AMOC Special Friend of the Year (2019) Jesse Lee Herndon is back with more transcripts of Please Hold videos.
Which means he's once again, AMOC Special Friend of the Day:
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With added 'Merica! |
[Part one is
sponsored by the Richard M Nixon Library]
Part one:
Part two:
Eddie: …Really really enjoyed reading Cerebus, and
how much we want to see it preserved and the legacy kept alive.
Matt: Okay.
And that’s, I mean, as I said when I first… when Tim first asked for someone to
take over, I said, “I’ll throw my shiny metal helmet into the ring if nobody
else wants it”, and… ever since then, I’m pretty sure he went, “Great, it’s
yours!” and jumped in his car and drove away.
Eddie: [laughs]
It’s funny you should say that, because that’s the sense that I’m getting from
Dave while I’m here.
[laughs] “Alright, kid. See ya later!” No, no, no, he’s still doing stuff, but
I can tell, I think he’s a little bit happy to have someone here to maybe take
over the reins for a little bit, just to get his feet wet.
Matt: And,
I mean, I can understand the idea of, ya know, it’s better to have a trial run
of “okay, this is what’s it’s gonna be like, are you sure you still wanna do
this?” as opposed to, “okay, here’s the keys, I’m gone!”
[laughs] Yeah, yeah exactly, that was a big part of me coming here too. But,
it’s kinda like, it ties in with your first question as to like why he chose me
and a big part of it is “Strange Death of Alex Raymond.” He said I’m the
biggest fan and I’m the only one who really knows… I am the only one who knows
where he’s going with it, and knows a lot about it, as much as him. There’s
some things I can honestly say that I might know a little bit more, or maybe I
just haven’t brought to his attention yet. And then there’s a lot that he knows
that I don’t know what his thoughts are on. But in terms of “The Strange Death
of Alex Raymond”, that’s, I think, a big part of the reason why he wanted me to
be able to take over. So, like I said, it’s still just the second day and I’m
still trying to get myself organized here. It’s…
It’s a lot to take in, but not in the way that you would think. The biggest
problem I’m having is just trying to figure out like how I want to set up and
what I want to tackle first. Like, Dave’s showing me a bit of the business
side. We kinda had a bit of a daily walk through of what he does for business
things. And then, I’ve had a tour of the Off-White House, a quick tour around
and it’s like, there’s just a lot of stuff that I kinda want to see. Like,
“okay what’s this? What’s here? What’s this? How would I organize this? Where
would I put that?” He’s got a lot of it already organized, but I think his main
concern right now, and it kinda should be, is working on “Cerebus Hell” and
“Strange Death of Alex Raymond” and, ya know, if there’s other little minor
things that need to be done around the house, that’s not… I don’t think it
should be his main priority right now.
‘Kay. So… Dave’s at an undisclosed location, hold up with, I’m assuming, a
remote control, and probably…
Matt: …All
the bliss that he’s missed since, ya know, the last vacation that he had. I
mean, that’s one of those, the big question I’m gonna have for him next week,
is “how did you enjoy your summer vacation?”
[laughs] Well, I am meeting with him daily to go over stuff. Like I said, this
is only the second day, and I’m gonna meet him later after this phone call, and
he did call to say, “Can we postpone it a little bit? I just found out that
Donald Trump is going to be doing a, I guess, July 4th speech” and
he goes “I’ve never heard Donald Trump speak before, which I’m probably the
only person on the planet who’s never heard him speak.” And I’m like, “you’ve
never heard Donald Trump speak before? Like that is… that’s interesting to me.”
So, yeah, I’m gonna go and ask him what he thought of Donald Trump’s voice,
because he says he’s never heard him talk before.
Matt: That’s…
I find that surprising, but at the same time, I don’t find it surprising, if
that makes any sense?
Eddie: [laughs] Not at all, Matt. Oh my God. Like, the weird stuff you would kind of expect to see and experience and happen around him? It happens. Like, I kinda went in expecting like, okay, the computer stuff is gonna go weird. Yeah, the computer stuff went weird. You think something is gonna go fine, like there’s no reason why it shouldn’t, and then something just, “Oh well, ya know, this isn’t gonna work today”, or something. Like, it’s just unbelievable. So we shouldn’t be surprised, but we still sometimes are.
Eddie: [laughs] Not at all, Matt. Oh my God. Like, the weird stuff you would kind of expect to see and experience and happen around him? It happens. Like, I kinda went in expecting like, okay, the computer stuff is gonna go weird. Yeah, the computer stuff went weird. You think something is gonna go fine, like there’s no reason why it shouldn’t, and then something just, “Oh well, ya know, this isn’t gonna work today”, or something. Like, it’s just unbelievable. So we shouldn’t be surprised, but we still sometimes are.
Matt: I
was just gonna ask about, is there a digital version of the Archive? Does Dave
have all the digital stuff he’s supposed to have organized? Or is there, like,
just a stack of floppy discs going back to the big 5 and a half inch ones,
just, ya know, “Oh yeah yeah, this is the stuff you have to take care of,
[laughs] That’s a good question. I think some of the stuff is digitized, and
some isn’t, and the extent to which it’s digitized, I don’t know. Like, I
think, I met Rollie today, and I think a lot of the correspondence is being
digitized? How much of it has been digitized, I’m not sure. But, I think that
stuff is. But in terms of the older stuff, like the stuff, like you said, are
on 5 and a half inch floppies, which I don’t think they have that here, but
maybe they do somewhere. They might have 8 Tracks somewhere, Matt, I dunno.
Those ones, I don’t think have been digitized. So that’s definitely one of the
things I kinda want to get my head around, in terms of, “okay, is this
something where we’re gonna want to digitize everything as much as possible
right now? Or is that something that can be held off for a little bit and done
sometime in the future?
Matt: I
know that somewhere in the Archive is supposedly is the VHS tape of the making
of 105, the Flaming Carrot crossover.
Eddie: 04.
Matt: And
that’s, Dave has mentioned in the past of, “someday we’re gonna find this
tape”, and I’m like, I just feel like it’s gonna be in a box in the back of the
closet, completely forgotten. Or worse, it was one of those things where Dave
got rid of his electronics and went, “I don’t need tapes anymore!”
