Thursday 31 October 2019

See You in Court

Dave Sim's 11th notebook covers Cerebus #96 though 102. We last it back in December of 2018 in Shoo when we saw what looked like nearly completed pages. Almost all of Cerebus #97 has those almost completed pages, including page 20 on page 41 of the notebook.

Notebook #11, page 41
The layout of the panels is pretty much the same as the finished page. Astoria's line, "See you in court." is the same. The only thing that really changes is Cerebus' expression. On the notebook page it goes from surprise to anger. On the finished page, that surprised face turns to more of an 'oh shit' expression.

Cerebus #97, page 20 (aka Church & State II page 936)

Wednesday 30 October 2019


Benjamin Hobbs:

Get your crayons ready... COLOUR YOUR OWN CEREBUS IN HELL #1 is out TODAY! Make sure to pick up two copies. One to keep Mint and one to COLOUR!

COLOUR YOUR OWN CIH? #1 features a tribute to POSSUM AT LARGE! To find MORE POSSUM AT LARGE, check out Chad Lambert's website HERE.

HOUSE OF CEREBUS #1 is available to order from Diamond NOW!

Promo strip courtesy of David Birdsong.

Next Week: Your guess is as good as mine.  I wrote this two months in advance...

Tuesday 29 October 2019

"In that case why don't we ask the DUCK"

Hi, Everybody!

See this for your daily Rigamarole.

Next Time: You saw it Hobbs, "Talking to Tarim" toot-sweet!

Monday 28 October 2019

The BEST Ol' AMOC Mailbag EVER!

Hi, Everybody!

You guys know the difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars?

Well today is day 301 in the Julian calendar we use at my job. Which means if you read an issue of Cerebus a day, starting on January first, you'd have finished the series yesterday.



House of Cerebus.

Larry Wooten is winning the Auction I'm doing for this with $10 USD

I'm selling these for $10 USD.
And the Ol' AMOC Mailbag got a box!
I have an address, I don't just live in the black...
"What's in the Box, Matt? WHAT'S IN THE BOX!?!"

Well, lets look:

Coupons for Papa John's 517 Victoria Street South Kitchener, ON (519-208-6999)
and Pizza Pizza (519 747-11-11)

A Dutchie's Fresh Market (25 Bruce St., Kitchener, N2B 1Y4) ad

Coupons for Fionn MacCool's Restaurant & Pub (4287 King Street E., Kitchener 519-653-3111)

Harvey's has 100% Canadian Angus burgers. (I got OVER $54 dollars of coupons!)

Planet Fitness Kitchen (700 Strasburg Rd Kitchener, ON N2E2M2 519-208-4010) is doing a "$0.25 down $10 a month" deal.

Campaign ad for Stephen Woodworth, Conservative

And one for Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada's Conservatives.

Neat right?

Next Time: Junk mail? @#$%ING JUNK MAIL?!?


The box ALSO had:

"On the last Monday of the month, Matt gets a metric @#$%-ton of Cerebus number ones!"
My copy of the Vark Wars #1!

And the fellas copies too...
I got a copy signed for my wife and kids.

And one for me.
It's a 301 Day Miracle!

Next Time: More highlights from the junk in my box... I'm kidding Margaret, put down that club...

Saturday 26 October 2019

Cerebus In Matt's Life: Part, the Eighth

Hi, Everybody!

Guess what:
New Cerebus in Hell?:
House of Cerebus.
Order five!
Cerebus in Matt's Life: Part, the Eight:

Last time, we talked about how I did Cerebus the Coffee Mug.

Which brings us to one of the things Margaret asked for:
ohhh, how about a close up of that space collection of pictures?
The one on the right.
So, to recap: I made some Cerebus mugs, I got permission to sell Cerebus mugs. And then...

I sent Dave a letter. I don't have a copy. But I'll try to figure it out:

First paragraph: See below.

Second paragraph: I thought I had given Dave a heart attack when I gave him the watch

Third Paragraph: Dave had said in Following Cerebus #1, that Cerebus was in the bar for a set amount of time (I forget the exact quote, and I'm not looking it up. Maybe tomorrow.)

Fourth Paragraph: I was talking about the Wizard article here.

Fifth Paragraph: Mugs!
Back to the first paragraph:

Mike 1

Mike 2

Getting back to the Mugs, if you want one, you're gonna have to track down somebody on the list.

"There's a list?"

Oh yeah!
Dave Sim 1 mug

Gerhard 1 mug

Peter David 1 mug

Nick Zinn 1 mug

Derrick Brown 1 mug

Margaret Liss  1 mug "paid" for by Gerhard

Jeff Tundis  2 mugs

David Frazza 2 mugs 1 broke sent replacement

Jacob Weisfeld 1 mug

David Grady 1 mug

Joshua Flowers 1 mug

Gerhard Kordmann 1 mug

Anthony J. Palermo 1 mug

Brian P. Coppola 4 mugs

David Marsh  1 mug 1 replacement, 1 prototype

Christoph McNeill  1 mug

David C. Spialter  1 mug

Eric Ballenger  1 mug

Scott Lawrence 1 mug

Chris Johnson 1 mug

Nathaniel Oberstein 1 mug

Vernon Smith 2 mugs

And I got 4 mugs (I'm keeping two, and Seiler wants another one, so that leaves one left.)

As for the "variant" misprinted ones, I gave 30 of 'em to the CBLDF back in 2005 or 2006. And I sold a couple, and have 28 more.

