Tuesday 28 December 2021

The Trial by M J Sewall, and it's Sean Robinson's birthday!

Hi, Everybody!

It's Sean Robinson's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Sean:
Art by me and Sim. With a *hint* of Gerhard...

Over on the FaceItBookees, Sean said:
I hope everyone's having a great holiday!
I'm in the mood to clean out my closet, which is currently full of my contributor copies of EVERY Waverly Cerebus publication, and all the Cerebus in Hell issues, many of which I'm looking to get rid of to a good home. This includes every single variant, doodad, knick-nack, prototype etc. I'm sorting through it all now in preparation for selling in January, but if you're a collector with a need for a particular item or items, send me a message now either here at Facebook or at livingthelinepublications@gmail.com to let me know what you're looking for and what price you'd like to pay for it, and I'll get you hooked up. I'm most likely going to list everything on LivingtheLineBooks.com and/or Ebay, but would prefer to sell directly now for anyone in need of a particular thing.
So, if you're a-lookin'...

Since it's Sean's birthday, Dave got everybody this:

As you can tell, it's by M J Sewall, who can be found:
My website is here:
Amazon page:
(Okay, Dave didn't send it for Sean's birthday, but he sent so much damn stuff yesterday, I ran out of room...)

Anyway, Dave Sim is calling SOMEBODY next week for the FIRST Please Hold For Dave Sim of 2022. Get yer questions in to momentofcerebus@gmail.com by MONDAY! I'm going on vacation, so the questions are getting sent up early... (And I'm not taking the call, this'll be fun...)
Cerebus in Hell?:
If you want Digital PDFs of glamourpuss, email me at: momentofcerebus@gmail.com and I'll take care of ya...
Heritage, they got a bunch of neat Cerebus stuff.
Carson's SDOAR Contests:
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark is currently free with commercial interruptions on streaming channels "Plex", Comcast's "Xumo", or watch commercial free at "Vimeo On Demand" for $0.99 (to download for $1.99)
Coming soon...

Next Time: Hobbs and HIS Birthday Greetings for Sean...


Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

He wears a hat under his hair?

-- Dame

Brian West said...

Neat short story.

Dave Kopperman said...

I'm reminded that 'Fifty Shades of Gray' started life as 'Twilight' fan fiction, so why not? Though this isn't so much Cerebus fan fiction as Dave Sim fan fiction, which would be like if E.L. James had written erotica starring Stephenie Meyer instead of Bella. Whatever floats their boats. However, as Damian points out, this short needs a proofreader. The number of times the tense changes from present to past and back again (frequently in a single paragraph) is so prevalent that I thought at first that the author was doing it for deliberate effect.

john g. said...

You’ve arranged for Deni to ask the questions during the next “Please Hold for Dave” session? Love it. Ratings!