Friday 20 September 2024
Letraset part 4 (Dave's Weekly Update #557)
Thursday 19 September 2024
Notebook One: Cerebus #26 Part Two
Maybe instead of rewriting this opener every week, I’ll be a bit more efficient with my use of time and have this standard opening . . .though Boss Man saying I'm giving the notebook away for free, I see it as a way of advertising all the good stuff in the notebook, and wouldn't it be easier to have a hard copy to flip through and read at your own leisure?
Have you got your copy of Albatross One? That is Dave Sim’s name for his first notebook used in the creation of Cerebus. If you want a copy of the notebook – and trust me, as someone who has held the actual Albatross One, it is a pretty close duplicate and looks great – you can check out this post right here. Well not this post. The one at this link. Go check it out, this post will still be here.
Please buy one so boss man stops yelling at me for "giving the store away for free". Perhaps if he sells one or two or all that he has left, he'll finally give me some PTO.
And if you don’t want to buy one, you can wait as I release a couple of pages a week and check them out using the Notebook One tag. But trust me, the notebook is much much nicer then my silly little posts.
Okay, now that is done, on with this week’s Notebook One post.
Dave Sim’s first notebook, which he entitled Albatross One, covers Cerebus #20 through 28 and has 194 pages out of 200 scanned in. Since we’ve started our chronological look at this notebook back in December of 2023, we’ve seen quite a few pages. Last week we ended with page 136 and material for Cerebus #26, the start of the High Society story line. We’re right back at it today with page 137:
Notebook #1, page 137 |
Most of the page is taken up with dialogue for the “man servant”, who turns out to be the desk clerk, and Cerebus as he enters the yet unnamed Regency looking for a place to stay. Most of the dialogue isn’t used. The bit about the Cerebus’ room and him taking a bath is used. There is another bit that isn’t used but later becomes the basis for upper and lower Iest: “Manservant: Don’t want to spend the rest of me life in the down the hill”.
Dave had this to say on that: "More plotting of the "Holiday Inn" hotel "down the hill" ("don't want to spend the rest of me life 'down the hill', do I sir - no sir."). It was a variation of the Hamilton, Ontario reference to Hamilton locations on top of the Niagara Escarpment as "up the mountain" and those below the Escarpment as "down the mountain".”
For those who aren’t familiar with the geology of Ontario, the Niagara Escarpment is very simple terms, a really big cliff. For more info on it, check out the Wikipedia page on it.
On the next page we get more sketches than text:
Notebook #1, page 138 |
“Then you just sit in it.” And Cerebus lowering down in some steam. And as Dave said on it: "Cerebus easing into his bath. Too slow a moment when I'm trying to get things going. The snobbish desk clerk begins to take shape. Cerebus in his "hotel appropriate" garb. This is mostly what the plotting consisted of, doing things wrong so I would know how to do them right."
The next page shows some plot threads of what is to happen in Cerebus #26 with people meeting with Cerebus while he is trying to eat. That indoor plumbing later turned into Scorz talking to Cerebus about sewage.
Notebook #1, page 139 |
And that guy with the big ears, pronounced lower jaw, and abundant hair? That is how Cerebus would look if human. Kind of.
As Dave said about this page:
"Scorz "talk at Lord Julius, SEWAGE, SEWAGE, SEWAGE" began as "indoor plumbing". I was always trying to work how people envisioned Cerebus from the description: "Long ears, pronounced lower jaw, flaring nostrils, large eyes, short but abundant hair" and then having them picture someone who looked like this. Again, it was just too slow for getting things rolling. It was until Church & State that I finally devoted a couple of pages to it."
Wednesday 18 September 2024
New CIH? Covers 2024! Part One!
Benjamin Hobbs:
David Birdsong is working on some new covers for CIH?.
He writes " Here is the latest Cerebus In Hell? cover. This one is by Joe Shuster, Jack Kirby, Dave Sim, Benjamin Hobbs, Dall E 3 and David Birdsong. Credit is due (if I can find out who did it) for the Secret Origins logo."
He later corrected that it wasn't Dall E 3, but rather Stable Core.
Here's the AI image from Stable Core:
If you know who designed the logo, let us know in the comments!
Next Week: More In Progress covers!
Tuesday 17 September 2024
SDoAR 2.38: Dave Sim Gives SDOAR Update; New Page Unlocked; and 1 in 9 Chance to Win Cerebus Loot!
Phillip R. Frey shared updated PDFs for Giant-Size SDOAR Ashcans No. 0 and No. 1 with me. Once I review and approve, I'l share the files with StudioComix Press and we'll see how the next set of proofs look.
In the meantime, Dave surprised me with a SDOAR update via fax. Dave, take it away,
Thanks, Dave!
$260 raised in the past week and nine raffle tickets. Meaning we unlocked a new page *and** if you donate $25 to the SDOAR GoFundMe campaign, you will have a 1 in ten chance to win...