[laughs] I hope not, I think he’s, yeah, that is one of the things, it could be
in the closet somewhere around here. Some of the stuff is organized, and some
of the stuff isn’t, or it’s in piles where it’s gotta be put away. Like I said,
I don’t think that’s necessarily a big priority for him right now in terms of…
compared to doing the comics and getting the work done. So, it is something
where I am eventually like, if I do, and when I do take over, that is something
that I would need to address and look at. Yeah, where is the videotape for the
making of 104? I asked him yesterday, actually, if he had any copies of
“Prisoners of Gravity”, starring him, and he said “no, but aren’t they all on
Youtube?” and I said, “well a lot of them are, but I can’t seem to find any
with Dave Sim on them.” and he said, “Oh, that’s interesting.” He goes, “No, I
don’t think I ever got any copies of them.” So, something like that would be
something where I would want to track down and see whoever has them, or whoever
did the show, if they have copies of it, and then it’s like, “could I have some
copies for the Archive?”
Right. That reminds me of the second Ye Bookes of Cerebus signing, in Salt Lake
City. I’d gone to the first one with the wife. We’d packed up, drove 11 hours
to New York for the first one. Had a great a time with the Yahoos. And they
announced they were doing the second one in Salt Lake City and I said to Paula,
“They’re doing another show, but it’s in Salt Lake City. I kinda want to go…”
and she’s like, “let’s go, let’s go!” So, okay we get in the car and we drive
27 hours one way. It was a 25 hour trip with a 2 hour nap. And we get there,
and she finds out it was the same art show that we’d already seen and she was
pissed. But one of the things that I had brought with me was a copy of “Future
Day” by Gene Day, which has a half dozen, or maybe a dozen different stories
Gene had written and drawn and a lot of them have lettering from Dave. And I
was at a half-priced book store, found three copies of it, bought all three of
them, and I’m like, I’m gonna get one signed for me and the other two I’ll do
something else with, I dunno what. And I pull them out of my bag to have Dave
sign them, and he’s looking at it, and he’s like, “I’ve never seen this
before.” And I’m like, “what?” and he’s like, “I don’t own this.” And I’m like,
“well, ya do now! I only need one copy.” So, he and Gerhard, cause there’s a
photo of Gene on the back, and Dave remembers the photo from when it was taken
but he’s never seen the book. So he’s looking at the three, and he and Gerhard
are comparing them, and he’s finding the best copy of the photo, because that’s
what Dave wants the most. So he’s like okay, and he signs one to me, and I have
him sign the other one to the next Gene Day Prize winner at SPACE and at that
year at SPACE I gave it to the winner. I think it was Steve Peters, but I could
be wrong. And it turns out that photo of Gene that was on that book is what
Dave used for the photo reference for an issue of Cerebus Archive. And that’s
why he wanted the book.
Eddie: Oh
Because, when he got to doing Cerebus Archive and he got to that issue he
wanted to have that photo of Gene. And it’s one of those, you would assume,
well hey, Dave you have work in the book, didn’t you get a copy? “Nope. Never
saw it.”
[laughs] I think that happened a lot more before email and before everybody was
in touch with everybody. It probably still happens quite a bit, where it’s
like, ya know, they’ll suck up and you know, “Oh, you know, I need this this
from you”. Then once they get it and they publish the book or whatever they
don’t send a copy to anybody who contributed. Again, I don’t know how often
that happens. It probably happens quite a bit still, to be honest. But, that’s
a great buy! You keep you finding really good stuff, Matt!
[laughs] Well, you gotta keep your eyes open. Ya know, it’s one of those, the
best part is, I got to keep a copy. The copy I have is bound upside down, so
the front cover is the back cover.
[laughs] That’s beautiful.
Matt: So
not only is it a weird, rare book but it’s a weird, rare printing of a weird,
rare book.
[laughs] Matt, I think you’ve got the knack for having weird stuff that’s
relevant to Cerebus and Dave Sim in the Archive.
Well, that’s, anything I find, I try to send Dave a copy of. Did he mention
anything about the Stan Drake illustrative thing? Have you guys talked to…
Eddie: We
had a… it came up in our conversation, I think, but indirectly.
And, yeah, I haven’t had the chance to fully debrief with him about… like, I
have a ton of stuff on my laptop that I brought over that I’m like, “Okay, I’ve
gotta go over that stuff with him”. And it’s just like, we… other stuff keeps
coming up and it’s like okay, so hopefully I’ll be able to get to it in a bit.
But yeah, no, it was a good one, I mentioned how that was an incredible find.
And he said yeah, especially the part about Stan Drake mentioning Alex Raymond,
in talking about those blacks being quiet pools of black, or whatever it was,
you said they were. And that quote, especially, as that was a quote that was
affiliated with Alex Raymond before. So I can tell, we didn’t, again, talk
about it too much, but that was a huge find, Matt. That’s just.. especially
finding something from Stan Drake’s death.
Matt: That
was, like I said, in that email I sent you, that I found… or that someone was
selling that a year ago, or in the past year, on Facebook, and I’m like, “Oh! I
should buy this” I’m like, “ahh, it’s coming from England and I don’t wanna
have to pay ya know $30 to ship it. Ya know, let it go, it’s fine, you know,
then the other day I just stumbled across it. And of course, I’m with my
friend, and I’m like, I just checked out the comic store when he finds it and
I’m like, “hey, it’s $2, can you buy this for me and I’ll pay you back?” And
he’s like, “yeah, we’ll make it part of your birthday present.” I’m like,
“Okay, that works for me.” And then, ya know, sat on my nightstand for two
days, finally open it up and I’m flippin’ through it, ya know, just readin’ a
magazine where there’s literally a facing page to the ad is an article about
the upcoming Walt Disney projects that talks about, and I’m not kiddin’ ya,
this imaginative new short that was spun out of the failed movie called “Trick
or Treat” by Tim Burton, and the short’s called “Vincent” about a kid who wants
to be Vincent Price.
Matt: Then
the article continues, saying, Disney’s gearing up… the animators are gearing
up, because there had just been an animators strike in 83 that ended right
before this issue came out. And they’re gearing up for production on the
adaptation of “Who Censored Roger Rabbit?” And I’m reading it like, this is all
ancient history, and of course, they’re writing about it, because, ya know,
it’s new and upcoming and exciting, isn’t it? And I’m like, “this movie is 30
years old!” and I’m reading the article and I’m lookin’ at the ad and I see
Stan Drake’s name and I’m like, “wait a minute, this is the 21st
century, I can find anything I want by going to the Google and type it in”, and
I think it was the third link. It wasn’t even like, ya know, the first five
links were eBay auctions that ended a year ago. It was the third link was some
guy on some board. “Hey, I scanned this. Anybody is interested, here’s the scans.”
And I’m just like, download, download, print this off, mail it to Dave.
Because, I’m sure, it was gonna be one of two things, either Dave has never
seen this, or Dave has a copy that’s well-worn and falling apart from…
Part Two falls apart.
