Wednesday 26 August 2020


As mentioned by Twitter Volunteer Numero the First, Brian West, 

The Amicable Spider-Vark 

was released today despite the fact that the entire print run had the cover stapled on backwards and had to be reprinted in a hurry.  With the deadline for delivery looming we rented a herd of ponies, 51 Irish wolfhounds and 26 hot-air balloons piloted by all 26 Canadians that still vote Conservative and the comics made it to your LCS on time.


This one isn't going to be a gimme.  1st, take your issue, the one you read, not the one you send to CGC, and read it.  2nd, laugh, cry, get angry, call your therapist, protest, burn your city down, some damn thing. 3rd, read the issue again carefully and see if you can spot the SECRET CODE.  4th,  research the SECRET CODE and send your answer to interim editor, "Manly" Matt Dow by using the handy bit of the sidebar over there that sends a message directly to Matt who is currently barricaded in the Super-Secret Bunker below Stately Dow Manor eagerly awaiting your answer.


Bragging rights for certain.  A mystery prize for certain (meaning whatever we can convince Dave to sign and send to you.  Knowing Dave, it's always something above and beyond what you deserve so be kind to the widows and orphans in your neighborhood so you can feel slightly worthy of the bounty you are about to receive).


Thanks for playing.  Happy hunting.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, that was fast. There is a winner. Announcement shortly.