Friday, 14 February 2025

Humpty Dumpty (Dave's weekly update #578)

Hi, Everybody!

Like it says on the Logo:
The little bit on the bottom there...

It's Friday, so that means:
Dave's Weekly Update:
I needs my six postcard packs (my odds are so good. Last I heard, like 1 in 4. Wait, maybe 1 in 6.)

Yeah, nobody has gotten the picture yet, but I got photoshop:

So, everybody that backed is getting a print of this:

A Moment of Cerebus runs Saturday through Friday.

The Week in AMOC:
  • Saturday: Please Hold For Dave Sim 2/2025.
  • Sunday: Because making twelve videos while also having to "Dad" is a pain...
  • Monday: Your last look at the Chase Card Prizes before the campaign ended Also, The Monday Report.
  • Tuesday: Jen's posted all the Dave and Carson pages of The Strange Death of Alex Raymond, and has moved on to the mock-ups Carson printed blue, but NOW they're in glorious black and white. Donate to The Strange Death of Alex Raymond GoFundMe to see Dave's mock-ups for the next 400 pages (eventually). $190 until page 108 of Dave's POST-Carson SDOAR mock-up pages unlocks. 
  • Wednesday: Hobbs reminds you to fill out your Kickstarter surveys.
  • Thursday: Margaret's IS done with Albatross One. If you click that link, you can see all the pages of the notebook, OR, you can get a PHYSICAL copy here, anyway not knowing where to head next, Margaret has decided to go with the LAST notebook, from page one to the end...
  • Friday: that's this post. You're reading the Friday post right now. This is STILL like that bit in Spaceballs. (Should I link to LAST WEEK'S Update in these things?)
Okay, so that was the past week in AMOC. You're welcome.

Josh Even has a new deal for the new year:
Happy New Year! Let’s make this the Year of the Earth Pig. I have recovered from the inaugural 2024 run of 30 ‘Deluxe’ Earth Pig Warriors.
I will start off 2024 by opening up orders for the 2025 ‘Basic Bitch’ Earth Pig Warrior.
Here’s the pricing. The two prices are for ‘unpainted’ and ‘painted’. ‘Painted’ for this run means painted heads and black-lined bodies- so the medallions swords will be the comic-style gray.
If you want gold or silver medallions or a gold & silver sword, that’s a bit extra.
Shipping to the US will be included. Shipping out of the continental US will be extra (determined at time of shipping).
All orders will come with a collector’s card and some stickers!
Basic figure (1 head, 1 pair hands- right grip/left fist, one gray sword) $90/$100. Choose from one of 4 available heads (see photo).
Painted medallions (silver or gold) $5
Extra Head $10/$20
Hands $8/$10 - left grip/right fist or open pair
Painted sword (silver and gold) $20
Fabric Vest $20
Let’s see how this goes!
Direct message me to order.
Each order will need a $20 down payment to get going.
I’ll place an order with the printer at the end of a week if I have orders. Those will be completed in the order they are received.
Thanks everyone! Tell your friends!

If you click on Josh's name, it's supposed to take you to his Facebook post. But if that doesn't work, or you don't deal with Zuck the Fuck's bullcrap, you can always send an e-mail to, and I'll get you in touch with Josh. You can see a video of my 80s Earth-Pig Warrior here.
Up to 35% off February 17-23.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.
The Cerebus Humble Bundle is over, the check made it to Dave and was cashed, *yay*, you can STILL get all 16 volumes for $99CANADIAN at (More if you want the Remastered Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing...)
Heritage is getting a Grail Page. I'm making sure Dave'll get a high quality scan. If you wanna buy this for me, I'll make sure Dave gets to see it in person...
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. Dave's cover to Bill's bio-comic Wanderland os available as a print on the CAN11/Narutobus Kickstarter. Just a head's up...
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques (one of these is a chase prize on the postcard packs available through the CAN11/Narutobus Kickstarter...)
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: Shit, the Kickstarter is over and I can't just milk that for posts anymore, can I?

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Notebook 36: Cerebus #273. . .Nope, Cerebus #274

A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

Last week we looked at four (!) pages from Dave Sim’s 36th notebook used in the production of Cerebus the Aardvark. Notebook #35 covers Cerebus #265 to the final issue, #300. The notebook only had 58 pages scanned out of the 108 pages in the notebook because so many of them were blank. And as you saw with last week’s entry, many only had the cover’s issue box number on the page, which is why we saw four pages last week. 