Part Three comes together
It’s better to be safe than sorry. And it’s interesting how that happens, like,
you had no problem finding the article, and while I’ve been helping research
all this, it’s like, it’s amazing when that happens. Things just fall into
place, and it’s like, “oh look it’s, ya know, it’s right there. It’s almost
like you’re meant to find it.” And then there’s times when you’re just like,
spinning your wheels on the internet and it’s just like going through pages and
pages and pages and I can’t find it. Like I bet you anything if I had come
across that article, I wouldn’t have been able to find downloadable PDFs. It’s
something that seems to be specific to you finding it at that time, and then
being able to search it out and get it so easily. Whereas I bet you if somebody
else had tried to do it, it wouldn’t have worked that way.
Somewhere in the Archive, I don’t… I honestly haven’t heard from Dave at all,
it’s one of those, I sent it up. I sent him a box of stuff. And he talked about
like two things that were in the box that were near the top of the box, and
nothing that was at the bottom.
Matt: And
at the bottom, I sent him a copy of “Scarlett: The Official Authorized Sequel
to ‘Gone with the Wind’”, authorized by the Margaret Mitchell estate.
Matt: And
a copy of “The Wind Done Gone” the parody of “Gone with the Wind”, written by,
I forget her name. And it’s one of those, both authors’ initials are A.R. And I
believe one of them is Alexandria? And I’m like…
Alexandria Ripley.
Yeah, and I put a note, a letter, “to the Cerebus Archive” saying, “I’m sending
these along” and then in parentheses, in the letter, I said, “I make no
connection whatsoever to the fact that both authoresses have A.R. as their
initials, one of them even has Alex in it”.
Matt: And
then, in the copy of “The Wind Done Gone”, I included the original article,
it’s, I think it was George Will, wrote, it was some column I came across in a
newspaper. And it’s George Will talking about the court case that the Margaret
Mitchell estate brought against the author of “The Wind Done Gone” and the
court finding it’s an authorized parody and it’s legal and they can’t sue. And
I read the article, and I saved the article for the parody and fair use stuff,
but I was talkin’ to my Aunt about it, and that year at Christmas, and I opened
up my Christmas present and it was a copy of “The Wind Done Gone” she ran
across and went, “here you go, you can have this.” And I never read it, I put
it on the shelf. I was gonna get to it, and then Dave started talkin’ about
Margret Mitchell and “Gone with the Wind”, and I’m like, “I’m wondering if
Dave’s seen this book. So I’ll send it to him.“ And then, ya know, I kind
procrastinated, and then I was out at a rummage sale and it was the last day of
the rummage sale and I found a copy of a first print first edition copy of
“Scarlett” for a dollar, and I’m like, “Okay, I’ll buy this for Dave and mail
it to him. Ya know, he’s kinda into Margret Mitchell right now.” Ya know, it’s
one of those, he’d just brought that into glamourpuss
so I didn’t know how far deep the rabbit hole was, and, “Okay, I’ll buy this
for Dave” and I get up to pay for it and they’re like, “Oh, it’s half off today,
so it’s 50 cents” and I’m like, “alright, a first print of a copy of a book
that’s probably gonna turn out to be important to Dave eventually.. 50 cents,
yeah sure, just buy it and go.”
Yeah, Dave hasn’t said anything to me, like, ya know, “Oh yeah, ya know, thanks
for sending these in.” Like, either he was already aware of it, or it’s just…
further down the rabbit hole. Cause I’ve asked him, how deep are you going with
this? And he goes, “it never ends.”
Eddie: You
know, one of the reasons why he probably didn’t respond to you about those
books? Is because I just have been burying him in Margret Mitchell stuff over
the last few years. Like you would not believe, like there is a part of me that
is feeling like very very very very guilty about this. Because, like… I don’t
think… Yeah, there’s interesting parts to it and she does factor into it in a
big way, but it’s not about her, and I kinda… when I started pulling on this
thread, I started finding so many things and I just started sending him so much
stuff. And you know, you get really worked up, you get all this enthusiasm
about it. But, within that enthusiasm, you have a tendency to send a lot of
stuff that isn’t necessarily pertinent? Or maybe it’s just you like, “oh yeah,
he could use this.” and it’s like, it’s a one man operation here, pretty much.
Eddie: And
he’s got a lot to do, so it’s like… I’ve probably given him more Margaret
Mitchell than he ever needs. And I remember one time when he had finally had
kind of come to the end of the Margaret Mitchell stuff, he was like, “that’s
it. I’m done. I’m out of here. Thank you. It’s not you, it’s me”, to Margaret
Mitchell, ya know, hypothetically. It’s like, that’s it, no more. And then he’s
got me looking up stuff on Margaret Mitchell again. [laughs] It’s like, okay, I
think he’s doing this just to get back at me, but I could be wrong.
Eddie: And
it’s like, I thought we were done with Margret Mitchell. No more Margret
Mitchell! Enough Margret Mitchell! And then I made that amazing discovery, that
I posted to Patreon about the Raymond and Drake name connection in the Margret
Mitchell encyclopedia. So it’s like, you just… you don’t know, you’re kind of
flailing in all of this and then you just kind of have to trust your instincts.
But, with him, I think usually... usually if he’s got something and he’s found
something useful out of it, like, he knows pretty much… he’s got good instincts
for where the story is. And I think he can usually tell whether or not
something is… how important something is going to be to the work. Like the A.R.
initial thing, I completely missed that connection, but I did make the
connection that her last name is Ripley, ya know, which is like Rip, which is
like Rip Kirby.
Matt: That
was the other half of it, yeah.
Eddie: So,
the already weird connection… yeah? Go ahead?
Matt: I
said, that was the other half, but now that you’ve said it, I’m like, oh yeah I
remember that being part of it too, was that one of them has Alex in her name,
the other one has Rip and I’m like… you look at it and you’re like, there’s
something there and it might be somethin’ small, but it doesn’t feel like it’s
somethin’ small. And…
Yeah! And then you pull on it and it just opens up a whole bunch of new things.
And sometimes it doesn’t lead to anything. That’s the problem. Like sometimes
you get discouraged and you’re like looking for something and you’re like, “I
think this is the right path I’m on but it’s like I’m not finding anything
related to what I would expect to find.” So that’s why I’m pleasantly surprised
you were able to find that Stan Drake interview so quickly and easily. And
speaking of Alex Raymond, too, and that’s a big thing, like, how… how often did
he actually bring up Alex Raymond in his interviews over the years? Especially
when talking about art? Ya know, was that a common thing he did, was it not so
common? I mean, I just don’t know.
