Saturday 21 September 2024

Moments of Cerebus?

So boss man says he is going on vacation. Again. So we have to cover him with some kind of Cerebus content. . .Cerebus content. . .umm. . .what to post?

A preliminary sketch of Cerebus from Latter Days page 44 (issue #268, page 4)

Like does boss man just think I have Cerebus content just laying around? What am I made off? Aardvarks?

Preliminary sketch on tracing paper, Form & Void page 478

I mean, come on, it is a Saturday! Don't I have a Boston Bruins game to go to? Don't y'all have any Cerebus content for us? Perhaps I just want to sit back and read a comic.

Cerebus preliminary drawing, tracing paper

I mean, who wants to see a preliminary sketch of young Jaka for Cerebus #134?
Preliminary sketch on tracing paper

Or some preliminary sketches for the old now defunct Cerebus Art website?

Though perhaps you're like, come on Margaret. We had enough Cerebus in black and white. What about some color? And I'd say no wonder boss man is taking a vacation.

Like how many fires can Cerebus leap though or over to make y'all happy?

For all of those who complain about the content on this site. . .show me yours. Come on. Show me the content. For all of those calling Dave names and what not - you know who you are - why the hell do you hang around here still? As Cerebus said:

wait, that isn't right. . .

oh come on. Focus!

There we go. I hope you enjoyed your moment.

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