This week, the page for Cerebus #273, has material on it:

Notebook #36, page 22

If you don’t remember Cerebus #273, it is the issue where Cerebus finally trashes his Rabbi get up and leaps off the box he was on, falls and breaks his leg. And is in the dark for about 10 and a half pages. So about the only thing on the above page that was used in Cerebus #273. . .the issue number box. Some of the dialogue and the two sketches are for page five of Cerebus #274. The sketch of the ‘Na Na Neeee’ is of Koshie getting the cast ready for Cerebus’ leg.

The next page continues with material for Cerebus #274, not the #273 that these pages were slated to be used for. 

Notebook #36, page 23

Lots of dialogue for the Three Wise Fellows being rewritten. The dialogue: “Izzat so? It seemeth unto Mosher that what she actually “signifries” is that Kosher’s theology hath descendeth into his groin “tallywacker” again.” That is almost what actually appears on page 5 of Cerebus #273. Dave went back to using groin instead of tallywacker.

The next page of the notebook is still more material for Cerebus #274, not 273:

Notebook #36, page 24

But hey, we’ve moved onto page six of Cerebus #274. The three sketches are the panels on the left side of page 6. And the dialogue to the right of it also appears on page 6. Now I’m wondering why Dave pushed this material from Cerebus #273 to 274. We'll see next week what the pages from notebook #36 for Cerebus #274 contain - material for Cerebus #274 or some other issue?

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

CAN11 and NARUTOBUS Kickstarter... ENDS TONIGHT!

Benjamin Hobbs:

Today is the last day to back CAN11 and Narutobus #1 on Kickstarter.  If you haven't done so, you can do so HERE. The campaign ends tonight at 8PM. Eastern , 7PM Central.

David Birdsong asks me to share the final stay-flat drawing:

From my understanding, this can be won via a Chase Card found in the Puzzle Packs found on the KS.

To everyone who's backed this campaign:  THANK YOU! And don't forget to fill out your SURVEYS as soon as Birdsong sends them out.

Next Week: We're asking you kindly, PLEASE FILL OUT YOUR SURVEYS.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

SDoAR 3.06: Bring Me the Blue Pages! The Blue Pages!

Mouse Skull Entertainment asked, "Next week we get Carson's bluelines colored black? (FINALLY!)"

Well sort of. 

Last week, we wrapped up The Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover preview with Dave's final mocked up/scripted pages as drawn by Carson in hardcover edition. The rest of the hardcover is Carson's story with Dave's next 21 mocked up pages in printed blue ink. So if you want to see how Carson finished the hardcover, well, copies are available in a comic book store near you!

Now, back to those 21 mocked up pages from 2019. Those are Dave's continuation of the story, but not drawn by Carson. They are just mockups. The first five of those pages are below, colored black -- and all of them are available on Dropbox for anyone who donates at least $5 the SDOAR GoFundMe. So why not donate to the GoFundMe so you can get access to all the unlocked pages so far *and* Dave can keep working on The Strange Death of Alex Raymond!

Just the GoFundMe Facts, Ma'am

  • $16,810.00 raised to date from 286 donations
  • 87 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 5 January 2022
  • 108 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • $190.00 away from unlocking page 108
  • If you have not donated > $5+ donation grants access to all 108 pages and all pages moving forward
  • If you have donated, thank you, but if you want to donate monthly, GoFundMe does not offer that option, so please do so as this is the middle of Month Two of Year Three!

The Strange Death of Alex Raymond  Preview

The following are links to previous updates that featured pages from The Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover. If you click on the links in order, you can begin to devour the magnum opus that is the Strange Death of Alex Raymond...
This, then ...

Dave's 2019 mockups, Part I 
Jen x
SDOAR GoFundMe -->> <<-- SDOAR GoFundMe

Monday, 10 February 2025

ALL(?) The Chase Card Prizes!

 Hi, Everybody!