Matt: Well,
and that’s… goin’ back to glamourpuss
that was kinda one of Dave’s hypotheticals that we’re never gonna get the real
answer to is, “how close were these two guys?” Ya know, they were rivals, but
were they also… was it a friendly rivalry or was it a… ya know, constant
one-upmanship between the two of ‘em? I mean, it… the Stan Drake article
implies “Alex Raymond said to me”, well did he say it to you Stan, or did he
say it a lot and you heard him say it? Ya know…
[laughs] Yeah, exactly. Like, don’t forget, Stan Drake was a big time
embellisher. He was quite the storyteller, so you don’t always know what he’s
saying was necessarily the truth or how much you can take it as face value.
Yeah, and that’s… I mean… it’s one of those, I’ve got the scans, and I’m like,
okay, I’m gonna save however many pages of Stan stuff, ya know, make them into
Jpegs that I can fax up to Dave. Cause that’s the other one… ya know, it’s
really weird, cause last time I talked to Dave he was saying… ya know, I said I
sent him a fax and in the fax I sent him images that I’m sure it’s gonna look
like mud because I know it’s how fax machines work. And he’s like, “it’s really
weird, Matt. When you fax something it comes through almost as a greyscale.
Everybody else it turns to mud.” And I’m like, “I don’t know how this works. I
don’t know what I’m doin’, if it’s somethin’, ya know, I’m formatting things
‘wrong’ and they work better, or if it’s just his fax machine likes me?” So
when I’m sending the scans and I’m kinda… I’m readin’ this, but I’m not readin’
this type of thing? I’m just kinda skimmin’ it, and then I saw Alex Raymond,
and I’m like, what? And I back up and I read it and I’m like, yeah okay,
definitely have to fax this to Dave today. Like, ya know, normally I would
wait… cause I think it was even a Sunday when I sent it to him. And normally I
would wait until okay, I’ll wait until Monday, I’m not gonna disturb him on his
day off type thing, I’m like, no this is just weird enough I need to send it
Eddie: Oh
yeah. And like, not just the Alex Raymond part, but the part that he talks
about his technique. And the other thing is how quickly he does a strip. Like,
I knew that was the part Carson was probably gonna glom onto, which was the
fact that he talks about how he just, ya know, how his process and his method is
for working. But also just how quickly he can get them done. And it’s like,
Stan Drake can draw that fast that good? It’s like, just, unbelievable.
Which… it might be! Unbelievable. Like, it might have been one of those, ya
know, Alex Raymond saying “yeah, I’m six weeks ahead on my strip” and Drake
lookin’ at him, like, “what are you crazy? Nobody’s that far ahead in their
strip”. That was one of the things that rung a bell, like. Is this, ya know,
Stan telling, sayin’ “oh yeah I can get a strip done this fast”, well, really,
Stan, or is this one of those, ya know, “Yeah, this one day this one strip I
was in and out before lunch.” And twisting the story so that, “Oh yeah,
everyday is like that. I don’t anguish at the boards all day ever!” And I mean,
that’s… it goes back to what you said, he was a fantastic storyteller. So was
it a story, it was it real?
Eddie: I
just briefly mentioned, talked to Carson about it, and I said it reminds me of
the story of someone saying that they watched him do the hair on Juliet Jones
or on Eve, and it was like, “Yeah he just ya know, whipped it out and that was
it.”And it was like, that’s it, like I can’t compete with this guy. And I think
Carson said it was Russ Heath, and I’m pretty sure it was Russ Heath, who saw Stan
Drake working, and it’s like.. cause a lot of Juliet Jones was known for the
way he drew the hair on the women and it’s like, ya know, it was apparently a
big part of his style, was drawing women’s hair accurately in the right way,
and when he saw him do it that way, he was like, “that’s it? That’s all it
takes for you to do that? Like, that’s incredible.” And a lot of those guys,
don’t forget, they really… this cartooning gig might’ve been secondary to them
wanting to just go and play golf, ya know? [laughs]
Matt: I
mean, the number of golf jokes in the article, it’s only like, seven pages? And
I think there were at least five or six of ‘em. And I’m goin’, I think it’s one
of these… he had a… he says at the beginning, “well, ya know, you can’t teach
penciling in ten days” and I’m thinking… err, I mean, “you can’t teach
penciling in ten pages” and I’m goin’, okay, they said to you, hey, ya know,
keep it to ten pages and describe your technique. And of course, immediately,
it’s, well, here’s a golf joke, here’s another golf joke, and I’m like, “was he
on his way to the course when he went, ‘oh yeah, I have this deadline?’”.
[laughs] You can tell where his priorities were. What his mind was on.
Well, that’s… I mean, I freely admit, when I draw the strips for these, if I’m
workin’ more than an hour, I did somethin’ wrong in my life. I’m very much the
Ernest Hemingway of cartooning of, “okay it’s been an hour, we’re done.”
[laughs] Matt, put down the gun!
[laughs] Not that way!
Eddie: [laughs]
Okay, okay, just makin’ sure! Just making sure, Matt, I need all the help I can
get. Trust me, you’re definitely on that list of the top five people I need
around to help me out.
Okay, not a problem. I mean, that’s… it’s very much the Legion of Substitute
Wise Fellows at this point of, ya know, whatever you need, we’ll see what we
can do.
Eddie: Oh
yeah, and I’m one of them, right now, so that’s exactly what it’s like. Oh,
what was I gonna say? Ya know, what you just said about, if it takes longer
than hour to do one you’re doing something wrong. It’s funny, Dave’s got these
quotes that he always used to put in the front of “Cerebus” in the notes from
the President about… I think they stick out in a lot of people’s minds.
Especially the ones about how to become a cartoonist and self-publisher, and
there’s that one quote he said where, “first you get good, then you get fast,
then you get good and fast.” I think that’s the way it was.
Matt: That
is the exact quote. When I train somebody at work, the boss will come by and
say, “how are they doin’?” I’m like, “first we get good, then we get fast, then
we get good and fast. We’re still workin’ on good or we’re still workin’ on
fast.” I’ve said that probably 3000 times in the past seven years.
Eddie: You
know, and it’s funny, because I’m sure that we’re not the only ones doing that
at work? Like, the one I do at work, because there’s a lot of bureaucratic
stuff I have to work with, if the term Steering Committee ever comes up, right,
I’m like, we don’t need a steering committee, we need a ‘everybody get out and
push’ committee. Every time I say it, it’s like everybody cracks up.
