Tuesday 17 March 2015

Dave Sim Checks Into Grand River Hospital

(via email, 17 March 2015)
Sim checked himself into Emergency at Grand River Hospital in Kitchener this afternoon [Monday 16th]. He'd been having severe, painful stomach cramps all weekend. He arrived about 2 pm. I checked in on him around 8 pm. He was dressed in a frock, laying on a bed, hooked up to a saline drip. I asked if he'd ever been in Emergency before. He said no, never. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he refused the painkillers they offered him. He was still in pain & discomfort. The hospital ran an MRI. He wasn't sure if they were sending him home tonight or whether surgery will be necessary. I'll know tomorrow. Send your prayers & good wishes his way.

Dave has a small stack of faxes and phone messages the past few days. He'll get to them momentarily.

Dave Fisher just gave an update that Dave Sim is currently being prepped for surgery (12 noon, EDT) to clear a blockage. - John Funk

Troy Thompson, M.D. said...
Just got off the phone with Dave. I am a friend and plastic surgeon and I am also Board Certified in general surgery. He sounded like he was about to go back to surgery. He asked me to post medical information: He felt much better after a nasogastric tube was placed. This decompresses the stomach (and provides some symptomatic relief) but not the colon, which is where his obstruction is believed to be. The presumptive diagnosis is cecal volvulus, which is a twisting of the colon causing obstruction. I pointed out that the diagnosis will not be known until after surgery and pathologic examination of the colon. There are other more concerning causes of colonic obstruction. He was aware of this.

Interestingly, my wife Mia, also a friend of Dave's, had a cecal volvulus and right hemicolectomy around 2001 and talked to Dave during the same conversation, comparing notes on how the condition feels as well as the recovery. We had a lot of laughs and observed that God does have a sense of humor.

He also said he would like all his medical records and imaging released to me and would like me to advise his medical power of attorney "committee", if that becomes necessary (which I doubt). He also asked me to talk to his surgeon, if possible, postop.

Praying for Dave,
Mia Thompson
Troy Thompson, M.D.
Dave Fisher:
I visited Sim at the hospital today [Tuesday]. He's been removed from E.R. and in the main hospital prepped for surgery. It has been delayed a couple hours, so he's still waiting patiently. He's in good spirits, thanked his supporters for their kind wishes, and says he's feeling some temporary pain relief. They've got a tube hooked to his nose and they're pumping something yucky from his stomach. It was disgusting enough that Sim insisted I get a close-up of the draining tube. I'll report back when I know more.


Jeff Seiler:

Just called the hospital. Dave is out of the recovery room and is "sleeping comfortably".

Having done that last year, I can assure everyone that it is VERY comfortable.

REALLY nice stay-cation.

I will call him tomorrow. The attendant said any time after 10 a.m., but I think mid to late afternoon would be better.

Related Posts:
Dave Sim Checks Into Grand River Hospital (17 March)
Dave Sim Recovering After Surgery (18 March)
Dave Sim Recovery Update #2 (20 March)
Dave Sim Recovery Update #3 (24 March)


George Peter Gatsis said...

well... that does it... I guess my commissioned Dave Sim life size illustration of Cerebus on top of the Vatican and videos of Fred Astaire dance routines as only Dave can cha, cha, cha... are on hold...

get well DS... the world still needs your wit.


Garnet said...

Take care, Dave. Let us supporters know what you need from us...

shannon said...

Please give Dave my best wishes. I hope he gets well soon. My thoughts are with him.

Roger Langridge said...

Hope all's well - my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Paul Slade said...

Get well soon, Dave. Glad you're getting the medical attention you need.

Conrad F said...

Get well soon, Dave!

Graphic Edge Print Solutions said...

Glad to see you're still wearing that wrist brace, Dave. Karen and I send our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

P.S. - maybe while you're there, ask about having your wrist examined..... :-) There's a St. Patty's Day special on that today only, I hear!

All the best, Dave.

John Funk

Troy Little said...

Take care Dave, get well soon!

Michael Grabowski said...

Prayers for your complete recovery from this, Dave. May God bless your endurance by giving you comfort in the meantime.

Geoffrey D. Wessel said...

Get well soon.

Unknown said...

Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers Dave. Get well and take it easy my friend.

Anonymous said...

Take Good Care Dave!
Best Wishes on your
speedy recovery!
Hope you get some well
deserved rest too.

Unknown said...

Dear Dave,

As an Athiest, I'm trying to come as close as I can to saying a prayer for your swift recovery.

