Wednesday 24 April 2024

AKIMBO #1... In stores NOW! PROBABLY!

Benjamin Hobbs:

It's the last Wednesday of the month, and you might recall what that means! It's time to rush over to your LCS and try to explain to them that CIH? WASN'T cancelled.

This month's offering is AKIMBO #1.  Available in both Signed and Unsigned.

Did your LCS receive both versions of AKIMBO?  Let us know in the comments!

Next Week: More CIH? FUN!


Michael R. said...

Hi Benjamin!
I was able to pick up both the regular and the signed comic of Akimbo #1 at my LCS, JAF Comics today.

Benjamin H said...

Hi Michael!
That's GREAT news! Thanks for letting us know!

Steve said...

Dunno if any ABQ LCS has these, but they're getting listed and sold on eBay already.


Travis Pelkie said...

I got the $5 version at my local shop (Fat Cat Comics in Johnson City NY) -- I think I am the only one who gets it there but I'm not sure. I actually didn't even know for sure I would get it, but the owner apparently remembered I've gotten CIH? stuff before and ordered this for me. I was going to be looking either this weekend in Ithaca or maybe on FCBD at another semi-local shop, so I'm glad I don't HAVE to seek it out, or order from an online shop.

Benjamin H said...

Hey Steve!
Thanks for the ebay mention! I see a few copies there now!

Hi Travis!
Glad your store had one for you! I wondered what the success rate of ordering would be after a few months of no-solicits. Thanks for letting us know it's out in NY!

Anonymous said...

Confirmed with my local shop (Bosco's in Anchorage, AK) that they got my $5 version today.


Benjamin H said...

Thanks for the AK confirmation, Dan!

Anonymous said...

Received my $20 preorder. I have yet to receive my $5 preorder. I expect it to arrive with Previews.

Is Akimbo identical to the KS? Must I label the non-signed version? Should I have photographed its removal for the shop bag?