Thursday 20 March 2014

One Tribe Anthology

One Tribe Anthology (2014)
Cover art by Mark A. Nelson
(from Gerz's Blog, 13 March 2014)
James Waley asked if I would contribute 4 to 6 pages for the One Tribe benefit comic book anthology, a non-profit book to be published in 2014. The collection is being produced in support of improving First Nations' reserve schools in Canada. I thought that I would try to illustrate a little incident that happened a couple of summers ago while anchored in a small cove on Killarney Bay combined with some thoughts that Shel had jotted down at the time. At the very least it would nice to draw summer scenes as relief from this long, cold, cold winter

This is page one of a six page story that James said is, "simple but so touching." Which is great, since that what we were going for. Please support this project by buying one or more of the books when they come out in late August, early September.

One Day On Georgian Bay... (2014)
Art by Gerhard

1 comment:

Jeff Seiler said...

That's the thing I love so much and have loved all the way back to the Epic stories and issue #65--art so pure and clean and expressive. Never muddy, not even in the very first monthly issue. Gerhard is an artist in the truest sense of the word--technically perfect--and in the most aesthetic sense of the word--evocative and moving.

Thanks, Ger. I'm certainly going to try to snag a copy, especially if you plug it here again closer to its publication date.