Sunday 30 June 2024

Hey! Who wants to see NEW Dave Art?

Hi, Everybody!

So, I get "Incoming!" scans from Dave via Rolly once a week. Some times Dave explains them, and some times he don't. This week? Don't: (click for bigger)

I got nothing...

"Dave" continued inexplicably:

I guess it's a book Dave liked. You can NOT get a copy here (You can get #1, but not #2.):
Click for bigger

Cerebus has come to HumbleBundle. $18 REAL American dollars (or more. They'll take all the money you wanna spend...) gets you all 16 volumes AND the Updated Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing! Eighteen bucks! (Unless you wanna up your pledge to benefit The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN):
The Global FoodBanking Network’s (GFN) mission is to nourish the world’s hungry through uniting and advancing food banks. GFN unites and empowers organizations that support those in need by reducing food waste and cultivating sustainable relationships that save lives.
Or, adjust your pledge levels so Aardvark-Vanaheim gets more. Since you KNOW Dave's probably sending 25% of "the take" to Gerhard. (I think you can do that. I know you can give LESS to Dave and Humble, and more to GFN, not sure about increasing Dave's cut.).)

This deal ends... on July 17th(?)
Friend to the Blog Steve Peters has a NEW Kickstarter: Comicverse: Subspace Chatter Softcover Collection. While it DOESN'T have a new Dave cover (that's the NEXT Kickstarter after this one...) It does have Cerebus related content, and Manly Matt Dow Art. 

The NEXT Kickstarter Steve's gonna do has new Dave art. So, let's help Steve out with this one so he doesn't have his confidence shaken and not do the next one. $30 (including the shipping price) gets you the book. And he's got some original art in there too.

Ten days to go. Come on. COMEON!
Heritage has Cerebus adjacent stuff.
The AMOC TeePublic Shoppe: up to 35% off:

Sometime in July. When I know, you'll know.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.
Annnnd...OH YEAH! My pals at the Waverly Press are running a "Summer Sale". Nearly EVERYTHING is reduced, with discounts between 20 and 80%! Until the end of June. (Sunday the 30th to be PRECISE.) Now's the time to buy that Cerebus #2 you had your eye on... Click HERE, and remember: Your dependents need Cerebus comics more than they need to inherit money when you croak... (I can GUARANTEE this doesn't apply to the NEW Spawn 10 Lenticular covers.)

The Waverly Press is ALSO running a new Kickstarter for a new Bobby Grossman book: Nobody Waved Goodbye.
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. 
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: Monday, so Religion...

Saturday 29 June 2024

Spawn #10 "Crossing Over": Rarities

Hi, Everybody!

Cerebus has come to HumbleBundle. $18 REAL American dollars (or more. They'll take all the money you wanna spend...) gets you all 16 volumes AND the Updated Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing! Eighteen bucks! (Unless you wanna up your pledge to benefit The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN):
The Global FoodBanking Network’s (GFN) mission is to nourish the world’s hungry through uniting and advancing food banks. GFN unites and empowers organizations that support those in need by reducing food waste and cultivating sustainable relationships that save lives.
Or, adjust your pledge levels so Aardvark-Vanaheim gets more. Since you KNOW Dave's probably sending 25% of "the take" to Gerhard. (I think you can do that. I know you can give LESS to Dave and Humble, and more to GFN, not sure about increasing Dave's cut.).)

This deal ends in... I can't remember, but it's not sticking around forever.

Friend to the Blog Steve Peters has a NEW Kickstarter: Comicverse: Subspace Chatter Softcover Collection. While it DOESN'T have a new Dave cover (that's the NEXT Kickstarter after this one...) It does have Cerebus related content, and Manly Matt Dow Art. 

The NEXT Kickstarter Steve's gonna do has new Dave art. So, let's help Steve out with this one so he doesn't have his confidence shaken and not do the next one. $30 (including the shipping price) gets you the book. And he's got some original art in there too.