So, for the one regular one I got left, I'm gonna do an AMOC Auction. Bidding starts at $10 USD.

And for the misprinted ones, $10 USD, and it's yours.

Email your bids to, or if you wanna just buy one of these:

Email and we'll work something out...

Next Time: More mugs?

Friday 25 October 2019

The SDOAR Prototype Sweepstakes (Dave's Weekly Update #310)

Hi, Everybody!


Remember the Strange Death of Alex Raymond Prototype sweepstakes from Dave's Patreon?

Well, the winner is:

Not me.

Congratulations John Mosher!

Next Time: So what DO you do with seventy-two misprinted Cerebus coffee mugs?

Thursday 24 October 2019

6 of 30

A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

It has been a year since we last saw pages from Dave Sim's notebook #8. It covers Cerebus issues #70 through 79 and had 86 page scanned.

Three of those pages are Dave writing a letter to the people who have purchased a First Fifth portfolio series. It took me years to track down one of the black and white ones (#67 of 100). There was no letter with that one.

Notebook #8, page 9
Notebook #8, page 10
Notebook #8, page 11
When I found someone willing to part with their color portfolio, #6 of 30, I was luckily enough to get not only the original packaging (yes I kept it),  but some letters from Aardvark-Vanaheim.  I couldn't find one like what we see above. What the original owner did get was a letter from A-V's administrator, Karen McKiel.

Letter from AV
If anyone has something more like what Dave wrote above, please speak up in the comments!

Wednesday 23 October 2019

VARKING DEAD: A History Part 4

Benjamin Hobbs:

VARKING DEAD #1 will be on store shelves next March, but there has been a long and winding path to the comic that will appear on the shelves of your LCS next winter.

As you may have noticed over the last three weeks, THE VARKING DEAD logo has evolved.

David's first logo appears to be based off of an issue of THE WALKING DEAD. The line work around the "R" looks a bit too thin:

About the second version he says:

"I just found out something hilarious about the Walking Dead logo.  It turns out that it only appears to be the same logo, but over time it has evolved and there are several variations.  The funny thing is what typeface it is based on.  It's the friggin' Super Mario Brothers font.  That's so funny that I'm redoing the logo in that font.  It's a joke so inside I don't know if anyone other than me thinks it's even that funny, but it just cracks me up.  Super Mario Varking Dead logo on the way."

This is what that logo looks like:

The version I created is also based off the Walking Dead logo. The lines around my "R"  are also a bit thin. "R"s are really hard to make, apparently:

Next Week: Get your fancy coloured pencils ready! COLOUR YOUR OWN CEREBUS IN HELL? #1 is IN STORES!

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Cerebus In Matt's Life: Part the Seventh (The Mugs Saga)

Hi, Everybody!

Vark Thing! (two days left...)

When last Cerebus was in my life, it was yesterday. I do this every day.

But the last time I did a Cerebus in Matt's Life post, i showed you an Aardvark wang.
Good times, good times...
And now:
Cerebus In Matt's Life: Part the Seventh

If you're like me (you're not, but it's a bit, so go with it...) you read Cerebus #279:
Yeah, that one.
And thought, "I want me one of those coffee mugs!"
Also, "Darrr! Pret-ty Flow-ers!"
So I (wait, didn't I write these in third person? Whatever...) went to a local place that does promotional items with this page from Latter Days:

And asked how much to get it on a coffee mug?

Well, the smallest order I could get was for thirty-six mugs.

I only wanted one, but hey, I had more money than brains, and figured I'd burn that bridge when I got to it...
Here's my proof.
I got the proof, and option 1 looked good, so I ordered it. They sent a second proof of how it would look on the mug, where the mug was white, not black. I responded reminding them that it was white on a black mug. A few weeks later I got a box of mugs. Yay!

They were misprinted.
Seen here holding my forks and spoons.

I took one back to the place and explained how they screwed up. And a few weeks later got another box of mugs. Yay!

Also misprinted.
Yeah, it's the same picture. They misprinted them the same way.
So I went back AGAIN, and explained how they screwed up AGAIN. And a few weeks later, GOT MY MUGS!
And they even cut me a deal on the misprinted mugs.

But then I had to burn the "what do I do with the other 35 mugs?" bridge.

So I called up the Aardvark-Vanaheim, and talked to Gerhard, and asked to speak with Dave. I explained the situation, and asked for permission to sell the mugs. Dave said "Sure", and I joined the Cerebus Yahoo Group.

And posted:
I've recently gotten permission from Dave Sim to sell
Cerebus "Morning Cup" coffee mugs replicas. The coffee mug was seen
in Latter Days when Cerebus went crazy after reading the Garth
Inncesint interview in the "Reads Journal". Now you too can shuffle
around in a bathrobe and bunny slippers, drinking mug after mug of
hot chocolate while saying, "Darrr pretty flowers. Darrr pretty
The mugs are available for $8.00 U.S. plus shipping charges. Anyone
interested in them can reach me at mouseskull@...
Matt Dow
Zim's Uncle Most Holy
Uh...the "Zim's Uncle Most Holy" thing was a bit with my nephew. Don't worry about it.

I sold a bunch, and sent Dave and Ger each one. And Ger asked me to send one to Margaret, so I did.

And then I had to figure out what to do with the seventy-two misprinted mugs...

Next Time: Hobbs. So, cliffhanger!