Your Devoted Fan,

Michael Cohen

Brian John Mitchell said...

Saying a prayer for you sir.

Dean R. said...

This is the first thing I read this morning and it was a real shock.
All the best on a speedy recovery Dave.

Oliver said...

So sorry to read this - hoping for the best!

Sandeep Atwal said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Dave. Get well soon.

Unknown said...

I just received a voicemail from Sim. He didn't tell me what his malady was, but did say he was kept in hospital overnight and he's going in to surgery within the hour (noon ET).

Fingers crossed, hoping for the best!

Dave F.

Jeff Seiler said...

Dave Fisher, Sandeep, Billy Beach, and Eddie Khanna:

Talked to Dave just now for about 15 minutes.

You guys, CALL ME, ASAP.

214 864 3979.

Scott Yoshinaga said...

Hey Dave! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way! Glad you are where they can take care of you.

Jeff Seiler said...

As for everyone else, here's the scoop, straight from Dave himself, over the phone:

Dave has been diagnosed as having:

Secal Vulvulus Right Hemi-Colectomy

Don't know if that's the name of the condition or the surgical procedure.

But, he told me that after they did X-rays and, presumably, an MRI, they told him that he has "the world's ugliest bowels". Apparently, somewhere along the way, they're all twisted up.

I said, "so, I guess this is going to mean some major changes in your diet, huh?"

And he said, "No, actually, when I told them what my diet is like, they were absolutely tickled to death about my diet. They did say that I might want to try some other kind of fish because tuna has so much mercury in it. I said, no, to me, the mercury is what gives it the flavor. I've been thinking about calling John Scrudder and asking him to send me more mercury to use as a sauce."

Good laughs there, on an inside joke. (Hi, John!) So, clearly, he"s in good spirits.

I've spoken with Dave and Sandeep and I will keep trying to track down Billy. For the newbies amongzt us, back around 2005 or so, Dave put out a call for Cerebus fans wo met certain criteria and who were willing to volunteer, to form a "committee" to make healthcare decisions on his behalf, given that he has no spouse or children and is estranged from his sister. Billy Beach, who lives in Italy, Sandeep Atwal, and I were the three who volunteered. Dave told me on the phone today that if we are unable to reach Billy, he (Dave) would like Eddie Khanna to fill in for Billy.

Dave also suggested I try to contact Dr. Troy Thompson, a plastic surgeon in Texas, to give additional input on the medical side.

Dave told me that his surgeon's name is Dr. Monica Torres. She will be performing what, according to Dave, will be a bowel resection, at 3 p.m. EDT. Having had major surgery last year at around 5 p.m., I can tell you that anyone wishing to call or visit Dave should wait until at least mid-day tomorrow.

The phone number for Grand River Hospital, in Kitchener, is 519 749 4300. He is in a room on 6 North.

He knows everyone is wishing the very best for him and he appreciates everyone's concern.

Lee Thacker said...

All the best for a speedy recovery, Dave. I hope the surgery goes well and you get some rest before getting back into the work routine. Thinking of you...

cfoster said...

Please add my name to the well-wishers list. It's going to hard to work today with this on my mind...

George Peter Gatsis said...


There is a privacy code attached to calling Dave at the hospital.


Jeff Seiler said...

Yeah, I have it, but I think it should remain private. I'll call him again tomorrow and ask who he wants it shared with.

Anyway, by now, no one can talk with him by phone until at least mid-day tomorrow.

So, hang on, everybody. Say your prayers and send lots of positive thoughts for Dave, Dr. Monica Torres, and all of the surgical staff at Grand River Hospital.

Any updates I get will be posted here immediately.

Dave Kopperman said...

All the positive vibes I have are pointed your way, Dave!

Kip W said...

Best wishes from Pal #1, Dave!

[Disclaimer: "Pal #1" is a term of art and makes no warrant that the holder is particularly near or dear to Sim, but these are the best wishes I've got.]

Yes, it's been a while.

Geoffrey D. Wessel said...

Cecal volvulus is the condition. Right hemicolectomy is the procedure. Hope all will be well.

--- Geoffrey D. Wessel

Troy Thompson, M.D. said...

Just got off the phone with Dave. I am a friend and plastic surgeon and I am also Board Certified in general surgery. He sounded like he was about to go back to surgery. He asked me to post medical information: He felt much better after a nasogastric tube was placed. This decompresses the stomach (and provides some symptomatic relief) but not the colon, which is where his obstruction is believed to be. The presumptive diagnosis is cecal volvulus, which is a twisting of the colon causing obstruction. I pointed out that the diagnosis will not be known until after surgery and pathologic examination of the colon. There are other more concerning causes of colonic obstruction. He was aware of this.