Eleven days to go. Come on. COMEON!

Over on the Cerebus Facebook group, Tim Stoltzfus shared a rarity, he's got the original script to Spawn #10:

He tells his story:
The original script to Spawn #10, signed by Dave Sim, including a concept sketch for the splash page that was the first piece of art done for the book.
Been meaning to post this bit of Cerebus history in here for a while. Long story coming, but sharing here in part because I know people who can contact Dave Sim directly to verify this item is legit and because I think it is time I find a permanent archival home for it so it doesn't disappear.
The Long Story:
Back when I was much younger, I had a comic store in Southeast Pennsylvania and was a Cerebus fan. I met Dave many times at cons in the region, had a few letters printed back in the day, too.
It was May of 1993 when Heroes World Distribution held a retailer conference/gathering at their warehouse in New Jersey. (I think it was in Piscataway? It's been a while.)
One night was a charity casino night/auction. Everyone was given 1k in chips to play with, and then after several hours, you could use the chips to bid on auction items. Naturally, they wanted to raise as much money as possible, so you could bid above the chips you had, you just had to pay cash.
A side effect of this was that bidding prices were done in increments of $100 of "play money", but $100 in play chip money was actually $10 in real money. So an opening bid of $100 cost $100 in chips OR $10 in real money.
When this item came up to bid, hey, I wanted it. After a few rounds of bidding, it came down to me and one other person. Part of the auction was that Dave would sign the script for you and do a head sketch the next day.
I should be more specific, it came down to my Mom and one other person. While I was running the stores, she was the person who took care of most of the money, so she had final say in how much we spent on this item.
The reason the front page says "...and Forty-Five Hundred, Thanks!" is because the bidding got to $450 before the other person gave in.
The next day when I caught up with Dave to get it signed, Dave saw me and said "Oh, of course it is you that won it! But I can't give you just a head sketch, you already have a couple dozen of them." So he drew the full body sketch.
He also shared that he wasn't aware of the money system, so when he was in another part of the room and heard the amount being bid on the script, he was freaking out, "Who in their right mind is paying $4000 for this thing?" is the quote I recall.
I meant to post this a long time ago in here, but my mother passed away back in July of 2022 after an extended period of illness and I decided I didn't want to let this go just yet. It's one of the gems of my collection and I have her to thank for it.
But, I feel it is time I make sure it ends up in a safe place in case something happens to me. It's a piece of comic history now that should be preserved.
I'm hoping someone here who has the contact can share this with Dave and provide confirmation and then I figure we'll go from there. Anyone is free to PM me about this if they have ideas.
Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy the pics!

If you're a member, you can see the whole thing in a video.

I'm pretty jazzed, because I might get hi-res scans of the whole thing.

And IF I do, I'll have half the set.

See, back before they realized what a horrid little thief I am, I got to poke around backstage, and one time I stumbled on the scans of Dave's copy of Neil Gaiman's script and thumbnails for Spawn #9:
This is over thirty years old. If that address or those numbers are still good, I'll eat Cerebus' hat...

Click for bigger

Click for bigger

OF COURSE I TOOK THEM! I JUST said I was a thief. Don't gimme that look! You woulda took 'em too!

I stole Todd's original cover to Spawn #10 too:
Click for bigger
AND Dave's note:
Click for bigger
I mean, how could I NOT?!?

Heritage has Cerebus adjacent stuff.
The AMOC TeePublic Shoppe: up to 35% off:

Sometime in July. When I know, you'll know.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.
Annnnd...OH YEAH! My pals at the Waverly Press are running a "Summer Sale". Nearly EVERYTHING is reduced, with discounts between 20 and 80%! Until the end of June. (Sunday the 30th to be PRECISE.) Now's the time to buy that Cerebus #2 you had your eye on... Click HERE, and remember: Your dependents need Cerebus comics more than they need to inherit money when you croak... (I can GUARANTEE this doesn't apply to the NEW Spawn 10 Lenticular covers.)

