Saturday 28 March 2015

Gerhard: Dino's Cafe

(Click image to enlarge)
(from Gerz Blog, 18/27 March 2015)
This one is rather large at 20" x 30" and, if I don't screw it up, should be quite a show stopper. (For Cerebus fans, anyaway.)... This one turned out well. This is just a photo, I'll be getting it scanned soon. I will be making prints available and will announce sizes/pricing here soon.

Speaking of Cerebus fans, it's been really nice to see the outpouring of good wishes and prayers for Dave during his time in the hospital. I would like to add my own best wishes for his full and speedy recovery.


Margaret said...

After getting the large size Regency print from Gerhard, if he offers this in large size (1:1), I'll be getting it as well. Seeing all those little lines up close? Pretty dang awesome. This one of the street scene from Melmoth looks pretty awesome.

jonbly said...

Same here.

Jake said...

Fangirl-Have you gotten it framed yet? Pictures?

Margaret said...

Jake - Here it is being framed, I haven't hung it up yet (need to move some things to get to the wall).

Jake said...

Sold! I'm going to ask Gerhard to bring me one to Austin Comic-Con in October.

Jake said...
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