Well...the CAN11+Narutobus Kickstarter is heating up as it winds down. As evidenced by the latest Update:

Fax from the Home Office in Kitchener where Dave is still thinking about "The Big One" aka that final Illustrated Stay-Flat Envelope. In the meantime Dave has thrown down the best Guys Prize yet if we reach the new Stretch Goal:

Yes, another Original Art Page, and this time from the Original Series, Issue 200, Page 7! aka Minds, Page 273! Good luck, everyone.

Meaning, that the LAST Chase Card Prize will be a page of Original Art from CEREBUS featuring Jaka, IF we can raise $3,845 in the next 48 hours. (I don't see it happening, but "You. NEVER. Know...")

For the guy who don't pay attention: Dave is selling 8 card postcard packs for $15 (There's three versions available, Spawn 10 script cover, Swords of Cerebus #1 cover, and the cover to Guys) (Each pack is a "puzzle" where you fit the 8 postcards together to get the full sized image.) Dave's gonna RANDOMLY insert a "chase card" that can be traded for a prize listed on the back.
If you want to pledge, but don't want full size prints of the first ten pages to Guys, OR one/all of the Kickstarter EXCLUSIVE covers to Narutobus, you should be able to pledge without a reward for a dollar, and add on postcard packs. (That's my theory, I apologize if I'm wrong...)

Since I need to "Moment", and there are people who DON'T pay attention, the Chase Card Prizes, after Dave re-explains how this deal works:
Prizes if you find this:
The prizes are:
CGC Signature series Cerebus #55

CGC Signature Series Cerebus #56

Cerebus #300 signed by Dave and Gerhard

CPS Slabbed Cerebus Archive #1 Zombie Variant

Diamondback Deck

Frost Giants' Wedgie Original Trancing Paper Cerebus

Original Art to Kosplay Narutobus Kov..uh, I mean Cover

Original Art Card of Matisse and Snow

Ninja High School/Cerebus crossover Proof of the first five pages 

glamourpuss #8 pages 4 and 5 Original Art

Rabbi Card Original Art

Last Day Remarque Auction Catalog

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #8 with Original Sketch Cover with sketch of Matisse by Dave

Zootanapuss #5 Signed and Numbered #164 of 600

ALL Three Cerebus High Society 2020 Campaign Buttons:

Cerebus #0 Gold Edition slabbed:

Cerebus #14 Signed and Slabbed and generally unreadable...(if that's what you're into, you do you...):

Guys Party Pack Slabbed:

Neal Adams' Cerebus birthday card Platinum Edition 12 of 30:

SIGNED Ultimate Cerebus Guide To Self-Publishing:

WildP.I.G.S. Signed Proof:

Dave's hasn't clarified how you can win this, but it's SUPPOSED to be a chase card prize:
Click for bigger

Again, 48 hours to go. Get 'em here!

I'd throw the Rigamarole here, but you ain't got no extra money for NON-CAN11/Narutobus stuff (I'm getting SIX postcard packs (I need that Zootanapuss...)!)

Next Time: Jen asks for money for the The Strange Death of Alex Raymond GoFundMe, despite the fact that you can't win ORIGINAL Cerebus Art pages thru that. READ THE ROOM JEN!!!

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Please Hold For Dave Sim 2/2025 the last bits.

Hi, Everybody!

You would begin to suspect that I don't like doing this...

Please Hold For Dave Sim 2/2025

And the rest:

Part the tenth, Daniel F asked:
Hello Dave!

Congratulations on the recent successful launch of the CAN11+Narutobus Kickstarter. On a post in the Cerebus Facebook group discussing it, someone complained about the choice of earliest pages in the A-V Cerebus Archive, rather than the "best" pages. "Manly" Matt Dow replied, saying that the "best" pages are subjective, and that Gerhard had taken a number of pages for himself, limiting the number of page options available for use in the Archive series.

My question is: what were the circumstances of Gerhard taking certain pages from the A-V Cerebus Archive for himself? Was it part of the final agreement of buying out Gerhard's shares of the company? Roughly how many pages did Gerhard take?

Daniel F
Part the eleventh, Mark Rogacki asks:
Oh my god! I bought issue 2 when it was first released long ago. Buffalo's Queen City Books.
I've got to say (insert standard fanboy babble here). I mean it man! Sincerely!

Anyway I've got yankee dollars to buy an action figure. Can you get me contact info for Josh?