Interestingly, my wife Mia, also a friend of Dave's, had a cecal volvulus and right hemicolectomy around 2001 and talked to Dave during the same conversation, comparing notes on how the condition feels as well as the recovery. We had a lot of laughs and observed that God does have a sense of humor.

He also said he would like all his medical records and imaging released to me and would like me to advise his medical power of attorney "committee", if that becomes necessary (which I doubt). He also asked me to talk to his surgeon, if possible, postop.

Praying for Dave,
Mia Thompson
Troy Thompson, M.D.

Unknown said...

I just visited Sim in hospital. I've forwarded photos of tubes in Dave's nose for Tim to post (at Dave's request!). He's still waiting for surgery. Will report back when I know more. Just to update J.S. comment, his room is 6 North 30.

Ray Cornwall said...

Wishing Dave the best during this tough time. Get well soon!

Unknown said...

Clarification: Just re-reading Tim's original post, I emailed him the news overnight, so it dates Sim as entering hospital on Tues. March 17 (Happy St. Paddy's Day, everybody!). He entered Monday the 16th, so he's been there a day already.

Ray Cornwall said...

You know, as an aside, the picture on the banner of Cerebus grinning like a madman over a picture of Dave in the hospital...there's just something...Cerebus-200-y about it.

"Hey Dave, Cerebus might be dead, but at least Cerebus isn't in a hospital bed!"

...I might have read too many Cerebus comics.

(Seriously, Dave, get better soon!)

Menachem Luchins said...

Saying my afternoon prayers and then studying some Torah with Dave in mind. Here's hoping G-d will send a speedy and full recovery!

Jeff Seiler said...

FYI, anyone wishing to send flowers to Dave's room, call Petals & Pots, 519 885 2180. He is on the 6th floor, North wing--6North. The gift shop at the hospital does not deliver flowers.

mrmonkey23 said...

Hope all goes well with the surgery and you have a speedy recovery! Hope they fix the hand, too, while they are at it, so you can get back to drawing. Thanks for all the great comics and inspiration, Dave!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon
Paul mckenzie

JLH said...

When I heard "Dave's in the hospital" on Twitter I immediately thought, "Oh crap, he just had to hold his hand like Neal Adams and it fell off!"

Get well soon, Dave.

Jason Wade said...

Sending prayers and positive thoughts Dave's way. My wife went through a total colectomy 3 years ago so I know how rough recovery from abdominal surgery can be.

Anonymous said...

My daughter was in the hospital last year for intestinal malroation, a similar condition with similar treatment. If her experience is anything to go by, he'll be in the hospital for several days with a restricted diet and back for periodic assessments after release. If he experiences abdominal pain in the future, he'll likely be told to come back in for immediate reassessment (again, judging by what I've seen).

What comes out of the tube is indeed gross, and colorful. And will likely have globs of unidentifiable stuff in it. It's compellingly gross. Dave's inner eight-year-old will probably be delighted.

Cpntinuing to pray for him. Give Dave my best.

--Claude Flowers

Jeff Tundis said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Dave. Be well...

Jim Moore said...

Wishing Dave the best

Andrew Lariviere said...

Get well soon Dave. Best wishes from Lowell, MA.

Ibis said...

Godspeed, Dave. James Stuart

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Dave you are in my thoughts and prayers this evening.

David Oliphant

Jeff Seiler said...

I just called the hospital. Dave is out of surgery, in the recovery room. The nurse said that it is "taking a little longer than usual because they're just trying to get his pain under control."

Probably still refusing pain meds.

The nurse said that she was told that the surgery was successful.

I might check back later tonight, but will probably call his room tomorrow evening.

Hopefully, Dr. Troy will be able to speak to Dave's surgeon later today.

Jason Winter said...

All the best Mr Sim. Hope you feel better soon.

Micah said...

So sorry to hear this, but so glad Dave's getting good medical attention.


Michael R. said...

Wishing Dave all the best with the the surgery and recovery.

Does anyone know why an incision was made near his nostril and instead of using his own nostrils for that tubing?

Michael Ragiel

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Michael, the photo is optically deceiving. It's a flesh-tone bandage on his nose. When I first came into his ward and saw him I thought he had a swollen nose, thought I was looking at W. C. Fields.

Larry Wooten said...

Prayers and positive thoughts for a full and speedy recovery.

Max West said...

I pray you'll have a speedy recovery, Dave Sim.

