Over on the FaceItBookees, Philip Buckner became the most hated man in Cerebus Fandom, when he shared this photo:
and said:"WooHoo! Look what came in today's mail. 148 of 195. I must be one of the first to get theirs!"
Which means, as LOYAL Please Hold For Dave Sim listeners/viewers know, that THIS is a comin':
![]() |
(Note: "the day after tomorrow" is used for comedic purposes, and is not intended as a firm launch date.) |
Speaking of the Regency Edition, my man at the Waverly Press let me know:
Hi Matt,So if you missed out, a second chance is a comin'.
As of today most of the Regency orders have shipped.
Good news for those who missed out, we may have about 20 copies remaining..
However many it is, I will let you know ahead of time before putting them up on the site which would be in a couple of weeks.
Don't be the prick who starts pestering the fine folks at the Waverly Press NOW about this. If you want a shot at one of the extras (Which, lemme explain for the confused. The Waverly offered up the number of copies they did of the Regency Edition, because they figured that that was the number of GOOD copies they'd get from the printer, but they ordered extras just in case there were damages/misprints/subpar copies. Whence come the extras.) shoot an email titled "I allus wanted t'be an Inside People" to momentofcerebus@gmail.com, and when I hear anything, I'll give you the UNFAIR AMOC Gold VIP advantage.
Whelp, somebody keeps saying "Beetlejuice" apparently, because my Nazi shithead came back this morning.
And since Einstein (a Jew, I know Nazi -boy, this just proves I'm the horrible piece of shit you keep telling me I am...) supposedly said: "The definition of 'insanity' is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.", instead of just deleting "his" (I assume it's a his,) bullshit and locking the comments for a few hours, like I've tried in the past, I just left the shit up for you, the rabble, to see and deal with. (Thanks Brian!) Until one of the other people with posting privileges deleted them. I WAS gonna try and engage and try to turn the garbage into something positive.
But it's really hard to engage with:
The only good jew is a lampshade jew.All I could come up with was:
Speaking of turning people into lampshades, casual acquaintance to the Blog, Eric Powell has teamed up with Harold Schechter for Did You Hear What Ed Gein Done? a graphic novel exploration of the Gein family and what led to the creation of the necrophile who haunted the dreams of 1950s America and inspired such films as Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Silence of the Lambs. Available now. (I backed their Kickstarter...)So, I guess it's cool all the bullshit got deleted. (But I did want everybody to see the garbage BeetleNazi keeps posting.)
I'd just block all anonymous commenting, but then we lose Tony Dunlop, A Fake Name, and others who I don't feel should be punished for something they didn't do.
And I'm not setting the comments to 100% moderated, where I have to approve them before they get posted, because
and I'm NOT an Authoritarian. And have no wish to be. One of the first times I turned the comments to approval, I was mad at Seiler, so I didn't approve some of his comments to punish him. Which was wrong and I should probably apologize. I mean, I'm not. Apologizing, I mean. I should. But I ain't.
So, if BeetleNazi wants to keep being a stupid, ignorant, hateful asshole, I'M not gonna do anything. If somebody wants to respond to the Racist, Bigoted, Xenophobic garbage, go nuts. And if one of the OTHER adults in the room wants to delete the offensive comments, I won't stop them.
Now, I'ma have a "snack"
Next Time: Stuff.
Beautiful, Matt. Just beautiful. Enjoy that sweet, chocolate goodness.
Not for the first time, Ima gonna say, "What'd I do?!?"
Jeff, I’m not Matt, so take what I say as a secondhand account.
I think Matt got upset over how you conducted yourself during the week-long SPAWN 10 Lenticular cover affair here in the comments, specifically your behavior towards Margaret. Matt could correct me if I am wrong (if he is inclined to do so, of course), but that’s my best guess.
Sooooo....the Collector edition is limited to fewer than 120 and sold out, Candidate limited to 50 and is sold out, and Regency is limited to 25 and also sold out. But, there are "extras". Does this mean that less than 120/50/25 were sold or that those limits are now, effectively, lies?
Another Waverly Press "money grab"?
I guess they could call these High Society "We Ignore Our Commitments" Edition at a super "limited to 20 (until we find more)"" and that'll be ok.
Bill - Matt says above: "The Waverly offered up the number of copies they did of the Regency Edition, because they figured that that was the number of GOOD copies they'd get from the printer, but they ordered extras just in case there were damages/misprints/subpar copies. Whence come the extras."
My copy arrived Saturday.
Dave- I understand what Matt wrote. My ... inquiry? point? nonsensical spewing from keyboard? was: either Waverly sold less than the 120/50/25 for each (195 for the entire run) - and they actually did something like
- 120 "collector" available, sold only 100; and the 50 and 25 for the higher priced were sold to 100%
- printed 215, sold 195, and are now offering more than the 120/50/25 equivalents (195 total print run).
I'm guessing (and with Waverly, I remain critical and skeptical of their business practices and communication/honesty) that the Regency and Candidate editions were sold to 100% and no more of those tiers are available for purchase.
What is not clearly communicated:
- are these adding to the 120 count for Collector?
- are these adding to the 195 count for the entire print run?
If that's the case, once again Waverly is being dishonest and following a "bait and switch" business model (to the collector market).
Again, they may not be "lying"...but the communication is not clear to whether these "hold backs editions) are WITHIN the 120 (and overall 195), or increasing the amounts.
I have an answer.
And you will too once I get off work, get home and do Tuesday's post.
Manly Matt Dow
I Just want to thank you for all the work you do for this blog and for the bullshit up to which you are forced to put.
I rarely comment but I do read it everyday. Your posts are entertaining, often very funny, all the while keeping us up to date on the increasingly frequent products, events, and ephemera available in and around Sim-Ville.
I am not the first, certainly, to let you know that yours is not an entirely thankless job, and I hope I am not the last.
Michael Hunt
Brian-- My "behavior towards Margaret"?!? Margaret is one of my most favorite people in comics fandom, if not the most. I would never intentionally be rude or mean or even impolite to her. And she pointedly told me once, a coupla years ago, that she likes me (not "like" likes; heh) and that I've always been nice to her.
So, again, what'd I do?
Jeff, here’s where I derived my best guess. Read the comment thread, if you’re inclined. http://momentofcerebus.blogspot.com/2021/04/crossing-overload.html?m=1
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