Just fer nuthin' I have Issue 46 Pg 12 that you dropped off and signed for me at a truly ratty shop in Niagara Falls, NY.
I shoulda asked for a sketch but I was a little overwhelmed, maybe embarrassed for the shop owner. Such is life.
I'll contact next.

Finally, I wonder, are you or Gerhard doing commissions?
Mark Rogacki
I hooked Mark up with Josh, and Mark said:
Thanks Matt.
Yeah, please pass my admiration along (and my thinly veiled request for a commission).
I really am a comic book kid - still occasionally at age 69.
Part the twelfth, And in a follow-up to last month’s Please Hold:

I am indeed the same Fernando from the SPIRITS OF INDEPENDENCE in Austin, TX. My book was WORDS & PICTURES and our 'company' was Maverick Studios. I met Dave in Austin, TX. I didn't assist with setting up the event, but I took part in it. He actually sat us right next to his table (Dave and Gerhard) and Rick Veitch was on my other side. It was a glorious day.

I wrote Dave about doing a LEGENDS OF CEREBUS style comic. Here's what I would submit. I wrote/drew/toned/lettered this 12 pager called "The Bag." Most of my books I do through Amazon (print on demand) in an 8.5" x 11" format, and I've kind of settled into doing my pages at 8.5" x 11" ... so that's what I did here. Dave can do the same thing (can you guys use Amazon for print on demand in Canada?).

Maybe this can be a one-shot. If others are moved to do stories and/or one pagers, I'd be happy to assemble it into a PDF that can be submitted for printing. Dave is of course free to use this story wherever he wants if he likes. I found my copy of CEREBUS JAM and that is the closest to what I was thinking about.

Matt if you're missing the issue (190) I have extras... I can mail you one. Just send me your address.

Let me know what he thinks. I've been wanting to send him a package of some books I've done.

Fernando H. Ramirez
Okay, beat Dodger with your question by getting it in for NEXT month's Please Hold, to
You can buy these Stay-Flats (for the prices indicated on them).
Click for bigger:

The times listed are how long Dave spent on each drawing. "First come, first cervix" HOW ya can buy these are a Birdsong question. Ask here.

Josh Even has a new deal for the new year:
Happy New Year! Let’s make this the Year of the Earth Pig. I have recovered from the inaugural 2024 run of 30 ‘Deluxe’ Earth Pig Warriors.
I will start off 2024 by opening up orders for the 2025 ‘Basic Bitch’ Earth Pig Warrior.
Here’s the pricing. The two prices are for ‘unpainted’ and ‘painted’. ‘Painted’ for this run means painted heads and black-lined bodies- so the medallions swords will be the comic-style gray.
If you want gold or silver medallions or a gold & silver sword, that’s a bit extra.
Shipping to the US will be included. Shipping out of the continental US will be extra (determined at time of shipping).
All orders will come with a collector’s card and some stickers!
Basic figure (1 head, 1 pair hands- right grip/left fist, one gray sword) $90/$100. Choose from one of 4 available heads (see photo).
Painted medallions (silver or gold) $5
Extra Head $10/$20
Hands $8/$10 - left grip/right fist or open pair
Painted sword (silver and gold) $20
Fabric Vest $20
Let’s see how this goes!
Direct message me to order.
Each order will need a $20 down payment to get going.
I’ll place an order with the printer at the end of a week if I have orders. Those will be completed in the order they are received.
Thanks everyone! Tell your friends!

If you click on Josh's name, it's supposed to take you to his Facebook post. But if that doesn't work, or you don't deal with Zuck the Fuck's bullcrap, you can always send an e-mail to, and I'll get you in touch with Josh. You can see a video of my 80s Earth-Pig Warrior here.
Up to 35% off February 9 and 17-23.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.

The Cerebus Humble Bundle is over, the check made it to Dave and was cashed, *yay*, you can STILL get all 16 volumes for $99CANADIAN at (More if you want the Remastered Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing...)
Heritage is getting a Grail Page. I'm making sure Dave'll get a high quality scan. If you wanna buy this for me, I'll make sure Dave gets to see it in person...
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. Dave's cover to Bill's bio-comic Wanderland os available as a print on the CAN11/Narutobus Kickstarter. Just a head's up...
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques (one of these is a chase prize on the postcard packs available through the CAN11/Narutobus Kickstarter...)
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: a @#%*ing nap...