Sunday 3 March 2013

[Deleted]'s Tribute Art

"I got dem 'Memory Hole' Blues a'gin..."

(by fax, 26 February 2013)
Tim, attached is a piece of CEREBUS fan art that was given to me at the NYC auction by one [Deleted]. I forgot to get his address to send him a thank you letter. Would you mind running this on your site to make up for my faux pas? He did an image from each of the CEREBUS storylines (which is pretty impressive I think).

UPDATE 2/2020:
I got a message from [Deleted] asking me to take down his image as "I do not and did not wish to have this drawing online."

While a part of me is loathe to edit a post from the Tim-era, especially nearly SEVEN Years after the fact!, [Deleted] was very polite in his message. And it's not like Dave could ask him one way or the other.

So..."I got dem 'Memory Hole' Blues a'gin..."
-Matt Dow
Interim Editor 
A Moment of Cerebus

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