Wednesday 10 July 2024

The Ladies of Cerebus: AI edition: Part Four: Henrot-Gulch

Benjamin Hobbs:

David Birdsong prompted the AI to make some Henrot-Gulch images, after one of the AMOC readers requested it.  Never say we don't give you what you want!

Unless you're Anonymous Guy who keeps begging us to stop posting AI art.  He would be quite correct in saying we don't give him what he wants.

Next Week: Birdsong takes another pass at Red Sophia and Astoria!


Christon said...

Hopefully next week's Red Sophia is showing some skin and very mature looking. If so, maybe even Anonymous will appreciate it

Anonymous said...

it just seems weird dave would wang to promote this stuff.

Anonymous said...

"Although Dave Sim posts a Weekly Update here every Friday and other exclusive articles, Dave Sim and Gerhard have no control over the other content of this site."

Anonymous said...

The thought of Dave Sim "WANG"ing something is quite disturbing.

Michael R. said...

Hahaha! The fourth image is probably the closest and “best” looking Henrot-Gutch.

Tony Dunlop said...

I like the last one. Reminds me of my first grade teacher, actually, whose personality wasn't all that far from Henrot-Gutch's.

The Literate Engineer said...

I’m surprised that only one image was realistic. The previous subjects were all realistic. Has it something to do with the prompts provided to the program? Can you post the prompts? I’m not sure how image generation works.