Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Swords of Cerebus In Hell? Dust Jackets!

Benjamin Hobbs:

This week I'm putting together the dust jackets for Swords of Cerebus In Hell? Hardcovers Volumes 5 and 6.

For Volume 5, it was easy to choose the character for the cover:

But for Volume 6 I'm torn between Canadian Vark:

And Fiendix:

I'm leaning toward Fiendix.  Do you have a preference between Fiendix and Canadian Vark? If so, leave it in the comments!

Next Week: It's the last Wednesday of the month! Strangers in Cerebus #1 and Swords of Cerebus In Hell? Volume 3 Softcover are on sale at your LCS!


Philip R. Frey said...

Canadian Vark, definitely. American Flagg is a better counterpart to Cerebus than the X-Men.

Brian West said...

What Mr. Frey said.

jonbly said...

Does anyone else feel like Canadian Vark is pulling his trousers up?

Michiel said...

Canadian Vark I'd say

Jeff said...

I vote Canadian Bark.

Tony Dunlop said...

Well, Fiendix would probably do more to attract the casual shopper's attention (of course I'm way out of touch; possibly the casual comics shopper in 2021 has no idea who Phoenix/Marvel Girl is/was) - but on the other hand, she's under the watchful eye of The Mouse.

Benjamin H said...

Thanks Everyone! That's useful feedback. Based on this, I'll most likely go with Canadian Vark. (Or there could be TWO dust jackets...variant Dust Jackets anyone?)
