY in all of comics.


I have stuff he just sent me out of the blue, never requested, that are one-of-a-kind pieces. Literally, ONE OF A KIND.

As I told him, a while back he is at the top of my list of most favorite people.

That list is short, but has some very excellent people on it.

You know who you are.

People who denigrate Dave are people who have nothing better to do than try to pull down successful persons, or who are trollish.

Dave Sim has done more for the comic book industry than any other independent publishers, combined.


Was the first.

CerebusTV said...

Not the world's best Schwarzenegger joke though... still at the time before he became a huge box office star and the mainstream was skeptical...

Unknown said...

Conan the Barbarian was released just a year or so prior to this, so the joke hit home with a lot of "blood-and-thunder" fantasy fans, myself included. It was also appreciated by the fans of Howard's original pulp fiction short pieces.

I still laugh at it today, even after first seeing it in print 39 years ago.