Friday 11 October 2024

Santos Sisters (Dave's weekly update #560)

Hi, Everybody!

Like it says on the Logo:
The little bit on the bottom there...

It's Friday, so that means:
Dave's Weekly Update:

Buy your copies here.
A Moment of Cerebus runs Saturday through Friday.
The Week in AMOC:
  • Saturday: I worked on Please Hold For Dave Sim 10/2024...
  • Sunday: and it gawdaammn took forever. So, there's a two hour Feature length version, and fifteen bite-sized chunks. Plus the @$$hole Spotify version.
  • MondayThe Monday Report, and I post Cerebus pages because I needed an easy day.
  • Tuesday: Jen makes a pitstop, and lets us know where we are and why there's a Strange Death of Alex Raymond GoFundMe. $133 until page 101 unlocks. 
  • Wednesday: Hobbs shares the new version of a Cerebus in Hell? cover I suggested.
  • Thursday: Margaret continues looking at pages from the first Notebook AKA Albatross 1, YOU can get your very own BETTER-THAN-MARGARET'S-POSTS-O.-M.-G.-YOU-GUYS-SERIOUSLY copy. See here. And she's gotta be nearing the end, right?
  • Friday: that's this post. You're reading the Friday post right now. This is STILL like that bit in Spaceballs. (Should I link to LAST WEEK'S Update in these things?)
Okay, so that was the past week in AMOC. You're welcome.

Dave/Cerebus adjacent Kickstarters:
Friend to the Blog, Steve Peters DIDN'T make it with his latest Sparky campaign. If you've ALREADY listened/watched/lived the 10/2024 PHFDS, you know Dave was gonna offer up a "Hail Mary", well Steve had thoughts:
And here's the piece I did with Jack:
This piece was 49 years in the making...

Shannon Wheeler, totally funded. I'ma getting a copy because I bought the last collection, and remastered goodness is always cool.

John and Scott Palochik, 12 days to go. Dave liked issue #1.
October 11-13, and 23-28.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.
The Cerebus Humble Bundle is over, you can STILL get all 16 volumes for $99CANADIAN at (More if you want the Remastered Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing...)
Heritage ain't got $#!*, but that'll change... it ALWAYS does...
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. 
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: Dave Sim is a Santos Sisters Fan. How big you ask? Well wait 'til you see this pile of faxes...


Tony Dunlop said...

In my list of favorite Kirby inkers, "Manly" is below Royer but above Colletta.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is above Colletta.

Brian West said...

I got that reference.