Tuesday 8 October 2024

SDoAR 2.40: Strange Death of Alex Raymond Primer

And we're back! 

A few weeks back there was a comment that expressed frustration with the inside-baseball nature of these SDOAR updates and since I want to stay above the Mendoza line, I thought it might make sense to address the aforementioned comment without the use of jargon or acronyms:

Paul Slade wrote...

I can't be the only one who's completely lost track of what's going on with SDOAR. The various posts here assume too much background knowledge to be anything but baffling for those of us outside the core group of obsessive AMOC followers.

Let me start with an apology to Paul and others who may find these updates opaque. I appreciate the heads up and let me see if I can make things a little more clear. 

Paul continues...

Could someone please provide a "beginners start here" explanation of: 

1) What does "unlocking" a page mean?

Anyone who contributes to the Strange Death of Alex Raymond GoFundMe can receive access to a Dropbox folder of pages mocked up and/or drawn by Dave Sim that have not officially been published yet. After every $200 of donations, a new page is added to the Dropbox folder.

Paul adds...

2) Are the pages periodically posted on AMOC from the existing hardback volume which has already been published or pages from a planned volume two?

The pages being added to these A Moment of Cerebus/A Moment of the Strange Death of Alex Raymond updates are from the Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover, akin to what Manly Matt Dow does with reprinting Cerebus in his A Moment of Cerebus updates.

Paul asks...

3) If the latter, whose work is it that appears on these pages? What is Dave's involvement in drawing or designing them? Is Carson still involved? If so, how?

Any pages that are were done after the hardcover are either mockups by Dave Sim or drawn by Dave Sim as his wrist improved.

Paul queries ..

4) What material do the SDOAR ashcans contain?

The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Ashcan #0 will include the original mocked up pages that appear in blue ink in the final sections of the Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover. Ashcan #1 and beyond will be entirely new material mocked up/drawn by Dave Sim.

Paul questions ...

5) Assuming I'm right about Dave wanting to eventually get a second volume of SDOAR published in physical form, what is the idea of this volume? Will it be an updated/expanded version of the existing book, or a brand new volume which continues the discussion from where the existing hardback left off?

I could go on, but those five questions will do to be doing on with. I think a post which (crucially) assumes no prior knowledge, but sets out a clear account of how each initiative on SDOAR works, what it hopes to achieve and what Dave sees as the ultimate end point of all this effort would be very useful. It might even help to pull in some extra cash.

What Dave wants to do is a question that only he can answer. At this point, he wants to continue working on the Strange Death of Alex Raymond, with the goal of 1) completing the story, and 2) possibly going back and drawing what he had previously mocked up. 

At present, Dave has no plans to print his mocked up pages or drawn pages and from my perspective, the GoFundMe Dropbox and Ashcans are a way to get these pages out to fans and hopefully encourage Dave to do a proper published continuation of the series, but at this point is very much putting the cart before the horse.

If you have other questions, please share them in the comments and I'll see if I can't clear things up down the line. The GoFundMe page was intended as the primer, but since most of the audience likely spends time here, it makes sense to periodically start from the beginning.

In other news, the latest proof of our Giant-Size SDOAR Ashcan proofs are in my hands and possibly will be in Dave's hands by the end of the week!

Just the GoFundMe Facts, Ma'am

  • $15,087.00 raised to date from 260 donations
  • 79 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 22 December 2021
  • 100 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • $133.00 away from unlocking page 101
  • If you have not donated > $5+ donation grants access to all 100 pages and all pages moving forward
  • If you have donated, thank you, but if you want to donate monthly, GoFundMe does not offer that option, so please do so as we are at the beginning of month #10 of Year 2.

The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Preview, Part Thirty-Nine

Okay, sports fans. The following are links to previous updates that featured pages from The Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover. If you click on the links in order, you can begin to devour the magnum opus that is the Strange Death of Alex Raymond...
Thisthisthisthisthis, thisthis
Thisthisthis, this, then...
SDOAR GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR GoFundMe

1 comment:

Paul Slade said...

Thanks very much for those answers. They're clear, comprehensive and exactly what I needed to better understand this subject.