A New #1 The Last Wednesday Of Every Month!

The Amazing Cerebus #1
by Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal
Aardvark Vanaheim, $4.00
In Stores: 28 February 2018
Diamond Order Code: DEC170967

"Cerebus' Guide to Chicks"; Pineapple Guys; Ironic Punishment Division; "Bull-Fighter" the super-hero; Also reprints online strips from October 2016: Triplicate Girl; Job Motivation in Hell; Getting High in Hell; King Solomon's New Poem: "My Colostomy Bag Is Almost Full"; Pixilated (1848); Schizophrenia; Monomania (1823); Projection (1557); Jack Kirby's Demon vs Matt Wagner's Demon; the (Minimum) Wages of Sin; Cerebus vs. The Amazing Hulk and Superman and Pigeon-Man; Cerebus: Hard-Boiled Detective In Hell; A Little Repentance; Groot? or Suicide? and more!

Watchvark #1
by Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal
Aardvark Vanaheim, $4.00
In Stores: 31 January 2018
Diamond Order Code: NOV171094

Everyone in hell is re-reading Watchmen (yes, "again"); first appearance of Dr. Jacobson, Watchvark and OHIP; Watching Men; deconstructing Rorschach. Also reprints online strips from September-October 2016 including the conclusion of Aardvark-Vanaheim Civil War: Cerebus vs. The Renegade Super-Poets; Todd McFarlane's Grey Hulk; Super-Cerebus and Batvark Team-Up; photoshop Village People tribute bands (C! M! Y! K!); Tex Avery Film Festival; True History of The Graphic Novel session 16; Teena Teen Queen;  Third Circle of Hell Memorial Day Rodeo; Senator Cerebus; more Nietzsche; Dante's Botox injection; FONDOO!; re-imagining The Lizard and more! 

The Vark Knight Returns #1
by Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal
Aardvark Vanaheim, $4.00
In Stores: 27 December 2017
Diamond Order Code: OCT171028

Batvark Invictus; three-part (sorry!) Batvark's Wedding Vows; Batvark tweets Johnny Depp; also reprints online strips from September 2016:  Cerebus goes to see Suicide Squad; King Solomon, rap artist; Cerebus the Party Hat; Xavier Cugat and conga-line snakes; Siamese Twin Girl-Boy and The Aardvarkian League of Justice;  building the Poet Laureate Pyramid & The Granite-Slab Freestyle Slalom; "Ode to Beatrice's JLo Heinie"; Snake Comics; Aardvark-Vanaheim Civil War: Cerebus vs. The Renegade Super-Poets and more!

The Death Of Cerebus In Hell? #1
by Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal
Aardvark-Vanaheim, $4.00
In Stores: 29 November 2017
Diamond Order Code: SEP171028

Epic-length four-part DEATH OF CEREBUS IN HELL? Wrap your copy in a black plastic bag for even greater collectibility! Also reprints online strips from August 2016: Cerebus buys a demon horde; Cerebus in Wonderland; Canadian Hell; Lucifer runs for Ruler of Hell; Cerebus reads Black Panther; Super-Cerebus hurled back in time; Chester Brown and the Whore of Babylon; Giant Jabberwocky Uncle Sam with Bat-wings and a Dragon Tail; The Legion of Miniaturized Super-Cerebus Robots; Bolgiaflix;Jaka the Aardvark; unauthorized Cerebus the Barbarian GPS wireless tracking system bicycle helmet headsets; Squirrel Girl and more!

Strange Cerebus #1
by Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal
Aardvark Vanaheim, $4.00
In Stores: 25 October 2017
Diamond Order Code: AUG171057

First (and last?) appearances of Varkternity (Vark-Finite?) and Galactamungus (who mentions Platinum Surfer-Boy); the CIH? house drummer; reprints online strips from July-August 2016: Super-Cerebus Revenge Squad; The Whore of Babylon gets a tattoo; MILESTONE! the first time Dante suspected Cerebus and Super-Cerebus were one and the same! LeonTrotzky; Plato vs. Aristotle; Obama voters; MILESTONE! Super-Suberec, the Anti-Super-Cerebus and Cerebus go to Starbucks; hardcore Madonna fans; Wildcat: Total Golden-Age Dick the memoir; Francis' Sacred Church of NFL Football; West Side Story, and more!

Aardvark Comics #1
by Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal
Aardvark-Vanaheim, $4.00
In Stores: 27 September 2017
Diamond Order Code: JUL171242

Comparing "Origin of Origin" stories; real-world historical figure in Action #1 (plus "stripped-cover returns"); "Whatever Happened to Tex Thompson, Pep Morgan, Chuck Dawson and Scoop Scanlon?" plus the earliest Super-Cerebus online strips from July 2016, Lucifer repents?!? Goldman Sachs, get it? Super-Cerebus versus Batvark the Movie; British Petroleum executives; dirty sea shanties; Atari 2600 ET;  Superhero Derangement Syndrome; Composite Batvark and more!

Batvark #1
by Dave Sim & Sandeep Atwal
Ardvark-Vanaheim, $4.00
In stores: 30 August 2017
Diamond Order Code: JUN171076

Two-part "Secret Origin of Batvark"; "Batvark's Credo" and finally an answer to "Is Batvark a Homophobe?" Plus reprints of the earliest Cerebus in Hell? online strips (6/24/16 to 6/30/16): first appearance of Fredric Nietzsche; King Solomon writes his lawyer; Literalistic Limbo; first appearance of Jingles, the world's greatest collector of CGC-graded Dog Comics; Avengers movies remade with an all-Kardashian sister cast; Life With Archie Civil War; and more!