The Waverly Press is ALSO running a new Kickstarter for a new Bobby Grossman book: Nobody Waved Goodbye.
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. 
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: More stolen goods? Ya know, by reading this YOU'RE just as guilty as I am...

Friday 28 June 2024

D-Day, Richard Rohmer Pt 4 (Dave's weekly update #545)

Hi, Everybody!

Like it says on the Logo:
The little bit on the bottom there...

It's Friday, so that means:
Dave's Weekly Update:

Continuing from Last Week.
A Moment of Cerebus runs Saturday through Friday.

But you don't give two tugs of an Aardvark's wang
There it is. 

BECAUSE...if you've been holding off on buying the digital phonebooks at, because $99 Canadian is still a lot of money, 
Cerebus has come to HumbleBundle. $18 REAL American dollars (with the dead slaveowners on them. The way God intended money to look. Not with waterfowl like what's on SOME PEOPLES so-called "money"...) gets you all 16 volumes AND the Updated Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing! Eighteen bucks! (Unless you wanna up your pledge to benefit The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN):
The Global FoodBanking Network’s (GFN) mission is to nourish the world’s hungry through uniting and advancing food banks. GFN unites and empowers organizations that support those in need by reducing food waste and cultivating sustainable relationships that save lives.
Or, adjust your pledge levels so Aardvark-Vanaheim gets more. Since you KNOW Dave's probably sending 25% of "the take" to Gerhard. (I think you can do that. I know you can give LESS to Dave and Humble, and more to GFN, not sure about increasing Dave's cut.).)

This deal ends in... I can't remember, but it's not sticking around forever. Get on it before I post an Aardvark wang again
(his foreskin is made from REAL pseudo...)


The Week in AMOC:
  • Saturday: Notes towards a cover.
  • Sunday: I run the nigh-impossible to run High Society pages.
  • MondayThe Monday Report and Dave's got a new Pen pal.
  • Tuesday: Jen's update for us on The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Go Fund Me.  Speaking of SDOARGFM, $163 until the next page is unlocked. And she's got a deal for a VINTAGE Cerebus #2.
  • Wednesday: Hobbs continues his look at the terrifying world inside your computer. (Think TRON, but with more chainmail bikinis...)
  • Thursday: Margaret continues GIVING away the first Notebook AKA Albatross 1 for FREE! We're trying to sell the six extra copies that are at Camp David Mags! And. You're. Just. GIVING! It. Away... See here if you wanna physical copy. 
  • Friday: that's this post. You're reading the Friday post right now. This is like that bit in Spaceballs. (Should I link to LAST WEEK'S Update in these things?)

Okay, so that was the past week in AMOC. You're welcome.

And now, back to Bizness as unusual:
Heritage has Cerebus adjacent stuff.
The AMOC TeePublic Shoppe: up to 35% off:

Sometime in July. When I know, you'll know.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.
Friend to the Blog Steve Peters has a NEW Kickstarter: Comicverse: Subspace Chatter Softcover Collection. While it DOESN'T have a new Dave cover (that's the NEXT Kickstarter after this one...) It does have Cerebus related content, and Manly Matt Dow Art. 
Annnnd...OH YEAH! My pals at the Waverly Press are running a "Summer Sale". Nearly EVERYTHING is reduced, with discounts between 20 and 80%! Until the end of June. (Sunday the 30th to be PRECISE.) Now's the time to buy that Cerebus #2 you had your eye on... Click HERE, and remember: Your dependents need Cerebus comics more than they need to inherit money when you croak... (I can GUARANTEE this doesn't apply to the NEW Spawn 10 Lenticular covers.)

The Waverly Press is ALSO running a new Kickstarter for a new Bobby Grossman book: Nobody Waved Goodbye.
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. 
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: 75% probability of Aardvark Wang. Maybe 88%...

