Travis Pelkie returns with his regular monthly selection for Cerebus fans of comics and books featured in the latest Diamond Previews
catalog. Travis is co-founder of the Atomic Junk Shop,
a site about comics and other fun pop culture. To see your comics
featured here or at the Atomic Junk Shop feel free to send an email to
Travis at: atomicjunkshoptravis [at] outlook [dot] com.
Shang-Chi: Master Of Kung Fu Vol 4
Doug Moench &
Gene Day
Marvel, $125
In stores: 4 October 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR171135
The publisher says:
These iconic Marvel masterpieces
have never been reprinted before, so don't miss your chance to
experience the Master of Kung Fu! Collecting MASTER OF KUNG FU (1974)
#102-125, MASTER OF KUNG FU: BLEEDING BLACK and material from MARVEL
COMICS PRESENTS (1988) #1-8.
Travis says:
The fourth volume of
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu has the
Gene Day run collected here (along with including him with the writers
in the credits as well, that's cool). Finally, you can see what the
world lost with the death of Gene Day, and marvel
(ahem) at the untimely loss of his talent. And see that continuous
background page that got colored all wacky even though
Archie Goodwin
said it read fine!
Dave Sim said:
(from Howard Eugene Day, Mentor, Cerebus #270, 2001)
...Meanwhile, on Master of Kung Fu, as the sudden sales spurt
continued to attract editorial attentions, Gene ran afoul of many of
Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter's Rules of Good Comic-Book Storytelling. "No
continuous backgrounds" was a big one (that is, no pages where a single
background ran across two or three panels: a cornerstone of Steranko's
storytelling.) Loyalty isn't the only attribute of a Scot. There's also
stubbornness. Gene was part of a hit -- or, at least, a book whose sales
were going up, a book that was being talked about. He must have known
that that success could only be attributed to his storytelling since
that was the only thing that had changed (he could never say that, or
course -- not even to himself -- his natural modesty, his self-effacing
Eastern Ontario nature would forbid it). But, there was another way to
make his point. He did a sequence that ran across four or five pages.
One. Continuous. Background.
That, of course, led to The Phone Calls: Knock off the continuous
backgrounds, said Shooter. Get them coloured properly, replied Gene
(Shooter had told the colourists to use different colours on the
backgrounds in different panels, so a continuous wall changed from mauve
to red to yellow. Unbeknownst to Gene, the colourist was Shooter's
long-term girlfriend) (oops, as they say) It was an unhappy situation. Shooter called the shots. He was
Editor-in-Chief. It was his job to call the shots. Gene was a
freelancer. It was his job to do as he was told...

Spiderman: Webspinners
by various
Marvel, $39.99
In stores: 28 June 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR17116
The publisher says:
A host of comic-book talents spin yarns across the web of Spidey
history! Dive deep inside the goldfish bowl for a look at the early
motivations of Mysterio! Solve the decades-old mystery of why the Silver
Surfer abandoned his plan to attack mankind! Head back to Midtown
High's senior prom with ladies' man Peter Parker - but who invited the
Sandman? Chameleon spirals out of control, Vulture plots the perfect
crime and a black-suited Spider-Man joins Silver Sable on a mission of
international intrigue! And there are no positives to a trip to the
Negative Zone - particularly when Cletus Kasady is along for the ride
and Blastaar the Living Bomb-Burst is the welcoming party! Plus: Two
rarely seen black-and-white tales! Collecting WEBSPINNERS: TALES OF
SPIDER-MAN #1-18 and material from SHADOWS & LIGHT (1998) #2-3.
Travis says:
Another Marvel book? I know, right? But this one features
art by friend of the blog
Michael Zulli, as the short-lived
Tales of Spider-Man (a la the
Legends of the Dark Knight comic that DC
did for Batman, with not-necessarily in-continuity
tales featured) is collected in toto, along with a couple of good black
and white stories, including one with fantastic
Jill Thompson art
(aping Ditko, and doing a not-too-shabby job of it, as I recall).
Captain Canuck Compendium
Richard Comely & George Freeman
Chapterhouse, $34.95
In stores: 28 June 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR171504
The publisher says:
In celebration of Canada's 150th-anniversary, Captain Canuck is back in Chapterhouse Comics' hardcover Compendium
line. This 366 page compendium features all of the issues from the
1975-81 series, including issue #15 in full-color. Never-seen before art
and extras by Richard Comely, George Freeman, and Claude St. Aubin make
this a collector's item a must have for fans of the Captain, new and
old! Forward by Captain Canuck creator Richard Comely!
Travis says:
It's a hardcover compilation of the original Captain Canuck comics, in
which the Dave Sim's
Beavers appeared. If you love Canadiania (that should be a
word, dang it!), go for this. I also recommend other
comics, as they're pretty good from what
I've seen.
Chew Smorgasbord Vol 3
John Layman & Rob Guillory
Image, $100.00
In stores: 28 June 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR170766
The publisher says:
Presenting the third and final CHEW Smorgasbord, a massive, deluxe
hardcover featuring the final 20 issues of the New York Times
bestselling, Harvey and multiple Eisner Award-winning series about cops,
crooks, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants. Enemies are confronted,
mysteries are solved, and the body count rises so very, very high. Collects CHEW #41-60 in addition to the blockbuster one-shots featuring
everybody's favorite homicidal rooster, WARRIOR CHICKEN POYO, DEMON
CHICKEN POYO, and the dual crossover event, CHEW/REVIVAL and
Travis says:
Chew, the fantastic series about a cop who can solve crimes
by "reading" evidence that he eats, wrapped up its 60 issue
run recently, and this is the third of 3 big collections of the story
(the first 2 are also offered again). Artist
Rob Guillory
is wonderfully cartoony, and writer John Layman does a great job with
an odd premise.
