Sunday, 5 January 2025

Please Hold For Dave Sim 1/2025

Hi, Everybody!

It's that time of the month...

The (good God Spotify gets suckier by the minute...) Audio:

And the (Good ol' YouTube, never a problem with them...) Video, broken into parts because they upload easier that way...:

Part One. Dave gets to remember Jeff Seiler, which segues into answering Michael R. of Easton, PA's question:
Hi Matt!
Happy New Year to you and yours! Here's my question for Dave.

Hi Dave!
Now that 2024 has ended, what's up ahead for Aardvark-Vanaheim and Dave Sim for 2025?
Michael R.
Okay, first: if you want a Cerberus card, they're pretty rare, and will set you back...two dollars (oooookay, not that rare.). Second: why was this a thing? Third: the KickStarter is being planned for the end of the month (don't worry, Hobbs and I will mention it...a lot. Like to the point that you're gonna be kind of sick of the word KickStarter by the time this thing is over...) Fourth: it's Cerebus Archive Number Eleven: Guys, AND the next issue of Cerebus in Hell?: Narotobus. Which has been posted on AMOC before, but this will be toned, and look pretty. And, YES, there are Variant Covers, but only four covers total. I DON'T believe that Dave's gonna go crazy and do any more for this. But, I won't be surprised if the campaign flatlines and Dave gets goofy. This is your official notice that Things. May. Get. Weird. (The tariff thing being a Non-Dave controlled Weird. Thing. that might make everything goofier.) Let's all TRY and be adult about this. Please?

Part Two, MJ Sewall asks:
In the early 80s there was an offer from DC comics for Cerebus.

You write that it was a six-figure offer. There are additional hints that it may have been for total control of Cerebus. I can find few details.

Question for Dave:
What year was the offer from DC? Was it Paul Levitz or Jannette Khan doing this negotiating? Was it a flat out no from you – or are there more juicy, gory, none-of-my-business details on this historic bone?
And oh boy does Dave spill the tea:
I'ma post the letter from Paul  Levitz tomorrow. Promise.

Part Three, Daniel F. asks:
Hello Dave!

Thank you for answering my question a couple months back regarding the textless spines of the early printings of Cerebus phonebooks. I have another spine-related question this month.

I was looking at my collection of Cerebus trades on my shelf, and noticed that of my copies, the only spine to not have an author name (being either Dave Sim or Dave Sim & Gerhard) was Latter Days. The front cover does have Dave Sim & Gerhard on it, just not on the spine. I checked online for images of the Latter Days spine, and all the pictures I saw looked the same, so I assume all printings had the same spine. Was there a specific reason behind this?

Daniel F
Part Four, Dave has another thought on his answer to Michael R.
Part Five, Dave answers my question about where Demonhorn fits in continuity, and has nice things to say about a drawing I did that took all year:
Part Six, Dave sent me this:
So Dave talks about that:
Part Seven, James Banderas-Smith asked:
How important was Deni Loubert to getting Cerebus aloft in 77?:
Part Eight, Michael Shelton asked:
What does a normal day consist of for Mr. Sim
Part Nine, Michael Shelton also asked:
Why an Aardvark?
And Dave answers seriously... 
Following Cerebus #6's article was posted here.

Part Ten, Diogo Faria asked:
How does Dave celebrate the new year?

Part Eleven, Michael Feldman asked:
Any thoughts on anniversary tours?

Part Twelve, Fernando H Ramirez asked:
LEGENDS OF CEREBUS… A bimonthly b&w comic of other creators doing short CEREBUS stories. You could go print on demand. I’m sure folks would contribute stories to benefit your retirement. What do you think?
Well, Dave DIDN'T say "no". So, if you wanna do a Legends of Cerebus story, go nuts. Send whatever you get done to

Part Thirteen, Jay Quinn asked:
How close has our society in North America, particularly Canada, gotten to what was portrayed in “the Last Day”?

Jay Quinn also asked:
How much further has Trudeau Jr. have before being out of office and who does Dave 1) see following and 2) what will that look like in the years to come? Any predictions?

Part Fourteen, Margaret Liss asks:
I only have 10 pages left of Albatross One to post over at AMoC. Once I'm done with that notebook book, which has taken me over a year so far, and I've been posting pages from the notebooks for over 10 years now, are those notebooks still stored in that dark closet at the Off White House and not some fire proof lock box in my house?
The horror Mags, the Horror!

Part Fifteen, Joe Gabbard asked:
Was Hugh Fraser the likeness used for F. Stop Kennedy in Going Home?
Matt sez: Um, no? F. Stop was F. Scott Fitzgerald.
But Dave answers anyway...
Oh thank Clovis that's done...

Next Time: HISTORY!


Tony Dunlop said...

Re: Jay Quinn's second question: Holy Poutine! Is there such a thing as Comic Blog Metaphysics?

Travis H said...

“Three pounds of carrots.” First time around, I heard 3,000 carrots. What’s up, doc!?