Thursday 27 June 2024

Notebook One: Cerebus #24 Part Four


A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

Maybe instead of rewriting this opener every week, I’ll be a bit more efficient with my use of time and have this standard opening: 

Have you got your copy of Albatross One? That is Dave Sim’s name for his first notebook used in the creation of Cerebus. If you want a copy of the notebook – and trust me, as someone who has held the actual Albatross One, it is a pretty close duplicate and looks great – you can check out this post right here. Well not this post. The one at this link. Go check it out, this post will still be here.

And if you don’t want to buy one, you can wait as I release a couple of pages a week and check them out using the Notebook One tag. But trust me, the notebook is much much nicer then my silly little posts.

Okay, now that is done, on with this week’s Notebook One post.


Before we begin, I want to acknowledge that this is my 500th column on Dave’s notebooks. I’ve enjoyed picking selections from the notebooks and diving into their contents with you. Thanks for reading! Now on to our regularly scheduled programming.


For almost this entire month we’ve been looking at pages that cover material for Cerebus #24. Kind of. Most of it wasn’t used in the actual comic, and I’ve been wondering when we’d get to the actual content for Cerebus #24 other then the few bits we’ve seen amongst all the unused material. Well, with page 96 we get our first look at Woman Thing, who does make an appearance in Cerebus #24

Notebook 1, page 96

We get a sketch, the first one, of Woman Thing. And then a couple of other sketches of I don’t know what – two faces? I’m not sure what is happening with the one in the square panel. Any thoughts?

Down the bottom of the page, Dave starts from scratch with a numbered list of pages and what he wants to have on each. We only get items for #1 – 4:

1. Distance shot

2. Going to be here for a while yet. Begin exercising in a week.

3. Sees the thing reaction and counter reaction.

4. Baam! M’sieu what is it? Something out there.

The next page in the notebook continues the numbering all the way to the last page 20:

15. So that was it – she had just tighten the bandage [MRL: last word might be healed hard to tell]

16. What would he find? Almost caught. 

17. C’min C’min – must as well know everything. . .

18. Is there any reason these revolutionaries couldn’t be women?

19. Women who were strong independent. Prof. Charles Claremont’s School for Gifted Debutantes.

20. My greatest creation “Woman-Thing”

Notebook 1, page 97

So looking at these two pages, they more accurately show us what is to be in Cerebus #24. Though I don’t think the dialogue at the bottom of the page between Cerebus and one of the girls at the school shows up in the finished pages.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

The Ladies of Cerebus: AI edition: Part Two: Red Sophia

 Benjamin Hobbs:

As promised last week, Red Sophia as generated by AI, as prompted by David Birdsong:

 I look forward to all the constructive criticism in the comments. 

Next Week: Jaka, AI edition

Tuesday 25 June 2024

SDoAR 2.26: The Raffle for Cerebus #2 Begins!

And so it begins...

Rules to win Cerebus #2 and Help Out SDoAR

One entry per person to anyone who donates $25 or more to the Strange Death of Alex Raymond 2024 GoFundMe campaign from June 25, 2024 until Monday, July 15, 2024 at midnight, PST.

I will then randomly assign numbers to each entry and have Dave pull another Karnak, and I'll announce the winner on July 16, 2024. 

Reminder that anyone who unlocks a page (every $200 raised) gets a thank you gift from Dave! For instance, Philip Berkheimer, who has unlocked numerous pages, received the following for unlocking page 345...

So what are you waiting for?!?

Just the GoFundMe Facts, Ma'am

  • $13,037.00 raised to date from 217 donations
  • 68 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 6 December 2021
  • 89 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • $163.00 away from unlocking page 90
  • If you have not donated > $5+ donation grants access to all 89 pages and all pages moving forward
  • If you have donated, thank you, but if you want to donate monthly, GoFundMe does not offer that option, so please do so as we are at the end of month #6 of Year 2.

The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Preview, Part Twenty-Five

this, and



SDOAR GoFundMe -->> <<-- SDOAR GoFundMe