Thursday 21 September 2023

Steve Peters Week 2023 - Homage Covers and a Sparky Jam

A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

Nope. No look at any thumbnails for Cerebus #53 in Dave’s 6th Cerebus notebook for this week. This week is Steve Peters Week 2023. Why do you ask? Because Matt said so. And he is the boss man. Plus I like Steve and his work. So go check out Steve’s Tails of Sparky #4 kickstarter.

If Steve offers sketch covers, I typically get one. Because they come out amazing. Steve does the Dave Sim way of offering sketches – well, at least how Dave did it back in the day – Steve will take his characters and draw them as different characters. So if you request hey, can you draw me some X-Men, you’ll get X-Leks with the Comicverse characters as X-Men. 

The Unbelievable X-Leks #135

The Unbelievable X-Leks #210

Sketch covers? Nah, these are finished covers. I mean, come on, look at how awesome they are!

How about a Dr Strange homage cover with the Comicverse characters?

Comicverse Dr Strange homage cover

And of course, I wouldn’t be the Cerebus Fangirl if I didn’t ask for a Cerebus cover homage

Comicverse Cerebus homage cover

And at the SPACE convention back in 2009, Steve had some original art that we could look at. Which of course I did, and I had to get a picture of Dave Sim’s pencils on a Sparky jam:

Dave Sim drawing of Sparky

You can get all of the previous issues of Tails of Sparky and other Sparky comics at Steve's ongoing Kickstarter for Tails of Sparky #4.


Steve Peters said...

Omigosh! Unfinished Sparky jams! I really need to get those done and published someday.

Machines à Sous en ligne said...

Thanks for your valuable input and contributions to this blog

Tony Dunlop said...

I love the Ditko riff - but then I'm a "Ditko-head."