Tuesday 29 August 2023

SDoAR 35: Send Lawyers, Quotes and Money

"With Strange Death, Sim and Grubaugh crafted a must-read masterpiece on the beauty and tragedy of comics." - Joseph Keatinge, Shutter, Ringside 

I'll have to triple check, but the above might be the last quote I had left to lead with. So if you've ever wanted to wax eloquently about The Strange Death of Alex Raymond, now is the time to...

  1. Donate to the SDOAR GoFundMe and include a quote in your donation.
  2. Email me at jen@typingmonkeys with your quote.
  3. Add a comment to this post (or the associated Facebook post) with your quote.
  4. If you don't want to share a quote, you can still help out by donating to the GFM since we have stalled in the past week.

Speaking of which, let's see exactly how that translates on the ol' tote board...

Just the Facts, Ma'am, aka GFM Tote Board

  • *ZERO* new pages unlocked since last week
  • $8,693.00 raised from 138 donations (plus $62.08 outside of GoFundMe).
  • 47 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 12 October 2021
  • 68 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • Only $107.00 away from unlocking page 69
  • If you have not donated >> $5+ donation grants access to all 68 pages and all pages moving forward! 
  • If you have donated (thanks!!) >> GoFundMe does not have an option for monthly subscriptions. So if you want to donate on a monthly basis, please do so as we are in the final days of month #8.
  • GoFundMe is a dreadful communication platform -- if you haven't heard back from me, gotten access to the new pages, etc., please email me at jen@typingmonkeys.com
SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023

Just the Fax, Ma'am

Since I'm playing catch up across the board, here are the last two rewards Dave shared with me -- so hopefully I'll have a few more coming in this week!

We interrupt this SDOAR update with a reader question in a segment we like to call...

Just the FAQs, Ma'am

Sir Ian asks, "Dreadful breach in protocol, but is my understanding correct that GUYS is currently available for digital download on cerebusdownloads but has NOT yet been released in remastered physical print? Would have asked Manly Matt but I never know if my mails are trapped in a spam filter somewhere. Hope your COVID recovery is a swift and smooth one."

Manly Matt? I know it's your day off, but a little help?

SDOAR Pages, Part II

Last week, I started publishing the first five mocked-up pages from Dropbox. This week, I'm continuing with four more pages (two two-page spreads) -- Part I is here. Reminder that these images are *neither* the restored *nor* the remastered pages, just what I cleaned up as lo-res files for Dropbox. Philip R. Frey's cleanup work for the Giant-Size Ashcans is SO much better!

Next week, a full update on the Giant-Sized Ashcans!

That should get me caught up on all emails, faxes and rewards. If *anything* is still pending for *anyone* please let me know so I can investigate and get everyone what they are owed.

That's all I got, but don't forget to check out the SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe >> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 



SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->>
 https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

1 comment:

Margaret said...

No new pages unlocked in the last week!?! I can't have that. These pages are way too nice to leave locked up! Let the people see them! Well, at least one more.