Monday 31 August 2020

"I Think She's Functionally Illiterate." "Manly" Matt Dow's THIRD glamourpuss pitch

Hi, Everybody!


Yesterday Oliver shared a link to the tweeters where I talked about how page nine of glamourpuss #25 happened

Well, that was OBVIOUSLY an abbreviated version of the story, so now from the depths of the AMOCHIVE, I bring you the third excerpt from “Time Machine and a coat hanger!” The Making of glamourpuss #25/ Zootananpuss #4, page 9*:

(For those that are coming in fresh, part 1, part 2.)

So, back to the drawing board (metaphorically speaking, I wrote most of these pitches at my security guard job.) 

Finally after seven months of constant (no, it wasn’t) back breaking (no, it wasn’t) labor (it was more fun than I’m making it sound) I had a new pitch to send to Dave:

glamourpuss pitch #3:
Hey Dave,

So here’s the pitch, if you like it, I’ll send up my drawings and the photo reference. I’ve had the title in my head since 2003. I’m glad I finally found a place to use it. Give me a call when you read this if you wanna discuss it (good or bad) I work until 4PM your time, but I’m available every night until 10PM. My numbers are (***) ***-**** (cell) and (***) ***-**** (home) I’d recommend calling home first. Hope ya like this,

Matt Dow

Page 1, banner across top of page: Aardvark-Vanaheim presents our next “sure fire” winner: The Bi-Curious Adventures of Avril Lavigne (and then really small) Copyright 2012 Dave Sim* (at bottom of page) *Iguana and Beer copyright 2012 Matt Dow
As I put on my rough, I suggested Dave use the art from Pretty Girls and Other Subjects:

Because I thought that'd save him from having to draw a new image.
Anyway, back to the pitch:
Panel 1: Image of Avril Lavigne on right with text on left
Text: Being an International superstar can be, like, totally exhausting. So it’s, like, ya know, totally bitchin’ that after the applause dies, and the, like, curtain comes down, that, like, my Bi-curious Adventures can, like, totally begin…
Panel 2: Iguana and Beer looking up at panel 1(they could be changed to two other characters, like you as Iguana and me as Beer if you want. I’ll get photos of me and thru the magic of photo-realism we can appear together.)
Text Iguana: Yeah… I’m out.
Text Beer: What?

Panel 3: Iguana and Beer looking at each other.
Text Iguana: Pretty sure this one gets us sued. I’m out.
Text Beer: No…we won’t get sued.

Panel 4: Same only Iguana is pointing up at panel 1.
Text Iguana: In what bizarre universe does THAT not get us sued?
Text Beer: Listen, under “Parody and Fair Use” we can use her and not get sued.

Page 2, banner across top of page: The Bi-Curious Adventures of Avril Lavigne (and then really small) Copyright 2012 David Slim* (at bottom of page) *Iguana and Beer copyright 2012 Mike Dowe
Panel 1: Image of pretty girl (which I will provide later) on left with text on right and an ID card with Avril Lavigne’s picture in the lower right corner
Text: This is Vanessa, I met her on a flight to New Zealand. It was, like, a really, like, long flight, so we, like, started foolin’ around and, OMG, that’s how I, like, joined the, like, Mile High Club…
Text ID card: Earth Pig Airlines Mile High Club “Get there in the Air” Avril Lavigne member since 2008

 Here's the three images I had in my files that I was gonna send Dave as candidates for "Vanessa":

Panel 2: Iguana and Beer looking at each other. Iguana has his arms raised in annoyance.
Text Iguana: For saying she’s gay?!?
Text Beer: Not gay, Bi. There’s a difference.

Panel 3: Same, only now Iguana is subdued.
Text Iguana: Can you prove it either way?
Text Beer: …no.

Panel 4: straight shot of Iguana
Text Iguana: Yeah…I’m out.

Page 3, banner across top of page: The Bi-Curious Adventures of Avril Lavigne (and then really small) Copyright 2012 Victor Davis* (at bottom of page) *Iguana and Beer copyright 2012 Bruce Zachs

My suggested image for page three.

