Wednesday, 18 December 2024

The return of AMOCIAIH? !!

Benjamin Hobbs:

David Birdsong and The AI return to bring you Jingles Quinn. This image will appear in the previously teased Secret Origins of CIH? :

Next Week: It's CHRISTMAS!


Anonymous said...

after over thirty years following cerebus i’m close to deleting this blog’s rss feed from my reader because i’m sick of seeing unsolicited ai slop. does dave really condone this? did shepshep use ai to create their illusions?

Paul Slade said...

I second this. AI art is an insult to human artists and a direct attack on their ability to earn a living from their work. AMOC should not be supporting it.

Anonymous said...

as much as I'm also not a fan of the AI contributions to this blog, regarding Dave condoning anything here: "This is an 'unoffical' site and is not affiliated with Dave Sim or Gerhard."

Anonymous said...

Cannot ditto enough. Supporting (so called) AI (so called) art is an insult to every artist and everything art stands for. It also supports billionaires who are becoming trillionaires at the cost of everyone and everything else. Does this image have some glossy appeal? Sure. So does the iPhone picture you take of a cerebus cover, enlarge and frame in matte black on your bedroom wall. Did “you” create it? Now mash all Cerebus covers into a quadrillion pixels, save in your hard drive with your family photos and tell the computer to make it a picture of Cerebus smooching your mom in the Regency hotel. It won’t look like cerebus or your mom or the regency hotel, but it will sure look slick and cool and you can claim credit for creating garbage stolen from Dave Sims decades of effort and your mom’s dignity. Applause.

Anonymous said...

People who sperg about LLM's are worse than those who worship LLM's as the Second Coming.

Anonymous said...

yes, because who wants to read text written by a human.

Birdsong said...

When Dave saw this image he broke it into nine panels and added dialogue, however, I cannot confirm if he condoned it or not. He also made a joke about how AI images can, wait, let me quote him... use enough electricity to "have air conditioned very house in Botswana for a month!"

I guess there have always been uptight Cerebus fans but you girls are getting a little silly. Dave's only comment about AI was basically "if you want to live in your phone, go live in your phone" That's how he sees it.

I send him an image and he goes to town on it. Sometimes I send him an issue and he goes to town on it. Sometimes it's a cover. Sometimes it's three words in a row. I sent him a 24 page issue -Secret Origins- and Dave blew it up to 36 pages. It does poke a bit of fun at AI just like Dave poked a bit of fun at every new tech-n0-gizz-moe that has come along the last 50 years. I hope he's around a lot longer so we can poke fun at the next big thing.

Birdsong said...

air conditioned "EVERY" house

Anonymous said...

Comments sections are for opinions. If AI images get posted, expect there will be expressed opinions about the image, and AI. Clearly many people don’t like either. This is not “uptight” or “silly”, it is their (and my) opinions. What does seem weirdly uptight and silly is defending software code or the billionaires who own that code, which are the only things I understand to be behind AI images.

Anonymous said...

thanks for confirming it’s more important to sling sexist remarks than avoid feeing the machine. good luck.

Birdsong said...

Every dead body on Mount Everest was once a very determined individual so... maybe calm down. Or don't, rave on anon.

Tony Dunlop said...

Either a determined individual, or a tourist with more dollars than sense.

Anonymous said...

The Everest comment only sort of makes sense but not really, isn’t funny and is copied from the Internet. Perfect example of how AI works.