Monday, 7 January 2013

Gerhard's Photos: Manchester, Vermont

Jeff Tundis had posted a bunch of my old photos on his Art of Gerhard website quite a while ago. I've just started going through my old photos again and here are a few that aren't on his website. 
1995: The Equinox Hotel, Resort and Spa, Manchester, Vermont. Absolutely, without a doubt, hands down, the all-round, BEST EVER venue for a signing:

Uncle Steve really came through in procuring this amazingly lavish location for the Spirits of Independence tour.

There was a good turnout and everyone, with the possible exception of the hotel staff, enjoyed the show.

Gerhard provided background art to Dave Sim's cast of Cerebus characters between issue #65 (August 1984) and #300 (March 2004) - contributing to over 4,700 pages of comic art, as well as numerous Cerebus covers and illustrations. Keep up to date on all of Gerhard's current projects at his blog and website, including details of his new book, The Wish.

1 comment:

@Chris_DFS said...

One of the best cons ever! I will always remember it.