- Cerebus the Aardvark button set #23 of 99 (7 of 10 buttons)
- Diamondback deck (swindle your friends!)
- Petunia Con 1984 program (do y'all know how cool this is?)
- (2) Cerebus bookplates signed by Dave Sim (signed!)
- Cerebus #11 through #15 in pretty good damn shape (Five issues!)
Rules to win the September Raffle and Help Out SDoAR
Entries (or our equivalent of raffle tickets) cost $25 each and can be donated via lump sum to the Strange Death of Alex Raymond 2024 GoFundMe campaign through Monday, September 23, 2024 at midnight, PST.
I will then randomly assign numbers to each entry and have Dave pull one more Karnak, and I'll announce the winner on September 24, 2024.
SDOAR GoFundMe -->>
Just the GoFundMe Facts, Ma'am
- $14,862.00 raised to date from 249 donations
- 78 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 21 December 2021
- 99 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
- $138.00 away from unlocking page 99
- If you have not donated > $5+ donation grants access to all 99 pages and all pages moving forward
- If you have donated, thank you, but if you want to donate monthly, GoFundMe does not offer that option, so please do so as we are still in the middle of month #9 of Year 2.
Monday 16 September 2024
"He recognizes the need to decide... ...and SOON!"
Hi Dave and Matt
1) Continuing with our Diamond PO:So new calculations:
- I forgot to deduct the 10% food bank donation from the PO last time ($1140 CD)
- I’ve changed calculations to include 4% to Sandeep as creator royalty for all the SOCIH? trades
- I didn’t add Sandeep’s 4% to the scenario where it would be an equal split just between him and AV (so SOCIH? Volume 1-3), otherwise he would be making more than AV on the trades
- I did calculations with Ger getting 25% from the PO,( $1,354.50 USD) AND 10% ($541.80)
- I think the 4% contributor would be too miniscule (total $ paid out, $119.95) vs the equal split ($700 paid out in total). My suggestion is to do equal payments split for this po for the SOCIH? trades. Even like this, they won’t be making much though (e.g. Matt will probably get about $40 USD).
DIA PO +$11,400.00
10% food bank -$1,140.00
PT cost -$1,362.00
Rolly -$225.00
UPS cost -$153.00
LEFT OVER $ = $8,520.00 (cdn) ($6,274 usd)
$6,274 usd - $712.13 usd (SOCIH? Contributor payments) = $5,561.87 usd
$5,561.87 - $541.80 (Ger @10%) = $5,020.07 usd for AV
$5,561.87 - $1,354.50 (Ger @25%) = $4,207.37 usd for AV
2) F&V Remastered sold for $70 retail; DIA paid AV $28/copy for 170 copies.
I’m not sure what Marquis charged for those, as the order was combined with The Waverly Hardcovers, and I never saw the Marquis bill for it. The PO was cut in Jun 2022, so about 2 years to sell out.
Hi Matt!
JAF Comics owner John and Scott Palochik have collaborated on the 2nd issue of Marcvs and have a Kickstarter live.
MARCVS #2: Just What You Imagined
Ancient Rivals, Eternal Struggle: A Reporter's Odyssey Between Two Roman Centurion's Immortal Conflict
You also posted on AMOC when I when to P-Burg Comic Con on June 1, 2024 when I met John and Scott. This was Dave’s endorsement for Marcvs. The photo is enclosed in an attachment.
If you could you post the link to bring awareness to their project that would be AWESOME!
Michael R.
Sunday 15 September 2024
Saturday 14 September 2024
I dunno...stuff (this daily blog thing is for the birds...)
Click for bigger |
Click for bigger |
Revisit your favorite heroes from indie comics of the 1980s and beyond in this collection of prose fiction stories written by their legendary creators! They set the industry on fire in comics from indie publishing pioneers like First, Capital, Eclipse, Dark Horse, Pacific, Aardvark-Vanaheim, and Vortex. Now, more than ever, we need them to remind us how fun and exciting comics can be. Along with a cover by Pat Broderick and an introduction by First Comics co-founder Mike Gold, Legends of Indie Comics: Words Only features new tales starring a roster of top indie comics characters and talent, including:
Badger by Mike Baron
Cerebus by Dave Sim
Concrete by Paul Chadwick
Desert Peach by Donna Barr
El Muerto by Javier Hernandez
Flaming Carrot by Bob Burden
Grimjack by John Ostrander
Jon Sable by Mike Grell
Luther Strode by Justin Jordan
Megaton Man by Don Simpson
Michael Mauser by Joe Staton
Mr. Monster by Michael T. Gilbert
The American by Mark Verheiden
Those Annoying Post Bros. by Matt Howarth
Whisper by Steven Grant
Friday 13 September 2024
Letraset part 3 (Dave's weekly update #556)
The little bit on the bottom there... |
- Saturday: Please Hold For Dave Sim 9/2024
- Sunday: Please Hold For Dave Sim 9/2024, part two. (Because making two hours of videos takes me forever if I'm not "feeling it". And I was VERY much not feeling it...