Panel 1: Image of Taylor Swift on right with text on left.

Text: This is Taylor. We, like, met at this, like, awards show or something. The tension between us was, like, palatable, or something. We were totally gonna organize this “Free Lindsey Lohan” benefit concert, but, like, by the time we got serious, Lindsey was already free. So we partied in Cabo instead.
Panel 2: straight shot of Beer.
Text Beer: Listen, we’re not gonna get sued 1: Parody and Fair Use, 2:She’s never gonna find out, 3: have you ever heard her song “SK8ER Boi”? I think she’s functionally illiterate.

Panel 3: Beer and Iguana facing each other, Iguana is pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.
Text Iguana: You make a strong case…I’m out.

Panel 4: straight shot of Beer
Text Beer: Seriously?

Page 4, banner across top of page: The Bi-Curious Adventures of Avril Lavigne (and then really small) Copyright 2012 The Follicly-Challenged Neil Gaiman of Earth 2* (at bottom of page) *Iguana and Beer copyright 2012 The Not-So-Super Clark Kent of Earth 111

My suggested image for page four.
Panel 1: Image of girl on left, text on right
Text: And this is Liz. She’s, like, English or something. When we met, she, like, invited me back to her, like, flat for “tea and crumpets.” I, like, didn’t know what a crumpet was, but, like, based on what happened next, “crumpets” are, like, banned in Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and Mississippi because they, like, “constitute lewd and unlawful behavior.”

Panel 2: Beer Facing Iguana
Text Beer: glamourpuss sells what, around 2000 copies?
Text Iguana: So?

Panel 3: Same.
Text Beer: So a quarter of those get “bagged and boarded” and never read.
Text Iguana: So?

Panel 4: Same.
Text Beer: So what are the odds that she or her lawyers will ever see a copy?

Page 5 panel one: a letter
Letter Text: Law offices of Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger and McCormick
Misters Iguana & Beer, We represent Avril Lavigne. Glamourpuss Industries, its directors, officers, agents, employees and assigns (collectively, “Iguana & Beer”) are hereby warned and notified to CEASE AND DESIST making false and defamatory statements regarding Avril Lavigne and its ongoing matters with Iguana & Beer. It has come to our attention that false statements were made by Iguana & Beer. Specifically in the previous four pages titled “The Bi-Curious Adventures of Avril Lavigne.” The statements made by Iguana & Beer regarding Avril Lavigne are false, defamatory, constitute tortuous interference with business, and as such, are actionable under Canadian law. If our client is forced to commence a lawsuit against Iguana & Beer in order to stop continued false and defamatory statements, be advised that we will seek recovery of all attorneys’ fees and costs incurred herein as a result. While we certainly hope this is not necessary, we are prepared to pursue whatever avenues are necessary on behalf of our client to stop the continued false and defamatory statements made against Avril Lavigne by Iguana & Beer.

Charles H. Hungerdunger
Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger and McCormick

Panel 2: Beer and Iguana looking up at panel 1.
Text Beer: Well look at that…
Text Iguana: F*** me running…

Panel 3: Beer and Iguana looking at each other.
Text Iguana: “Parody and fair Use” huh?
Text Iguana: Schmuck…

Panel 4: Beer looking up at panel 1, no Iguana.
Text Beer: Well I guess this kills next issue’s “Diane Keaton: Vampire Slayer”…

So notes on Pitch #3: I liked that every page the names change. First it’s Dave and I, then what glamourpuss calls us,

Actually, "Mike Dowe" comes from when Dave sent me the pictures of when I gave him his gold watch for finishing Cerebus, he had signed them "To Mike".  And I used to get asked all the time if my last name had an "E" in it.

then Dave’s substitute from Reads and a pseudonym I created for myself,

It's the names of two of my favorite cats I've lived with. 

fourth is a character Dave played on Cerebus TV and a similar character I could have played had Cerebus TV continued.

Anybody else remember The Follicly-Challenged Neil Gaiman of Earth 2?

