Tuesday, 13 December 2022

The totally expected and planned return of "The Manly One".

I have, as they say, "returned".
Ah...it feels good to be back.

Manly Matt Dow here.

Along with my good "pal" Dave Sim:
That's Bloodlines:

By Rob Walton (the taller fella on the left):

And the art:
Actually, not "by request", Dave never sent it to me. Yet...

And I got word (via carrier pigeon) that The Waverly Press is doing "Holiday Bundles":
Every package is different and loaded with a generous selection of some of the rarest items from the archive including some pieces of original art by Dave.
50 packages "in toto". They go on sale on Friday, 10am Eastern Standard Time. (That's 9am here in the AMOCave...)

And to "correct" my young Padawan, The photo he was SUPPOSED to show youse guys yesterday was of the SpaceX boat across the channel from where the cruise ship docked:
See Brian, the bit doesn't land if they don't see it's a SpaceX boat... It just is a non-sequitur...

Thanks to the AMOC Assistant Editors for stepping up so I could step out. (Your bonuses are in the mail.)

Anyway, I'm back, just in time to make Hobbs do his thing.

Next Time: Hobbs shows you his "thing". Look. LOOK at his "thing"! LOOK AT IT, DAMN YOUR EYES!!!


Travis H. said...

That is cool. Blood Lines is a favorite book for me. Will be nice to buy a completed version.

Brian West said...

I am not the blind beggar from John 9 by any stretch of the imagination, but I do see now how I dropped that joke on Monday. Welcome back Master Qui-Gon!