John Layman is also a huge Dave Sim/Cerebus fan. It's going
to hurt my wallet, but I think I'm going for these!
John Layman said:
(from John Layman Takes A Bite Out Of Chew, MTV, 2010)
...When I was growing up, in the 80's, everyone wanted to do their
Cerebus and not many people pulled it off. This is the closest thing to my
Cerebus, which is a finite series, that if I'm not known for anything else ever, that's fine...
The Divided States Of Hysteria #1
Howard Chaykin
Image, $3.99
In stores: 7 June 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR170684
The publisher says:
An America sundered. An America enraged. An America terrified. An America shattered by greed and racism, violence and fear, nihilism and tragedy... and that's when everything really goes to hell.
Travis says:
Howard Chaykin returns with what will undoubtedly be a divisive comic
The Divided States of Hysteria 1 from Image. Chaykin's never one
to do the politically correct thing, and this surely will be no
Dave Sim said:
(from the Cerebus Yahoo Group Q&A, August 2004)
Howard ever needed me for anything, he remains on a short list of people
I would drop everything to help in any way that I could -- un-work
related, I would assume. He’d be my first choice of someone to have
dinner with in just about any comic-book context I could think of. And a
big reason for that is that I would never have to wonder where I stood
with Howard Chaykin. He would never say anything behind someone’s back
that he wouldn’t say to that same person’s face. As was the case at the
Aardvarks Over San Diego party. He had something to say and he said it.
It cleared the air so that I didn’t hesitate for one second before
approaching him the next time I saw him. Those are the sort of people I have always admired and whose company I have most enjoyed...

Savage Dragon #225
Erik Larsen
Image, $9.99
In stores: 21 June 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR170688
The publisher says:
"THE MERGING OF MULTIPLE EARTHS," Conclusion. Giant-sized 25th
anniversary special! Savage Dragon is restored to his former glory as he
bulks up to take on Darklord in a final battle! Mr. Glum's devious plot
to merge the multi-verse comes to its cataclysmic conclusion! Savage
Dragon and Malcolm Dragon join forces to save Angel Murphy and the very
earth itself!
Travis says:
Savage Dragon gets closer to Cerebus territory with issue
225, the 25th anniversary issue (add in the debut mini and you're at
228, of course), which averages about 9 issues a year, putting Erik
Larsen on track to match Dave and Ger in about 2025.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the original Dragon dies this issue. Just sayin'.
Spawn #275
by Todd McFarlane & Szymon Kudranski
Image, $2.99
In stores: 12 July 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR170699
The publisher says:
Travis says:
Todd McFarlane is closer with his numbering, but he's done
less of the art and writing than Larsen or Dave and Ger, so even if he
hits 300 in the next couple years, it's not quite the achievement of
Cerebus. Still, kudos to Todd for *ahem* having
the balls to keep doing what he does.
Todd MacFarlane said:
(from Comic Book Resources, 7 June 2013)
got to at least get to #301 so I can break Dave Sim's independent
record! He's got the record for the longest running independent comic
book with Cerebus the Aardvark. I've gotta beat him by at least one.
It's just a little competition amongst fellow Canadians...
Reed Crandall: Illustrator Of The Comics
Roger Hill
Twomorrows Publishing, $49.95
In stores: 26 July 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR172092
The publisher says:
From the 1940s to the '70s, Reed Crandall brought a unique and masterful
style to American comic art. Using an illustrator's approach on
everything he touched, Crandall gained a reputation as the "artist's
artist" through his skillful interpretations of Golden Age super-heroes
Doll Man, The Ray, and Blackhawk (his signature character); horror and
sci-fi for the legendary EC Comics line; Warren Publishing's Creepy,
Eerie, and Blazing Combat; the THUNDER Agents and Edgar Rice Burroughs
characters; and even Flash Gordon for King Features. Comic art historian
Roger Hill has compiled a complete and extensive history of Crandall's
life and career, from his early years and major successes, through his
tragic decline and passing in 1982. This hardcover includes
never-before-seen photos, a wealth of rare and unpublished artwork, and
over eighty thousand words of insight into one of the true illustrators
of the comics.
Travis says:
I learned a bit about Reed Crandall I didn't know just from the solicit
text, so the book is bound to be quite good. He worked for Warren and
EC, as well as doing Flash Gordon, it seems. TwoMorrows is very good,
so this is undoubtedly going to
be a good one.
Comics Revue: June 2017
edited by
Rick Norwood
Manuscript Press: $19.95
In stores: 28 June 2017
Diamond Order Code: APR172361
The publisher says:
America's longest-running magazine of classic comics now has twice as
many pages of strips as the earlier version, on better paper, includes 8
pages of full-color comic strips, and features Tarzan by Russ Manning, Rick O'Shay by Stan Lynde, Flash Gordon by Harry Harrison, Gasoline Alley by Dick Moores, Alley Oop by V.T. Hamlin, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, and Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, plus stories in black & white.
Travis says:
Here's Comics Revue again, publisher of good comic strips!
More Diamond Previews picks at Atomic Junk Shop's regular Flippin' Through Previews column.