Monday 15 July 2024

This is your penultimate, next to Last Chance, maybe...or...not...

Hi, Everybody!

Got a message in the ol' AMOC Mailbag:

Can you mention on AMOC today that the raffle for Cerebus #2 is ending tonight at midnight? I'm happy to accept donations through 10 am tomorrow morning. $25 gets you entered.

I'M NOT YOUR SLAVE DiGIACOM... wait. Does it end at midnight or 10AM tomorrow? I's confused... 

Anyway, get your money in or you don't got a chance.

Dave sent stuff:



the Cerebus Humble Bundle (ends Thursday?):

SO, if you're THAT guy, Dave'll refund your money. Of course, you're taking money you don't really need away from a guy who already spent 25% of it to pay Gerhard, and then he gave... 20%(?) of the rest to feed the poor. But, yeah, because you paid $99CANADIAN(!) instead of $18USD (And, really, isn't that about the same amount?) you should TOTALLY get a refund... (I mean I paid $25 USD for the Cerebus Humble Bundle. And if you check the Leaderboard, other guys paid like a hundred US(!), but sure, ask for a refund. I'm not judging. (I totally am! I'm judging like my name is Judy, and you tried to screw over somebody for a minor amount of money...)
Heritage has Cerebus adjacent stuff coming soon.
The AMOC TeePublic Shoppe: up to 35% off:

July 16-21.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. 
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: Either Jen announces the winner, or announces that she's GONNA announce the winner. (That broad makes no sense half the time...)

1 comment:

Steve said...

Thomas - we New Mexican's have much the same problem: east coast elite regular people on the street are amazed we speak English so well- without an accent even! How long have we been living in the States is a typical question as well.

(That said: all I know about Nebraska is Springsteen released a real downer of an album with that name, and that Nebraska is a state...)

Dave -- Don Rosa's art can be distinguished from Barks' because it is more detailed: more lines than Barks would've used in the same page space. Personally I found Rosa's stories to be the true 'heir' to Barks' world building, and honestly often much better than Barks. I've got no idea about any of the other Duck artists; mostly European hacks I suppose...
