Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Ladies of Cerebus: AI edition: Part Three: Jaka


Benjamin Hobbs:

As promised, Jaka, as generated by AI, as prompted by David Birdsong:

 I look forward to all the constructive criticism in the comments. 

Next Week: I've run out of AI images! We'll have to look at real art...Unless David sends me more AI!


Anonymous said...

please stop with the ai slop

Anonymous said...

These would be cool if they didn't suck. Please stop.

Christon said...

I may be part of the AMOC minority but I see some potential in these images. I can appreciate Birdsong's efforts.

M J Sewall said...

I think it's a fun experiment... until the Jaka robot comes to life and kills us all, of course.

Anonymous said...

There is more creativity, more effort and more respect shown to what Dave Sim does here:

Tony Dunlop said...

The top one looks like Ivanka Trump.

Anonymous said...

“Bad art is a great deal worse than no art at all.”

Please stop with the AI spam.

Scott Gray said...

Please, no more of this junk. It's an insult to genuine artists.