Sunday, 16 November 2014

Half Breed Films: Cerebus Documentary Announced

Watch for further announcements at Half Breed Films.


Paul Slade said...

I look forward to seeing what Mr Ger (short for Gerald?) Hard has to say for himself.

Sean R said...

Well, maybe it's early to say, but I don;t put a lot of stock in a potential documentary that announces its film before interviewing either of their principal participants. And, say, incorrectly identifying the name of one of said figures in their announcement.

Sean R said...

However, I definitely dig the logo. FWIW. :)

Jake said...

One of the worst names for a production company I have ever seen. I can't imagine anyone would cooperate with these people. I would have a hard time taking them seriously. They are either trolling or oblivious.

Jake said...

One of the worst names for a production company I have ever seen. I can't imagine anyone would cooperate with these people. I would have a hard time taking them seriously. They are either trolling or oblivious.

Tim P said...

tHERE webSYTE IS full of grammar and speling mistakes

Anonymous said...

Really curious to see how this works out. It's a story that would make for a great documentary, but a really difficult one, too, if they want Dave to sign off on it/participate. Not that it couldn't be done without him- that Ditko documentary from Britain was quite good.

-Wes Smith

Jeff Seiler said...

If u look closely at their not-too-well executed website, at the bottom of the home page it says that Half Breed Films is "brought to you by Ida Ladouceur and the Riel Rebellion of 1885".

As in Louis Riel. And, a quick internet search puts Ida Ladouceur in northern Minnesota during the time of said Rebellion.

Methinks these "half-breeds" might have better luck doing a documentary on Chester Brown.

Or, perhaps they already approached him and found him to be so much of a misanthrope that Dave seemed like a far more approachable sort. ;)

Or, maybe they thought they could get to Chester through Dave. Heh.

Regardless, they seem pretty fly-by-night.

Jeff Seiler said...

Just watched their sample commercials. These are amateurish at best and laughable at the worst.

One example is the ad for Water Pure and Simple (or, WPS), which has a voiceover describing the products they offer. At one point, the voiceover tells us that WPS also offers their special brand of coffee, while the camera is panning across a visual of a case of CoffeeMate, ready for shipping.

Also laughable in that commercial is that all the scenes of workers (or, "workers") at WPS are shot in sped-up motion, a la Benny Hill.

Their camera work is of the now-standard hi-def digital quality and, so, passes muster. It is the writing, acting, direction and editing, however, that is amateurish.

There is one face that pops up over and over again in some commercials and in at least one or two of their photography samples, as well as their demo film. It seems like that person is an investedperson, perhaps an owner or part owner. If so, he seems quite young to have adequate experience or skill to pull off writing, filming and producing a documentary of the calibre that it would take to do justice to Dave Sim, his work and his career.

If Dave were to give serious consideration to this (highly unlikely), and if he were to put it to a vote of Cerebus readers (a la the Cerebus 3D project), my vote would be a resounding NO! And, I would canvas others voters to cast their votes likewise.