Matt: At
work, we’re behind, and I was talkin’… it’s a family business that the owner
retired and passed it on to his kids and he’s got like six kids. He’s got one
son and five daughters, and all their husbands work for the company. And the
lowest on the totem pole’s son-in-law will come by and talk to me and I have
told him multiple times, “Hey, I’m not on the steering committee, I’m on the
everybody get out and push committee. What do we gotta do to get this company
goin’ where we need to go?” That’s all… I’ve said that, and that’s another
Dave-ism that I’ve dropped many times. Because it is a classically perfect, any
organization you’re in, ya know, there’s gonna that be one guy of “okay I’m on
the steering committee, this is the direction we’re goin’” It’s like, yeah,
just quit steerin’ into the ditch, we’re in the back pushin’…
Part Three steered into the ditch
Part Four gets out and pushes
Eddie: …
He nodded, and I said, “that to me is just one of the most impressive things,
like, you basically landed right on when you said you were going to do it.” He
said that for a long time he did the math wrong and thought that it was going
to be 2003, so when he finally realized it was 2004, he was like, “aw Dave,
what’re you doing to yourself?”
That’s… The Comics Scene magazine that has an interview with Dave & Deni,
he says, “oh yeah the book’s gonna end in 2002” and I’m like, “this is back
before Dave did the math!”
[laughs] Yeah, he did the math wrong and ya know, it’s like, “oh, I forgot to
carry the one. Ah, well, what difference is a year going to make?” Well, when
you’re at that point, at that stage in the game, it… from the sounds of it, it
made a big difference, just from reading the back of “The Last Day” and
everything he had to do to get the whole thing done on time. And Gerhard, too.
I don’t think we should underestimate what an accomplishment it was doing all
those issues and doing it in a timely manner so that it finished in March 2004.
Like that, I don’t think… I don’t know that anybody would be able to do that
again? They might be able to, but I’d like to see… I’m curious to see how often
something like that could happen.
Well, the classic one is [distant boom], that explosion was fireworks. I live
in America, we’re gonna blow stuff up tonight. I dunno if you heard that…
Matt, put down the gun!
Matt: No,
no, no! Again! It’s not me, it’s the neighbor, the neighbor’s blowin’ stuff up…
Where was I goin’? I lost my train of thought. Yeah, no, the March 2004 thing…
the issue was supposed to come out, I think, the second or third Wednesday of
the month? And my store got it the first Wednesday of the month. It was a week
Oohhhhh, you lucky!
Matt: And
yeah, that’s… cause Dave has said, “Oh yeah, ya know, issue 300 it was a week
late, but it still came out when I said it would” and I’m like, no it was a
week early. And it turns out it was probably one of those Diamond things where
they got a bunch of books and ya know, half the shipment got packed up to ship
out and then the other half of the shipment, “ahh, well, it can wait a week,
nobody’s gonna care.” I have friends that are retailers that are, “oh yeah, ya
know, the book’s supposed to be out in stands this date. Well, that’s depending
on if Diamond decides to pack the box this week.”
Yeah, I think uh… was Diamond the only game in town when March 2004 came
Matt: Yep!
By 2004, Diamond was pretty much it. I think there was a few small independent
publish… uhh, distributors, but they weren’t doin’ gangbusters. By that point,
Diamond had secured their monopoly. But we love their monopoly! Don’t cancel
the book, Diamond. We’re good.
Matt: We
love Diamond!
Eddie: Diamond
good! We love Diamond! Yay Diamond! Thank you, Diamond, for all the help you’re
giving us. Because they are giving Dave and Aardvark-Vanaheim a lot of help. So
thank you. Do you remember the day when you bought Cerebus 300?
Yeah! Pretty… I mean, it was one of those, went down to the store. By 2004 I
was pretty much livin’ at my comic book store. I’d work all week and then by
the weekend, I’d pretty much just live there. Back in the late… well, it was
the early 2000s, I was living at home and had more money than brains and I
pretty much paid the rent on the comic store every week. Or every month.
Matt: And
I’m not lyin’! There was one day, I walked down, and the owner came over and
gave me a big hug, and was all… it was like an old episode of “Cheers” where
Norm shows up and everybody screams your name. I walked in and everyone was
like, “Matt!” and I’m like “what’s goin’ on?” The owner gave me a big hug, and
I’m like, “what’s up?” and he’s like, “oh you’re gonna pay the rent now” And
I’m like what? Open my file, and here’s $400 worth of stuff. Oh yeah sure, I
don’t need things like saving for the future to buy a house to have kids and a
wife and stuff. No, no, I’m gonna buy a replica of Thor’s hammer because it’s
Thor’s hammer and I need this in my life.
[laughs] Did you get that out of your system?
Matt: No.
Now I buy original Dave Sim art when Seiler doesn’t outbid me. That’s why I
love Jeff Seiler. Jeff Seiler’s the best.
[laughs] Jeff Seiler is,uhh, yeah, I think I started buying some artwork over
the last few years, as well, and I’ve said to Dave, my plan is to donate it to
the Archive after I’m gone… or sometime before. I think I’m probably not the
only one who’s thought about that?
Matt: Back
when Jeff lived near me, cause he lived in the same 15 mile radius for about a
year or so, and he was talking, “Oh ya know, when if I die, I’m gonna give you
all of my Cerebus stuff” I’m like, understand, any original art is goin’ right
back to Dave, and he’s like, “What?” and I’m like, I don’t really have display
space, ya know, it’s one of those, yes, I want it, but at the same time, no, I
can just send it back to Dave and I’ll know where it is. I don’t have to worry
about, ya know, “hey what happened to that painting on the wall?” type thing.
Matt: And
he’s brought it up a couple times of, hey if something happens to me I’m gonna
send you stuff. He posted something on AMOC about offering it to anybody who’s
willing to take it, type thing, and I’m like, just send it to Dave. You got an
original page, you’re thinkin’ of sellin’ it? Send it to Dave. I mean, then
everybody goes, “well I paid good money for this”, and it’s like yeah, but at a
certain point, I mean… how many pages from issue 8 still exist, and how many
pages from issue 8 did Dave sell to get weed and some kid bought it and his mom
threw it out?
Yeah, and that’s the thing, right? If you have Cerebus art, you kind of… I
don’t think you can not help but think about what might happen to it after you’re
gone. And it’s like, would… ya know, the people who inherit it, would they sell
it or would they want it? Are they interested in it? And I don’t know how many
people have Cerebus art where their family would be like, “oh yeah, I’m gonna
keep this”. It might be like, “oh I’m gonna sell it and see what I can get” and
then it’s lost to time and space. Or they might get some good money for it, but
then it’s out there in the wild again.