The law firm that the cease and desist comes from is the law firm Groucho uses in the Marx Brothers’ Animal Crackers.

I drew the first four pages and then went on the internet to get a sample cease-and-desist letter I could use as a template. When I finished writing up my version, I realized that I didn’t have an ending while I was typing up page five. “Diane Keaton Vampire Slayer” was a top-of-my-head idea. She was in an article in one of the two issues of Vogue I had bought as research for my pitches. 
Next Time: How I discovered my script made the cut!

*Advance praise for glamourpuss archive:

"Up until an hour ago, I would have stated for a fact that [Jeff] Seiler's CEREBUS READERS IN CRISIS was the most uncalled-for example of Dave Sim Ephemera to hit the market, but I think you have him beat with this one."
Dave Sim
Creator- Cerebus, glamourpuss, Judenhass, The Strange Death of Alex Raymond, You Don't Know Jack, Cerebus in Hell?

Sunday 30 August 2020

Cerebus Around the World and Web #43 by Oliver Simonsen

Hi, Everybody!

Dave's calling for Please Hold on Thursday, so if you got a question, send it to

Oliver Simonsen:

If you have gmail you've probably been notified of their updated "google sites" - it's free hosting! And since I've been thinking about getting a website again I tried it though not quite sure what to put on it yet:).
I'm thinking...of going with what we had when we initially started. Back in the day we had webcomics on the site, not to mention additional film adaptations of comics by Steve Lafter and the late Howard Cruse. (And a co-production on an animated short with Arcana's Kade comic). A scifi anthology solicited to Diamond featuring all the biggest indie names - stuck my neck out for the only person featured who wasn't a name yet, our very own Matt Dow. And let's not forget those Cerebus TV bumpers - so many other hats worn on that venture. All in all there were many irons in the fire and I soon realized that we would needed to put a pin in our expansion plans, but hopefully our day will come...maybe...meanwhile step one let's see about getting a website again...

Cerebus film adaptation

Cerebus in Marvel's epic illustrated issue 28

Cerebus fractures his destiny

Cerebus cartoon adaptation

BRAND NEW SPACE ADVENTURE BY DAVE SIM!!! Dave is guest writer on Steve Peter's comic "Comicverse" - become a Steve Peter's Patreon to read it!

From article spotlighting artist Bob Boze Bell’s 20 years illustrating the Old West for True West:
Bob explains: “Way back when I was a struggling cartoonist, a Canadian cartoonist named Dave Sim (Cerebus) said, ‘Every artist has 10,000 bad drawings in him.’ This statement really hit me between the eyes. Up to that time—the mid-1970s—I was completing a sketchbook about every two years. I’m not kidding. That’s how unserious and slow I was. So, when I heard the Sim challenge, I made a vow to do six bad drawings a day until I got to the magic number of 10,000, to see if it was true. And, simply put, this simple task unlocked the door and changed my life.”

Gerhard Prop Store’s Los Angeles Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction August 26-27
Click for bigger

Sean Crouch (CO-EP on The 100. Previously showrunner on Exorcist, Lore, writer/producer on Helix, Numb3rs and Unforgettable - and even worked on Veronica Mars way back when!) points out Gerhard on backgrounds

Dan White (Comic Creator of Sticky Ribs, Cindy & Biscuit, and Terminus. Co-host of the podcast SILENCE) points out essential backgrounds in Cerebus

Dave Sim/Gerhard longest consecutive run on a single comic

Cerebus cameo in Paul Gadzikowski webcomic "The Hero of Three Faces"

Cerebus the joiner

Aspiring to make a Dave Sim sized phonebook comic

Cerebus mood

Comic Creator Wes Craig draws Cerebus

"Cerebus in hell?" and alternative rock

Reading Cerebus issue 88

Reading Cerebus issue 20

Cerebus issue zero is luckily still in mint condition

A video look at Cerebus Church and State

Cerebus motion comic

Cerebus backgrounds and animation cells

Cerebus panels shared

Cerebus is life changing

Dave Sim smartly done Cerebus comic

Cerebus Syndrome part of the vernacular

Matt Dow got to write a glamourpuss story!! Here's the story behind the story

Glamourpuss and Alex Raymond

Commercial illustration is nice and all, but Matt Dow has his eyes set on High Art