- Monday: The Monday Report, and Dave starts a discussion on how much money he wants to send me... (I'm not taking it, even though only an idiot turns down $700.)
- Tuesday: Jen's update for us on The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Go Fund Me. Speaking of SDOARGFM, $173 until the next page is unlocked. She's added even more Auction items. Check it out. Please?
- Wednesday: Hobbs is creating CiH? strips with AI versions of AV characters.
- Thursday: Margaret continues looking at pages from the first Notebook AKA Albatross 1, YOU can get a your very own BETTER-THAN-MARGARET'S-POSTS-O.-M.-G.-YOU-GUYS-SERIOUSLY copy. See here. And she's FINALLY up to High Society.
- Friday: that's this post. You're reading the Friday post right now. This is STILL like that bit in Spaceballs. (Should I link to LAST WEEK'S Update in these things?)
Click for bigger |
Thursday 12 September 2024
Notebook One: Cerebus #26 Part One
Maybe instead of rewriting this opener every week, I’ll be a bit more efficient with my use of time and have this standard opening . . .though Boss Man saying I'm giving the notebook away for free, I see it as a way of advertising all the good stuff in the notebook, and wouldn't it be easier to have a hard copy to flip through and read at your own leisure?
Have you got your copy of Albatross One? That is Dave Sim’s name for his first notebook used in the creation of Cerebus. If you want a copy of the notebook – and trust me, as someone who has held the actual Albatross One, it is a pretty close duplicate and looks great – you can check out this post right here. Well not this post. The one at this link. Go check it out, this post will still be here.
Please buy one so boss man stops yelling at me for "giving the store away for free". Perhaps if he sells one or two or all that he has left, he'll finally give me some PTO.
And if you don’t want to buy one, you can wait as I release a couple of pages a week and check them out using the Notebook One tag. But trust me, the notebook is much much nicer then my silly little posts.
Okay, now that is done, on with this week’s Notebook One post.
Dave Sim’s first notebook, which he entitled Albatross One, covers Cerebus #20 through 28 and has 194 pages out of 200 scanned in. Since we’ve started our chronological look at this notebook back in December of 2023, we’ve seen quite a few pages. We’re up to page 134 today, and material for Cerebus #26. Yes, we finally made it to material for High Society. We really haven’t seen anything for High Society yet.
Notebook #1, page 134 |
At the top of the page Dave starts with how Cerebus #26 starts, Cerebus with a sack of stuff from the Artist. Though the Regency is called the “Aardvarkian Age ‘Holiday Inn’”. Which in the digital version of High Society – the one that came with selected pages from Notebook #1 – Dave said this about the page: “Original idea was to do an “Aardvarkian Age” Holiday Inn, a middle class hotel. Then I thought that having a bath in your room would be a distinctly “upper class” thing at the time.”
Well, the Regency is a bit more than ‘middle class’, the sketch of the bed with the tub next to it does show up – kind of – in the finished issue as the desk clerk has a fresh bath drawn for Cerebus in his room, the tub just a curtain away from the bed.
The little chair in the bottom left corner of the page with a barely noticeable Cerebus sitting on it is something I wished was used.
The next page shows us Dave working through some potential dialogue for Cerebus #26:
Notebook #1, page 135 |
On the next page of the notebook, Dave had this to say about the text near the bottom of the page: “Manservant in the original plotline (“smart ass kid but he knows what’s going down”) who later become the desk clerk of the “Holiday Inn” in issue 27. Plot problem: “businessmen, merchants, bankers, traders” would stay there, but not “politicians and bureaucrats” which were needed to drive the plot forward.”
We also get a taste for the Desk Clerk’s reaction to hearing Cerebus’ name: “You’re that Cerebus?!” Though the desk clerk at that point doesn’t mention knowing that Cerebus was the Kitchen Staff Supervisor.
At the top of the next page is some dialogue which Dave had this to say: “Sample exchange of dialogue on WHY Cerebus is seen as a key figure. I decided to skip that and leave it a bit of mystery. There was no reason anyone would discuss it with him except in terms of their personal experience (Skorz of Skorz, Skorz & Sons).”
Notebook #1, page 136 |
There are a couple of sketches of the private dining table Cerebus would be sitting, that didn’t end up being so private as everyone came by to try and make a deal with him. At the bottom of the page is the plot for pages 1 through 8: “Mostly, the young manservant is trying to get across to Cerebus how much money can buy. Cerebus explains that he just gets money when he needs it. . .what about banks. . .banks take your money and give you pieces of”.
Next week will be more – yes, you’ve probably guessed it – notebook 1 pages.