Well, hopefully, whatever fan it is has already submitted it to the Art Dragnet
and Sean’s got a copy. Or the family when they finally decide, “okay, we’re
gonna sell all this” it goes to an auction house that is partnered up with…
where, ya know, like Heritage sends all the scans they get to Dave right away.
At least, that was how somebody told me. I think Sean said that yeah, Heritage
emails the scans whenever they get anything.
Well, that’s good.
Matt: And
I mean, it’s… I’ve said this before and I’ll probably continue to say I like
Dave a lot. I mean, I wouldn’t take on a blog devoted to his work if I didn’t
like him, but I really want to smack him upside of the head for the day he went
“why do I need two copies of the negatives for the first four phonebooks? Ya
know, this is just wasted space. I can get rid of half of these.” and of
course, then they burned up in a fire. Ya know, it’s like, that’s why you had
two copies, Dave!
[laughs] That’s one of those things, you just don’t know. They always say
hindsight is 20/20. It’s like, yeah there’s a lot of things where you didn’t
know how it was gonna turn out, but maybe you had to go through that for some
reason and then to get to where you are now, so you know, okay, that didn’t
work, or don’t do that, or don’t do that again. Because he really… he was in uncharted
territories in a lot of way, right? Like, it wasn’t, like, he was running his
own self-publishing company, he’s doing his own trade paperbacks, that kind of
thing, ya know, he’s trying to do all that. I don’t think anybody had done what
he did on this scale before, certainly not as a self-publisher. So in that
sense, I think that, there was a lot of learning on the job and learning as you
go along for him. In this day and age, a lot of it has been done already. Or
you can say, okay, that’s how this person did that. But back when he started
out, and he was doing it, I think he was in a lot of new situations and a lot
of unprecedented situations, so it was something where I think he had to pretty
much kind of learn as he went along and, ya know, you make your choices, and
you live with your mistakes.
Well, my biggest complaint about it was, at the time, he’s like, “oh yeah, I
threw them all away”. It was me, Margaret, a couple other guys, ya know, sent
faxes and calls of like, “Dave, Dave, do you still have access to this stuff,
cause you can sell these and make money!” and he’s like, “oh no, they’re in the
garbage, they’re in a landfill, they’re gone forever” and I’m like, is it worth
going to Kitchener, finding where the landfill is and gettin’ a shovel?
[laughs] That’s one pretty big devotion there. I don’t think that’s something
Dave would do himself, so I don’t know if that’s something that should be done.
Well, it’s like the documentary they did about the E.T video game where the
legend is it’s in a landfill in Arizona, and they went and found it, and I’m
like, see? You can do this! You can recover crap that was thrown away, we can
do this! And I’m like, just knowing my luck somewhere along Dave’s garbage
route is like the nastiest place in the world where they throw away things that’re
practically toxic waste and the bags are right next to Dave’s stuff, so whoever
does it takes the challenge and the shovel is gonna die.
[laughs] You might have a good premise for a TV show, there.
Eddie: Ya
know, we’ll call it “Take the Shovel and Die”.
[laughs] It would be the ultimate reality show. Okay, whoever can find the
original art wins a million dollars.
Yeah, Cerebus treasure hunters out there, ya know, with their Indiana Jones
hats and everything. I was gonna say, I think he did realize at some point the
value of the stuff he has when he stopped throwing away the tracing paper
drawings that he used in the creation of the art. Like, I have a couple of
them. I have quite a few glamourpuss
ones and I think one or two tracing drawings of Cerebus that he used for issue
300? And it’s like, yeah, that, to me, is very, very valuable. That’s something
that I think is very important as a Cerebus fan and a Cerebus reader to have.
And it’s like, ya know, for him, it’s maybe not… it wasn’t something that he
originally thought that was that valuable but I think over time he came to
realize that, yeah, no this tracing stuff, people are interested in it, no
matter how rough it is or how bad it is, it is part of the process, and if
you’re a fan of something, or enjoy reading something you wanna know how the
process went.
Matt: Has
he shown you the watch?
Eddie: You
know what, Matt, I was gonna ask you about that. You were the one who gave him
the pocket watch, right?
Matt: Yep!
Eddie: I
haven’t asked him where it is, but I think I have an idea where it might be.
Matt: If
it’s not with him, then yeah he’s probably got it someplace… well, the last
time I talked to him about it, I go like, “hey, you still got the watch right?”
Cause it’s not a fancy gold watch like I originally presented it to him? It’s a
very cheap watch but I believe the last time I asked him the cover had fallen
off… somethin’ else, or the chain had fallen off, the cover was falling off,
and I’m like, “ I can get it replaced” and he’s like, “no, no, no! This is the
original, I want this one.” But yeah, so, Cerebus 295, and I know it’s 295
cause that’s the one that I have on a wall. It’s all tied together. It’s a
series of blog posts that I have to knuckle down and write because it’s one of
those stories that when I tell it to people they’re like, “wait, what?” So, to
pause the watch story, I did the Cerebus coffee mugs because I wanted one. Ya
know, the “Darr pretty sunsets, darr pretty flowers” Cerebus in his bathrobe
coffee mug. I wanted one and when I went to the company that I went to, to get
‘em, they’re like, a minimum half order is 36. And, remember, this is back in
my “more money than brains” days, so I’m like, “sure, I’ll buy 36 coffee mugs!
And I’ll sell ‘em! Ya know, I won’t recoup my costs too badly, but it’ll be
fun! I just want one, that’s all I need is one. And that way I can send Dave
one. It’ll be great.”
Matt: And
I sent one to Margaret, cause Gerhard… it was one of these, I called Dave,
asked for his permission, and he’s like, “yeah sure, you can do it.” And did
‘em, and the first box was misprinted, they screwed up the logo, instead of
being a white circle on a black mug it’s white linework on a black mug, and I
went to them and said, “hey, you guys screwed this up” and they went, “oh,
okay, we’ll replace it” and they sent me a second box of mugs that were exactly
the same as the first box of mugs, and I’m like, “No, really, guys, this is
what it’s supposed to look like.” And the third box was good. So there’s 72 bad
mugs out there that I’ve given away and sold and ya know, I just sent one to
Jesse Herndon for doing the ‘Please Hold’ transcripts and I got the good mug.
And I was sellin’ ‘em, and Gerhard, or Dave through Gerhard, one of ‘em
contacted me and said, “hey, send one to Margaret, we’ll pay you for it.” And
I’m like, “okay, sure!” so I sent one to Margaret and never charged ‘em
because, ya know, it’s technically their mug. I’m illegally producing these
things, I don’t feel good takin’ their money. And…
Part Four shatters on the kitchen floor.
