Friday 4 October 2024

Labour Stats (Dave's weekly update #559)

Hi, Everybody!

Like it says on the Logo:
The little bit on the bottom there...

It's Friday, so that means:
Dave's Weekly Update:
A Moment of Cerebus runs Saturday through Friday.
The Week in AMOC:
  • Saturday: I return and have to do this crap again, so LOTS of faxes...
  • Sunday: Cerebus #2. Six pages. You're welcome.
  • MondayThe Monday Report, and Josh Even has a new toy, you could get one too...
  • Tuesday: Jen didn't update us on The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Go Fund Me. She sent me an "apology":

Apologies for not posting yesterday. 

I was almost done with the post on Monday, but had to drive up to Lake Placid Monday afternoon to do some stunt driving for a horror movie on Tuesday. Originally, I was slated to do all my work in the morning so I could drive down to Florida where I'm doing three panels for a convention. Unfortunately, we had problems with the SFX, and I was able to head out until 5p, meaning I drove to 1 AM to get down past DC. I was too tired to wrap things up on the post -- and I'm back on the road, writing from a Bojangles in North Carolina. Best fried chicken and biscuits.

TL;DR: Mistakes were made.
Only Jen would think I would have a problem with somebody NOT posting around here. I mean "I couldn't post because I was STUNT DRIVING IN A MOVIE." sure beats Mags, "I didn't post because Hockey was on" in the excuse department. You better step up your excuse game Hobbs...
  • Wednesday: Hobbs shares a page from an upcoming Cerebus in Hell? issue.. 
  • Thursday: Margaret continues looking at pages from the first Notebook AKA Albatross 1, YOU can get a your very own BETTER-THAN-MARGARET'S-POSTS-O.-M.-G.-YOU-GUYS-SERIOUSLY copy. See here. And she's FINALLY up to High Society.
  • Friday: that's this post. You're reading the Friday post right now. This is STILL like that bit in Spaceballs. (Should I link to LAST WEEK'S Update in these things?)
Okay, so that was the past week in AMOC. You're welcome.

Dave/Cerebus adjacent Kickstarters:
Steve Peters he's not even 50% funded, but he's offering New Art Rewards:
With one week to go, we have a very steep climb to the finish line! I've decided to add new original art rewards. I don't know if it'll help, but we'll give it the old college try. All art rewards have the same conditions: I'll draw whatever scene you want, but with either Sparky or Comicverse characters (or, if anybody wants to get really obscure, Rabbit Hell characters). I have several 4" X 9" pieces, which will be used as single panels in a future Comicverse story, or blank Comicverse sketch covers.
I've gotten a few of the sketch covers, and Steve ALWAYS knocks it out of the park. Can't recommend that option enough... Six days to go.
James Habaneros Rancheros Windsor Catherine-Jones-Starky he's made it, but you  still have 53 hours to get in on the fun!
Shannon Wheeler, totally funded. I'ma getting a copy because I bought the last collection, and remastered goodness is always cool.
Robert T. Jeschonek, launching soon.
John and Scott Palochik, 19 days to go. Dave liked issue #1.
October 8-13, and 23-28.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.
The Cerebus Humble Bundle is over, you can STILL get all 16 volumes for $99CANADIAN at (More if you want the Remastered Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing...)
Heritage has the original Art to Sparkybus.
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. 
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: 


Margaret said...

hey! it isn't that there is a game on, it is that I have to go. Big difference.

Not stunt driving for sure, but have you tried driving in Boston? My suggestion: don't. unless of course you are a stunt driver. So Jen would probably be fine. Hopefully her cussing is up to par. . .

Anonymous said...
