Hi, Everybody!
I got an email from my buddy Steve Swenson:
CGC is proud to announce that we will be hosting an exclusive Private Signing event with the highly renowned artist Gerhard! He is best known for his detailed and diverse illustrations in the comic series Cerebus the Aardvark. In addition to signing, Gerhard will also be offering his illustrated Remarques for purchase. See pricing and more details below. |
For 20 years, Gerhard worked as a background artist, environmental designer and cover colorist on the Cerebus graphic novel which has been hailed as, “one of the most sprawling pieces of visual fiction ever created.” Since then he has been exploring other creative endeavors including doing commissioned work through his website, GerhardArt.com; contributing to the awesome Winsor McCay tribute book: Little Nemo, Dream Another Dream; working on a variant cover of The Walking Dead; illustrating a Grant Morrison story Smile of the Absent Cat and most recently, coloring Becoming Frankenstein.
“The Signature Series team and I are beyond excited to be given the opportunity to host such a talented and influential artist,” said Brittany McManus, CGC Signature Series Director. “Gerhard has contributed and created numerous astounding pieces such as Cerebus’ popular crossovers in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We cannot wait to see all of the submissions that we will be receiving for this event and we are thrilled to be able to offer fans some of his fantastic Remarques for purchase!”
For this exclusive event, ALL CGC members, including free CGC members, can submit books directly to CGC headquarters in Sarasota, Florida. CGC must receive all submissions for this event by Friday, February 11, 2022.
If the Private Signing needs to be rescheduled, CGC will securely store all submissions in its vault until the event can be rescheduled.
After Gerhard signs the submitted books, CGC will grade and encapsulate them with an estimated turnaround time of six weeks. If CCS pressing is also requested, the turnaround time is estimated at eight weeks. After grading and encapsulation, the collectibles will be shipped back to their owners.
The CGC Private Signing fee for Gerhard is $70 per item and includes: - Gerhard’s signature
- Estimated turnaround time of six weeks for CGC grading
- Estimated turnaround time of eight weeks for CGC grading and CCS pressing (an additional $20 fee applies for CCS pressing)
- Encapsulation with the iconic yellow CGC Signature Series label
The CGC Private Signing fee for a Gerhard Remarque is $160 per item and includes: - Gerhard’s illustrated Remarque. Submitters may request the desired Remarque. Important: The final design and subject matter of the Remarque is at the artist’s discretion. CGC cannot guarantee Remarque requests.
- Gerhard’s signature
- Estimated turnaround time of six weeks for CGC grading
- Estimated turnaround time of eight weeks for CGC grading and CCS pressing (an additional $20 fee applies for CCS pressing)
- Encapsulation with the iconic yellow CGC Signature Series label
Oliver shared it on the FaceItBooks (and maybe on the tweeters too...)
Anyway, "neat." "wow." "cool."
The ACTUAL Neat. Wow. & Cool. part is the email GERHARD sent me:
Hi Matt,
Hope you and the family are doing well.
As a bit of an experiment and because they seemed very eager to do so, I'm participating in a "CGC Private Signing" early next year (and in their announcement I get called "legendary" again).
I've attached a link to the CGC web-page and, as an "AMoC Exclusive", I've attached a jpeg showcasing the results of me trying to figure out what to do for some kind of "Remarque", a quick sketch that I'll be able to draw freehand with no pencilling and with crappy Sharpie and/or (shudder) metallic markers.
I got off to a pretty shaky start since it's been a VERY long time since I drew a "Gerebus". But soon I settled on a design that I could reproduce fairly consistently and in a reasonable amount of time.
So... as I understand it: someone picks one of their valued, pristine issues of a comic book that they'd like me to deface, they send that in to CGC, I scribble on the cover, CGC grades and slabs it with the "...iconic yellow CGC Signature Series label...", then CGC sends it back.
Sounds like it'd be a great Christmas present (that you get until March or April) for someone's favourite "Cerebus Geek".
(Or a Cerebus Geek's present to themselves.)
Thanks for your time and consideration and I wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season and all the bestest wishes for a Better New Year.
Click for the biggers... |
Next Time: Oliver tells you what I JUST posted... (Along with a whole bunch of other stuff...) ((And without the EXCLUSIVE Gerhard art...))
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