Speaking of, anybody up for some original Space Vark art? (Whatever you want to pay)

Cerebus, Elfquest and Marvel

Cerebus and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Cerebus and Sandman

Cerebus, Spawn, Savage Dragon, Judge Dredd, Conan and Uncle Scrooge

Cerebus and Spawn

Lost most of Cerebus during a move:(

Legendary Kurt Busiek has a lot of Cerebus

Cerebus punk band T-shirt

Cerebus in "Comics Interview"


Margaret Liss props from Lenny Cooper
(would always refer cgi artists on the film to her site - especially the wiki portion which will hopefully return)

Ron Essler knows his Cerebus forwards and backwards

Brian Payne found a letter by a Eolake Stobblehouse (turns out to be the one and the same as our Eolake Stobblehouse) praising Alan Moore's Supreme and his debate with Dave Sim

Eolake Stobblehouse quotes Dave Sim on Alan Moore

Andrew Miller shares Bleeding Cool spotlighting "Cerebus in hell?" Alan Moore parody

Keith Callbeck's Captain Canuck Summer Special signed by Dave Sim

Sam Noir posts:
The Comics Journal on "Reads"
The Comics Journal on Dave writing
The Comics Journal on Dave speaking
The Comics Journal on Dave hosting
The Comics Journal Dave Sim cover
The Comics Journal on Deni on Dave
Cerebus ad
Cerebus and the Red Baron

"Comics Scene" with Cerebus news on Moon Roach story by Dave Sim and Bill Sienkiewicz

"Comics Scene" Cerebus drawing

Feature Magazine on Dave Sim and Larry Marder

Larry Wooten shares Larry Marder as Nexus

Dan Day: i gave dave the money for issue no. 1 when he was still working on it...!

John P Garrett shares a prized possession

Bear Toffoli Cerebus/Dave Sim question

Raymond Mountford Waverly Press question

Gilly Singh glamourpuss question

Steve Peters and Dave Sim

Paul Poirier didn't expect the the unexpected

Art Adams tribute to Cerebus

Dan Eckhart's blog includes the earth-pig

John Slevin has a new Cerebus Ceramic up for sale

Porst card from Dave Sim to Margaret Liss

Thanks Oliver!


The Amicable Spider-Vark is in stores, which is the lead in to Spider-Whore, which was SUPPOSED to be the immediate sequel, but Batvark: PENIS ended up taking Spider-Whore's slot when COVID-19 threw everything up into the air.

Speaking of Spider-Vark, A Moment of Cerebus is facilitating Aardvark/Vanaheim's auctioning of a signed copy of the mis-stapled The Amicable Spider-Vark #1. Bidding is at $100 American dollars (plus shipping) to Rich Laux. I'm ending this on Tuesday.

"Cerebus in Hell? 4 Sell". With all the profits going to Aardvark-Vanaheim. This goes away Tuesday too. Then the designs will be added to: Cerebus masks and whatnots with all the money going to Dave.

If you missed the Kickstarter for Dave and Carson Grubaugh's You Don't Know Jack, there's an Indiegogo, which is going to be ending soon. So, go go Indy.

If you missed the Waverly Press Kickstarter for the Remastered Cerebus #1, limited overflow of the rewards are available at

And Signed copies of Vark Wars: Walt's Empire Strikes Back (Signed by Dave, Signed by Dave and me, Signed by me after I scribble out Dave's name, Pretty much available Signed only...)

Next Time: I dunno, depends on what I find/remember...

Saturday 29 August 2020

A "pleasant" surprise, and a cautionary tale wherein you learn something nobody needs to know...

Hi, Everybody!

Dave's calling on Thursday, so get your questions in to
If you missed the Kickstarter for Dave and Carson Grubaugh's You Don't Know Jack, there's an Indiegogo, which is going to be ending any minute now, which is good news for me, as I've run out of Indy to go go...

