Thursday 28 March 2013

1977 to 2004: "You Think About That"

Cerebus #1 (December 1977), Cerebus #300 (March 2004)
(from a review of Cerebus #300, 2004)
1977 to 2004. You think about that. And then you tell me that this single story written and drawn by one man and his virtuoso landscape artist - month in, month out, with a beginning, a middle and an end - consistently entertaining, provocative and beautiful to behold... You tell me that this is not just a significant achievement, but the very fucking pinnacle of a relatively infant medium, which will be virtually impossible to surpass.

Go on. You sit there and have the temerity, the impertinence, and the self-incriminating illiteracy to find me one other contender to that throne.

The fact that any other letterer could possibly win an Eisner in any given year, shows how vacuous and bankrupt those awards are.

There are approximately six other creators who could give Dave Sim a run for his money in terms of inspiration, innovation, intelligence and storytelling capability combined: Los Bros Hernandez, Chris Ware, Jim Woodring, Eddie Campbell, and - if he could draw - Alan Moore. There are hundreds of others whom I admire wholeheartedly, but few of them come close to those air-thin heights, and not one of those aforementioned creators has accomplished a quarter of what Dave Sim has achieved in the awesome, demanding, infuriating, and wit-ridden epic that is Cerebus.

That the man has contributed an equal and unparalleled measure to this industry is irrelevant to be sure.

But the fact that Dave Sim is not universally regarded as the very finest comicbook creator to this point in time, is a crime of unbelievable, culpable and fundamentally ungrateful ignorance.

If, you know, you're asking.

Stephen Holland co-founded (with Mark Simpson) one of the finest comic stores in the UK - Page 45.


Mas said...

I agree. How a creator can consistently write, pencil, ink, and letter a series at such a ridiculous high level for twenty five years straight and not be universally considered top 5/top 10 is mind-boggling, as well as it shows just how much of an old boys club/big two dominated (and therefore myopic) the american comic's field really is.

adampasz said...


Tony Dunlop said...

I hate to be a killjoy, because I basically agree with what the writer is saying - but anyone who could leave Will Eisner (he was still alive in 2004) off of that list is not to be taken seriously.

cool arrow said...

Um... Alan Moore can, in fact, draw.