Podium Joe said...

Saying prayers and wishing you a speedy recovery, my old friend.

Michael Grabowski said...

Prayers becoming praise that Dave actually sought out medical care and that he seems to have received good care so far. Not sure what the difference is between one form of medical science that he finds disreputable and another form that he accepts but I am relieved that he seems to have chosen helpfully in this case.

Personally, selfishly, I hope that Dave's experience here leads him, upon his recovery in due time, to focus more on completing new work--SDOAR or any other new project that comes to mind--rather than expending so much energy fundraising and fine tuning the Cerebus legacy with endless signatures, head sketches, and expository typing. I love all that stuff too but SDOAR is a really intriguing work and I hate to see that slowed down or sacrificed because he needs to keep marketing what he has admitted will be an uncompleteable (in his lifetime or ours) reprint project.

Anonymous said...

$10.00 says they look at his hand while he's there, find it's something easily treatable, treat it, and Dave takes this as a sign that God sent the bowel obstruction in order that he get his hand attended to.

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

Man I hope I don't get charged twice for flowers...

T.C.B Dave,

Matt Dow

Unknown said...

Very relieved to see Dave seems to be feeling better. That was some unsettling shit this morning, and I hope he has a speedy recovery. Feel better, Dave!

Um. Please.

Tony said...


Jeff Seiler said...

Just called the hospital. Dave is out of the recovery room and is "sleeping comfortably".

Having done that last year, I can assure everyone that it is VERY comfortable.

REALLY nice stay-cation.

I will call him tomorrow. The attendant said any time after 10 a.m., but I think mid to late afternoon would be better.

Anonymous said...

I join the chorus wishing Dave a full and speedy recovery. Being ill is never any fun.

Michael Grabowski may be selfish, but I think he may have a point that Dave's legacy would be better served by finishing Strange Death than his "Museum of Me" that nobody will visit. Cerebus will be in print as long as Dave is alive and able, and available on (at least) the Web when he's dead. If Dave is remembered, it will be for his comics.

-- Damian T. Lloyd, rip

Anonymous said...

Hoping you'll have a speedy recovery, Dave, and a total absence of the pain and condition that landed you in the hospital in the first place ... all the very best and hang in there, okay? ... we're all pulling for you! ... James Waley.

Travis Pelkie said...

Best wishes to Dave and I hope for a speedy and full recovery.

Egad, that tube picture is icky!

The Passenger said...

Many many wishes for a good recovery and remember that we in Italy love you so much, artistically speacking ^_^ a big embrace!

L nny said...

Jeff- please wish Dave my best for a speedy recovery. If you have any legal questions on the health stuff, I would be glad to talk to you about it (with the understanding that my area of expertise is NOT healthecare law).


Galvy said...

God bless you, Dave.

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery and a clean bill of health.

I really and honestly don't mean to be a dick, but my first thought after 'is he ok?! and 'Oh, good!' was that perhaps God gave you an unavoidable reason to go to the hospital to get your hand looked at. If producing art is your purpose (and fulfilling our purpose is the way that we glorify God), then you'd probably better take care of your hand.

Just my two cents.

Regardless, it's good to know you're on the mend and not on the way out yet.


iestyn said...

Best wishes to Dave.

This is kind of weird, because my wife had to rush to her mother's early Monday morning and she had exactly the same condition as Dave.

Monday was obviously cecal volvulus day...

Unknown said...

Old friend, wishing you a quick and complete recovery! -- Buddy Saunders

Mic said...

Good vibes your way, Dave - hope you have a speedy recovery.

Steve Peters said...

Thanks to everyone who has posted updates. Dave's been in my prayers since his hand problems and will continue to be so til he gets better. Get well soon, Dave!

Unknown said...

I visited Sim post-op for the first time today. He was lookin' & feelin' good! Mind you, he was getting painkiller pumped into his back. I mailed Tim some photos (one posed is amusing) and a short story, hopefully he'll get that up shortly. (Mike Kitchen - please check your email.) DF.

vollsticks said...

Only just heard, been away camping for a week or so, only got back today, had no access to Comics Reporter or TCJ. Best wishes and get well soon, Mr. Sim. All love from the United Kingdom, wishing for a speedy recovery for you!

Hope you're feeling better,


John Mosher said...

I was waiting to see what was up before posting. Yeah, bugs my relations also. Anyway, this sounds wildly uncomfortable but not life threatening.

I hope everything's comes out alright soon, Dave. : )


Anonymous said...

Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Take care all the best for your future read more about Righ hemicolectomy