Friday 25 August 2023

VDH and the gathering threat (Dave's weekly update #501)

Hi, Everybody!

Dave's Weekly Update:
Next Time: Faxes and Photos...


Steve said...


Perhaps Sir Manly hisself would be so kindly as to add an "NCC" designation to the Dave's Weekly Updates tagline for those updates which contain NO CEREBUS CONTENT.

Because if I was a betting man I'd be willing to bet that I'm not the only AMOC voyeur who has little to no interest in NO CEREBUS CONTENT videos from Dave.

Can I get an 'Amen!' from the choir?


aka Tempermints or something likely

Tony Dunlop said...

Umm...when was the last time the Weekly Update had ANYTHING to do with Cerebus? Or with Dave's work in general? It's been "Dave Sim's Random Musings" for at least a year, maybe two...this tenor sings out that you're a bit late to choir practice...