Monday 4 September 2023

AMOC Comment: Let's Make a Deal!

Hi, Everybody!

Craig Johnson wrote in:
Hey Matt,

So, Dave’s package made it through was I was on holiday, another one of the TLD auction catalogues, a couple of pieces of tracing paper roughs (including a full figure Cerebus which is awesome of course) so as I already have one of the catalogues here’s what I’m thinking, let me know if it floats your boat
  • I do a bunch of photos of the bits and bobs
  • I’ll offer up the auction cat to someone else in the Uk who wants it but hasn’t ordered if they didn’t like the international postage, as long as they donate <something> via the cerebusdownloads site – got to work out that something, maybe the same price it goes for but they effectively get free postage – I presume you could confirm that someone has paid something there?
  • I’m also going to be sending over 35 CAD via cerebusdownloads tomoz or day after depending on pay day timing to cover Dave’s postage as I said I would


If Dave EVER offers you DEAL OR NO DEAL always always always say DEAL is the lesson to the kids

Maybe that would give you some content for a content-lite day?

Let me know !
I said: Sounds like a DEAL to me... Go ahead and send whatever, and I'll post it. I can confirm with Eddie that somebody as actually pays.

So, without further ado:
Hey Manly,

OK my dude, 35 CAD sent from on the downloads website for Dave’s postage covered...

Buncha photos attached – the hardcover Last Day is seriously an impressive production, very clean crisp hard and felty....a real treasure. Two bits of tracing paper area, some geezer with a sword, it’s not Conan but you know, someone might now....and a picture of my mom, not sure how Dave knew what she looks like but he caught her well.

I see the auction cat is 25 CAD plus shipping to the UK which is quite high, so here’s the deal – someone in the UK wants it, they just donate 25 CAD at (do the 5CAD donation and hit the + button until the total is 25) and once confirmed by the glorious Eddie I will post it first class, free of further charge to whoever wants it.


Take care,


Okay, Craig has GENEROUSLY offered to "sell" his Auction Catalogue to anyone IN THE UNITED KINGDOM!!! who pays 25 CANADIAN DOLLARS (You can figure out the exchange rate...) at (And maybe let me know,, you paid so I can let Craig know to mail it to you.)

And Speaking of the Auctions I FINALLY got a catalogue, so as soon as I figure out what was already sold, eBoner is back in business.

Dave and I are talking on Thursday, get your questions in to

Oh yeah: Monday!

Next Time: Not me, I'm off until Friday...

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