And in the latest update, Carson drew a SURPRISE one of his "Google-Image Grab-Bag Sketches" for me:
And for MANLY MATT DOW, whose work at we are all forever grateful for, comes the sketch "Prehensile Dolphin Penis", a phrase I chose because because Matt informed me about this fact of nature at some point and I thought it would make hilarious surprise. I am so sad I cannot find the original message to quote from.

Matt, if you want to make an actual request I am happy to do you a second piece (pun DEFINITELY intended).
Carson may have forgot, but it's from my Kickstarter backer survey, Kickstarter wouldn't let me leave anything blank, so I answered everything:
If you increased your pledge to add an additional reward, please let us know the details of that here!
I didn't, but I'll take any extras you got laying around ;^)
Did you increase your pledge for personalization of signature? If so, please type how you'd like your signature personalized here! Otherwise leave this blank.
I didn't, but kickstarter is saying I missed a line, so I'm filling in everything.
If you increased your pledge for a Google Grab-bag sketch, the what would you like your text prompt to be?
I did not.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
A dolphin has a fourteen inch prehensile penis.
Now, WHY I know that is a cautionary tale...

About twenty or more years ago, my friend Jeff
No, my other friend Jeff

No, my OTHER other friend Jeff, had subscribed to an email list of weird and disturbing things. There were odd photos and links to weird websites.

One time, there was a link to a website from a "zooaphile" who was attracted to dolphins (the guy explained that it wasn't bestiality because the animals and people love each other.)

And then proceeded to describe dolphins sex organs and how to have sex with them. That's how I learned that male dolphins have fourteen inch prehensile penises. I also learned that when a male dolphin is aroused, his belly will turn pink, and he'll wrap his penis around the female and dive, and other things about dolphins and sex that nobody really wants to know...

"Uh...okay and I need to know this why?"

I'll get back to that in a second...

So, after seeing this website, I made my friend Jeff print it out for me. Because I had found the End of the Internet. When you reach the "how to @#$% a dolphin" you've hit the End of the Internet. And I wanted a copy, so I could hand it to people who didn't believe me when I said the Internet had an ending.

NOW, the reason it's good to know that a male dolphin has a fourteen inch prehensile penis, and when aroused their belly will turn pink, and they'll will wrap their penis around the object of their desire and dive is that about a year after reading this website, I saw a Dateline episode about a woman who was swimming with the dolphins somewhere when a male dolphin got aroused wrapped his dick around her leg and dove and nearly drowned her. And I thought "damn, that's why you don't swim with dolphins that have pink bellies..."

The more you know


The Amicable Spider-Vark is in stores, which is the lead in to Spider-Whore, which was SUPPOSED to be the immediate sequel, but Batvark: PENIS ended up taking Spider-Whore's slot when COVID-19 threw everything up into the air.

Speaking of Spider-Vark, A Moment of Cerebus is facilitating Aardvark/Vanaheim's auctioning of a signed copy of the mis-stapled The Amicable Spider-Vark #1. Bidding is at $100 American dollars (plus shipping) to Rich Laux. I think I'm gonna end this on Tuesday.

Cerebus masks and whatnots with all the money going to Dave.

Also ending Tuesday: "Cerebus in Hell? 4 Sell". With all the profits going to Aardvark-Vanaheim.

If you missed the Waverly Press Kickstarter for the Remastered Cerebus #1, limited overflow of the rewards are available at

And Signed copies of Vark Wars: Walt's Empire Strikes Back (Signed by Dave, Signed by Dave and me, Signed by me after I scribble out Dave's name, Pretty much available Signed only...)

Next Time: Oliver and a whole mess of links, but after today's cautionary tale, you're not gonna click any of them, are you?

Friday 28 August 2020

SPIDER-WHORE (Dave's Weekly Update #354)

Hi, Everybody!


Click for biggers

The Amicable Spider-Vark is in stores, which is the lead in to Spider-Whore, which was SUPPOSED to be the immediate sequel, but Batvark: PENIS ended up taking Spider-Whore's slot when COVID-19 threw everything up into the air.

