Hi, Everybody!
Friend of the Blog, Alex Robinson posted this over at the Official Cerebus Facebook group:
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I drew 12 heads for each of the books up through MINDS. I only wanted to do each character once except for Cerebus and the Roach. How many can YOU name?So I took a stab at it:
And then I remembered:
Alright, without looking it up, from left to right: Cerebus, Henrot, Graus, Mother Abott, Cerebus, The barbarian guy from High Society (I always think he's Bear, but he's not), Wolveroach, Mrs. Henrot-Gutch, Michelle, Thrunk (AKA: Necross the "Ha ha" Mad), Po, Seth, Next row: Elrod, Um...Sophia?, Madame Du Fort, Bran Mak Muffin, Lord Stormsend (the wuffa wuffa guy), Lord Julius' goat (AKA: Julius Goat), Red Sophia, Lord Julius, Cerebus, Secret Sacred Wars Roach, fug me what's his name? Chico as a like-a-look, Sump Thing, Next row: The Hsifan assassin (slash DeadAlbino), No idea, Woman Thing, Theresa(?), Sgt. Preston Roach of the Royal Iestian Mounted Police, Blakely, Weisstaupt, Bishop Posey, Bear, Prince Mick, Feagle Roach, Magicking (?), Next row: Jaka, The Cockroach, Silverspoon, The John Cleese sergeant guy, "Da docks" guy whazizname, the Rodney Dangerfield guy, Bishop Powers, Jaka, Poobah, the Judge, K'cor, Cerebus, Next row: That one Cirinists (Schwartkoph?), Cerebus, That other Cirinist (Brenda?), I got nothing, Melmoth's buddy (Ross?), Cerebus, A...hairy...man(?), The Cirinists commander lady, And his brother Dirty Drew, Toby (?), Joanne, M. Zulli, Next row: Pud, Beaver Cleaver(?), Rick Nash, Bloody Cirinist, Melmoth Oscar, The young waitress (Janice?), Death, Punisherroach, The "fake" Regency Elf, young Cerebus, Serna/Cirin, Astoria, Next Row: Missy, the old cuss (from "square one"/the end of Jaka's Story), The kitchen lady from the end of Jaka's Story, Melmoth's other buddy, Dino, normalroach, Cerebus, Snuff, Gregori (I admit I made that up...), short hair dream(?) Jaka, other dream (?) Jaka, 40000 eyes Roach, Next Row: Uh...Aunt May(?), Jaka's Story Oscar, Mrs. Thatcher, The mean waitress (Janice?), Prince Keef, Laurel(?) Hardy(?) (I got nothing), The demon Klem, Blossom, The bartender from Women, Cirin/Serna, a...troll(?), Dave Sim/Victor Reid but NOT Victor Davis. #NailedIt!
DUKE LEONARDI! How could I forget that!?! #ILookedItUpAnd: "'Da docks' guy whazizname" is Filgate (That one I did remember.)
Okay, "AMOC Special Friend of the Day" goes to anybody who can beat me.
Next Time: I beat whoever beats me, with a bat... Twice.
Did you miss the part where I said I'd beat whoever beats me?
(Violence is not the answer, I got it wrong on purpose...)
Where is Ger?
(I feel like this is a trick question...)
The barbarian guy from HS is, I'm pretty sure, Arnold the Issaurian (of Arnold and his Armpit Avengers."
No, I didn't look it up, so I could be mistaken.
And the Chico character is Duke Leonardi. No, I didn't look that up either.
Oops, maybe I should finish reading the post before commenting...
seven down, nine across is Baskin
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