Part Five pieced together with glue
Matt: So
then I ordered the copy of the “Guide to Self-Publishing”… and Gerhard’s gonna
kill me when I tell this story.
Matt: Dave
signs it and mails it to me. And I sent him a check for five bucks for it, ya
know, to cover shipping and handling and stuff. And two weeks later I get an
envelope in the mail from Aardvark-Vanaheim and I’m like, what’s this? And on
the back of it, there’s a handwritten note from Dave saying, “Dear Matt,
Gerhard was so excited to finally pay you back for sending Margaret a coffee
mug, the other copy will just be our little secret.” And I open up the
envelope, another copy of the “Guide to Self-Publishing” along with my original
check and a note… ya know, signed by Dave and a note from Gerhard saying,
“haha, now I’ve paid you back for Margaret’s mug.” And I’m like, okay, cool,
can live with this. And I think it got back to Gerhard that Dave had sent me
another copy or something, because, then when they were selling the tracing
papers… issue 295, there’s the image of Cerebus and She-Shep in the rowboat
fishing. And it’s the tracing paper original and Ger was sellin’ ‘em on eBay
and I bought it for $30. And when I went to pay him, he’s like, “don’t worry,
it’s all good” and he sent it to me. And I’m like, yeah, but eBay really wants
me to give you money. So I have that framed with the issue. But anyway, in the
issue - going back to the watch- Dave, in the opening inside cover is talkin’
about the problems of dealing with Aardvark-Vanaheim and stuff, and then he
says, “but in four months it won’t be my problem, I’ll be retired.” And that’s
when it hits me, of, yeah, wait a minute, Dave keeps talkin’ about issue 300
he’s done, he’s retired, he’s throwin’ up his hands and walkin’ away type
thing. Wouldn’t it be funny if I got him a gold watch and sent it to him of,
hey, now that you’re retired, thanks for the good work, here’s your watch. So,
then, I think it was around that time they announced he and Ger were goin’ to
SPACE that year in March or April of 2004, so right after issue 300 came out. So
my buddy lives in Ohio so I went to Ohio with my buddy, we went to SPACE, and I
got this huge box full of trade paperbacks. It’s all “Mothers & Daughters”,
“Melmoth”… uhh… I think there was a copy of “Guys” or “Rick’s Story” in there.
And my buddy was like, “you’re gonna get all this crap signed?” Cause I had a
bunch of other stuff, too. But I’m like, don’t worry about it, don’t worry
about it. And we get in line, and the people around us in line are like, “that
guy is gonna get all that crap signed? What a dick!” But they’re being nice
about it. And we get up, and we’re like two away from the front of the line,
and I turn to my friend and I’m like, “here, these are yours, get ‘em signed.”
And he’s like, “what?”, and I’m like, I’m giving you these phonebooks cause I’d
gotten him into the series but he didn’t have them. So, he’s a little shocked
of, ya know, I just spent $150 on him, and he’s not in the right frame of mind,
gets up, Dave & Ger sign their stuff, and Dave turns to me, because I still
have a stack of crap, and I’ve already decided I brought too much stuff to this
signing, I’m not going to waste this man’s time, so I just pull out the box
with the watch, open the box and like, “ you said you were retiring, here’s
your gold watch” and Dave’s jaw hits the ground like, “okay, what do I do now?”
Ya know, mentally he’s thinking… “I really want to thank this guy, but I’ve got
a line of 100 people” and at the time at the convention he’s in the middle of
the convention. Like, they didn’t put him at the end, or near the door, and
he’s in the exact middle of the room. So his line goes in front of like seven
other tables and these guys aren’t getting any business because all the people
in front of their tables are waiting for Dave Sim. So he’s mentally goin’, “I
gotta hurry up and get this line moving, because Jimmy Gownley, who does
‘Amelia Rules’ is at the next table over and Jimmy’s not gettin’ any business.
I can’t just stop everything to do something.” So, he thanks me, shakes my
hand, gets Gerhard to take a picture of us, which, ya know, okay, and he’s
like, “you want this stuff signed?” and I’m like, “no, no, you got a long line,
it’s fine” and he’s like, “no, it’s cool!” and he and Ger just whip signatures
on 12 things? 20 things? Whatever I had. Because, again, in my head, I’m never
going to see Dave Sim again in my life, he lives in Canada, I live in America,
he doesn’t really do conventions, he’s retiring. Ya know, he signs everything,
thanks me again, I walk away, and we’re walkin’ around the convention kinda
like, well, that was the only five minutes we really cared about, anything else
we do now is icing on the cake. And, we’re walking around, and we come back,
and they’ve moved Dave from the middle of the convention to the entrance and
his line is all the way out and around, and almost down to the side of the
hotel. And I’m like, oh this is great, ya know. I touched this nice old man’s
heart, type thing. I mean, Dave wasn’t that old at the time. I go home, and
forget about it, and… oh yeah, he asked for my name and address so he could say
thanks properly. And I didn’t think about that. So, like a month later, I get
this package in the mail from Dave with a nice letter thanking me, and the
first five tracing paper drawings he did of Old Cerebus from “The Last Day”.
Ahh, look at that. See, that’s the kind of stuff he does.
Well, including the first Cerebus Old where he’s not quite as old as he is, but
he’s got a penis. And I’m like, I’m lookin’ at this picture and I’m like,
“that’s not what I think it is” and I ask Dave about it, years later, and he’s
like, “oh yeah, I figure, as you get old, everything drops so yeah that would
make sense” and I’m just like, wow! I didn’t need to see a tiny little aardvark
wang but at the same time, it’s so funny.
[laughs] Aardvark Wang is a great name for a band.
Matt: If
ever I form a band, that’s probably gonna be the name for it.
Eddie: I
was gonna ask, are you finding enough stuff for the blog? Like, running it and
posting everything on a daily basis, or are you finding that you have to
struggle sometimes?
Matt: It
comes in waves. There’s some days where I’m like, oh God, I’ve gotta do this,
or I have to do that. I have my big ambitions and then I come home and there’s
an email from David Birdsong of, “hey, look what I’ve found.” Or there’s
somethin’ from you, or there’s somethin’ from Sean Robinson. Or, the best ones,
and the ones I love the most, are when I go “okay, I’ve gotta post on the blog”
and I open up my browser and I go to the blog and there’s a post from Sean, and
I go, “well, I get to go home early today!”
[laughs] Yeah, my job is done for today! I was gonna suggest that, I don’t know
if this is a good idea or not, but if you were struggling or trying to find
stuff, like, “A Moment of Cerebus” is… ya know, you don’t have to sign up to
watch it or see it or view it or anything. But Facebook isn’t like that. I
think you have to be on Facebook to look at the Cerebus facegroup stuff? And I
don’t know if that’s something where you want to use stuff from there and post
it on A Moment of Cerebus or if you want to keep the two completely separate.
