Sunday 24 September 2023

Look at Dave...He sits there alone...An abject figure. "I abject!"

Hi, Everybody!

So, unless something drastic happens, Dave's gonna be calling me next Thursday.

"Wait. Before October? Two times in a month?"

No, not THIS week Thursday, Next week Thursday. October, fifth. Which is when Steve Peters' new Kickstarter for Tails of Sparky #4 ends. Will we be discussing that? Probably, unless you send questions to, I have a few questions, but not two hours worth. So Steve will most likely get a bit of the call. Again, unless you step up with YOUR questions. We'll talk about anything. Maybe James Windsor-Smith's new Papa Balloon and Cactus issue with the Dave variant cover, currently getting Kickstartered. I mean, ANYTHING could happen.

We'll most likely mention DJ Inzeo who managed to nap this The Last Day panoramic remarque for $10 CAD

He emailed me:
Thank you,

and sorry to steal this so cheap

How would you like me to pay? Donation to the cerebusdownloads page?
DJ Inzeo
Yes DJ, you can pay the TEN CANADIAN DOLLARS you won it for there. And YES, you did kinda "steal" it, didn't you?
I mean...think of POOR Dave. 

Think of Poor Dave:
Who didn't even own a shirt until issue #7 was published...

Yes...spare a thought for Poor ol' Dave...
Who didn't even have pants before that...

Poor ol' Dave, who's apartment was at a forty-five degree angle like on the sixties Batman:
LOOK! He's hanging onto that counter for dear life!

The whole damn apartment:
Thank God for that heavy chair...

Yes, life was rough for Poor Ol' Dave. Why if a famous Writer wasn't hustlin' his chick:

Ted Baxter was:

Yes Poor Ol' Dave. Who SLAVED to make his funnybook, and deal with the unintended consequences that wrought:
"We're ALL a little BUGGY here..."

Poor Ol' Dave...who even after he could afford a shirt and pants still didn't have SHOES!
"Shoeless Dave Sim" it's how he was credited in all his NON-Cerebus work until 1987.
(It's TRUE, you could look it up...)

Poor Ol' Dave, who had to supplement his income ANY way he could...
Interpretive Dance paid surprising well...

Yes, please DJ, think of Poor. Ol'. Dave. And the tragedy that is his life. And maybe throw a couple of extra bucks his way when you pay for your The Last Day at cerebusdownloads.
I mean it wasn't ALL bad, sometimes there was cake. (Of course, it slid off the table thanks to the forty-five degree angle...)

Yes Dj, think of Poor Ol' Dave, with his bum hand and 900 plus unsold copies of The Last Day.
And his many mouths to feed...

Think back on the Good Times (when he was making $75 Canadian Dollars a month (Sixty-five MORE than the measly $10 you've pledged for a book he was selling for $90.) selling records in the basement of Harry's book shop):
"Hi, are you Harry?"

Yes, spare a Moment (heh.) for Poor Ol' Dave, if you could...
Cerebus in Hell?
The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Go Fund Me
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me and Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video". 
The AMOC TeePublic Shoppe
Up to 35% off site-wide:  
September 28-30
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off 

Next Time: Did I do a Bad Bad thing?

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