Speaking of Spider-Vark, A Moment of Cerebus is facilitating Aardvark/Vanaheim's auctioning of a signed copy of the mis-stapled The Amicable Spider-Vark #1. Bidding is at $100 American dollars (plus shipping) to Rich Laux.

Cerebus masks and whatnots with all the money going to Dave.

Until the end of the month, there's also "Cerebus in Hell? 4 Sell". With all the profits going to Aardvark-Vanaheim.

If you missed the Kickstarter for Dave and Carson Grubaugh's You Don't Know Jack,  there's an Indiegogo, which is probably going to end this week, which is good news for me, as I've run out of Indy to go go Indy.

If you missed the Waverly Press Kickstarter for the Remastered Cerebus #1, limited overflow of the rewards are available at

And Signed copies of Vark Wars: Walt's Empire Strikes Back (Signed by Dave, Signed by Dave and me, Signed by me after I scribble out Dave's name, Pretty much available Signed only...)

Next Time: Carson Grubaugh and well...a dolphin penis. What, I ain't kidding...

Thursday 27 August 2020

Cerebus #153 Notes

A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

We last saw the twentieth notebook that Dave Sim used in the production of Cerebus back in February of 2019 in Looked Like a Hyena. Covering Cerebus #153 to 164, the notebook had 59 pages scanned.

Page one of the notebook has a lightly sketched layout for page 2 of Cerebus !53, and also the text of it:

Notebook 20, page 1
Cerebus #153, page 2 – Flight page 48

Page two has a list of things that will either have happen by issue #153 or will happen at some point in Flight. As long as you think of the Pigts’ statue of an aardvark which looks eerily similar to Cerebus mysteriously being made whole again after lying in ruin as rising into the air.

Notebook 20, page 2

We have a piece of dialogue from the General, and then on the left we have Cerebus’ speech to the watching Iestans.  Original it looks like Cerebus was going to refer to himself as just Cerebus, but Dave changed it to Most Holy. And he also changed Cerebus calling the Cirinists bitches and called them cows instead. The final text has him calling for the Iestans to “kill the Cirinits” not ‘drive the unbelieving cows from your city.’

We also see a bit about the “illusion tower” – seems Cirin was calling the tower an illusion. But how can Cerebus die if he was on an illusion?

Wednesday 26 August 2020


As mentioned by Twitter Volunteer Numero the First, Brian West, 

The Amicable Spider-Vark 

was released today despite the fact that the entire print run had the cover stapled on backwards and had to be reprinted in a hurry.  With the deadline for delivery looming we rented a herd of ponies, 51 Irish wolfhounds and 26 hot-air balloons piloted by all 26 Canadians that still vote Conservative and the comics made it to your LCS on time.


This one isn't going to be a gimme.  1st, take your issue, the one you read, not the one you send to CGC, and read it.  2nd, laugh, cry, get angry, call your therapist, protest, burn your city down, some damn thing. 3rd, read the issue again carefully and see if you can spot the SECRET CODE.  4th,  research the SECRET CODE and send your answer to interim editor, "Manly" Matt Dow by using the handy bit of the sidebar over there that sends a message directly to Matt who is currently barricaded in the Super-Secret Bunker below Stately Dow Manor eagerly awaiting your answer.


Bragging rights for certain.  A mystery prize for certain (meaning whatever we can convince Dave to sign and send to you.  Knowing Dave, it's always something above and beyond what you deserve so be kind to the widows and orphans in your neighborhood so you can feel slightly worthy of the bounty you are about to receive).


Thanks for playing.  Happy hunting.  

The Amicable Spider-Vark #1...ON SALE NOW!

Benjamin Hobbs:

It's the last Wednesday of the month... the newest CIH #1 SHOULD be in stores! This months entry is The Amicable Spider-Vark #1! 

Now available from Diamond: SPIDER WHORE #1!  Order code: SEP200981


Next week: A surprise to ALL involved!