Oliver and I have talked about it, and Oliver’s said, “anything I post, go
ahead and use” and 90% of stuff is from Twitter, and I don’t do the Twitter.
Cause it’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy. It’s one of those, I will
borrow liberally when I need to, but a lot of that stuff I just leave there.
Cause I know there’s a lot of crossover between the two, and I don’t want
somebody to be like, “oh let’s go on Facebook, and oh okay, we’ll need Cerebus
stuff. Okay let’s go to A Moment of Cerebus, hey I just saw this a minute ago.”
Eddie: The
reason I was just suggesting it was I find it useful to look for things on A
Moment of Cerebus in terms of using it like a database sometimes? You know, you
don’t always find what you’re looking for, but I kinda have a rough idea of
where it might be, and I just thought it might be easier to have everything
under one umbrella. But if the Facebook stuff is mostly like tweets and all
that, then it’s not worth it. Not if there was like, say for example, somebody
found a great article like you did, and posted it on Facebook, it wouldn’t hurt
to have a link to that or somehow post that on A Moment of Cerebus.
Matt: When
that stuff comes up, then I do it. I will grab anything I can, because the
editorial philosophy I have is, “Gimme that, it’s mine!”
[laughs] And rightfully so, I should think.
Matt: And
the working theory is as long as I credit where it came from I don’t think
anybody is really pissed that I’m using it. Cerebus in Matt’s life, it started
as a joke because I did a “Cerebus in My Life” back when Tim was in charge and
I titled it “part 2” and he was like, “did we ever do part 1?” And I’m like,
“No, but this is technically part 2”. And he’s like, “well, I’m just gonna run it
without that if that’s okay”. And I’m like, “yeah, no, that’s fine, it’s your
blog, do whatever you gotta do”, and then when I took over… [phone makes the
dreaded ‘Eddie had enough and hung up’ noise] Uh oh!
Eddie: Hey
Matt, I don’t know what happened there. But having been on the other side of
that when Dave’s talking to me on the phone I guess I can tell Dave that it
doesn’t happen to just him.
Well, okay, so the caller ID on the phone the first time you called has an
international area code of 011, and when you just called now, it didn’t, and it
says “Ontario, Canada”. And I’m like [stammers] Dave talks about the phone
being goofy and weird and I’m like, “no, no, I don’t think so, Dave”. No, no,
the phone is goofy and weird.
Trust me, it is. Every… technology does not like Dave. I don’t know what it is,
but it’s like, I told him, I said, you know what, it’s almost like that’s your
mutant power and they should draft you into the CIA and send you off to one of
those foreign countries where you can go in there and just completely disrupt
their electronics, because… I’ve seen it happen to other people, too. I’ve seen
that where, for some reason, it’s weird, stuff goes weird around them. And I
think he’s one of them as well. But, I should probably take that as a sign,
because I do have to go meet him and pick up some stuff on the way over there.
Eddie: So,
this actually kind of flew by! [laughs] This was actually really, really
enjoyable for me.
Okay, well, if ever Dave takes another vacation and makes you do his job again,
I’m here.
Yeah, I think… I’m hoping this will help charge him up a bit, and recharge his
batteries a bit, and sort of fire up his creative… I mean, he’s pretty creative
as it is, but I think… I’m hoping this will kinda give him a little bit of a
boost and umm..
Well, I was gonna ask, you guys, basically, as Dave has said, “Eddie’s coming,
I’m making him do everything.” Does that include, do you have to write “Cerebus
in Hell?” today?
[laughs] No, I think, I’m leaving that to the big boys, there. I think, Dave’s
still doing it but I’m hoping that maybe in a more relaxed setting he can
really focus on that. I did meet with him this morning and actually he did a
power stint on some “Strange Death of Alex Raymond” stuff which, surprised,
like he got through a lot of stuff in a few hours, which, if you had asked me,
it would’ve taken me like days to go through that. SO, I think it’s being
helpful right now, me being here? And I think it’s giving him time to focus on
other stuff, and definitely one of the stuff is “Cerebus in Hell?” and I’ve
seen some of the stuff that’s coming through the fax and uhh yeah, your name is
on it, Matt!
Yeah, I know!
[laughs] How does that feel?
[sighs] Part of me is like, okay my official Marvel Bullpen name is Manly Matt
Dow, but part of me is like, yeah, but I think Momentary Matt Dow would be
[laughs] Hey, suggest it!
Matt: Ahh,
I want to, but at the same time, it’s like, ehh… I trust Dave, ya know, it’s
one of those, it’s one my list of… I’m gonna send Dave a fax, but of course
anything I send him in the next week it’s goin’ to you, so.
Eddie: I
am relaying his messages to him.
That’s actually one of the things I gotta do now. I’ve gotta go give him his
messages and stuff that needs to be done. I did see the original of the
Spider-Vark... the Spider-Vark picture that he did, and yeah, it’s pretty funny
to see that up close! [laughs]
[laughs] He says that I’m the one who unlocked the origin, and I’m like, okay,
I just… it’s the this one image that I keep seeing and every time I see it, I’m
like, this is so creepy.
[laughs] It is! And the way he’s got it set-up is very creepy as well. Don’t
forget, Dave can do creepy.
Matt: Yes!
Yes, he can.
Yeah, definitely. He definitely knows how to draw them in. Okay, Matt, I’ve got
to run! Cause I’m getting really close to having to meet him.
Eddie: So,
yeah! I really enjoyed doing this. Hopefully we’ll do it again.
Okay, that’s fine by me! This should be posted on Saturday so you can watch it
and go, “oh God, I said what?”!
[laughs] Yeah, “I said that? What? What did I say? What did I say?! Yeah…” So,
and happy July 4th and best to you and your family.
Matt: Thank
you! Happy Thursday!
[laughs] Thanks, Matt!
Matt: Yep!
Thanks again Jesse!
And thanks again to Eddie. Here buddy, you can be a special friend too:
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Next Time: Oliver Simonsen went on the tweeter, and you can too!
Sorry guys, hate to brewk it to you, but Heritage doesn't send us scans. However, the ever-helpful Jason Crosby at ComicLink does whenever he can! So thanks Jason! And thank you all art hunt contributord out there! I am painfully tardy on this, but I owe a half do,en pepple certificstes and they will be going out before the month is over...
The landfill for the E.T. games is actually in New Mexico.
Kinda like Arizona but not.
Steve in New Mexico
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