Monday, 10 March 2025

The Strange Death of Alex Raymond (Proto Version) #2

Hi, Everybody!

It's Ramadan, so no Monday Report. ("Aw darn..." Yeah.)

Tomorrow, as she does MOST weeks, Jen DiGiacomo is gonna solicit everybody into giving a li'l something-something to The Strange Death of Alex Raymond GoFundMe she set up to get Dave money to keep working on pages (I do believe Dave's drawing pages in the 650s...). And as a part of that, she posted all of the pages from the Living The Line version of The Strange Death of Alex Raymond (up to page 205), and now she's posting Dave's mocked-up pages.

Fun fact: GoFundMe has changed their setup so you can contribute on a monthly basis (like the Patreon...).

So, to "tee her up", I'ma run the Proto-Strange Death of Alex Raymond that Dave ran in glamourpuss.

Because I can...
First this, then:

Up to 35% off March 12-17 and 26-30.*
*Sale dates are not final and therefore subject to change.

Speaking of which, as requested, The Twitter Men Logo has been put on Merch:
Blue & Gold
So get 'em while they're hot...
You can get all 16 volumes of Cerebus, many of them Remastered for $99CANADIAN at (More if you want the Remastered Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing...)
Heritage has all sorts of amazing things I'll never afford...
The Help Out Bill Messner-Loebs Go Fund Me, or buy Rodney Schroeter's book with proceeds going to Bill. More on this as I'm allowed to post stuff...
The Last Day Without nothing.
   "      "     "        "  Dave's signature.
   "      "     "        "  an Old Cerebus Remarque
   "      "     "     Auction catalog for the Panoramic Remarques 
Oliver' Simonsen's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: Jen and the For realz Strange Death of Alex Raymond...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave finished page 647 last week.