In Weekly Update #65 Dave Sim asked for bookplate ideas for the High Society Signed & Numbered Diamond Edition. Yesterday, Tim ran some of the designs we've received so far. And here are the remainder!
First off, here are two designs from Tom Palmer Jr. Captions below are what he had to say about them--
Tom Palmer: The art is from the "Ages of Cerebus" in Epic Illustrated 32 with just a bit of work to add in a box for Dave's signature. This is from a crude scan I found online. I have no idea if the original art is available so maybe a better scan from a copy of the magazine would do the job. Since this is basically a portfolio piece it translates pretty well to a bookplate; unlike any of the covers there's no trade dress to get rid of. (Technically it was drawn after the initial run of High Society...but it was done before the cover of the trade was drawn so that should count for something!)
Tom Palmer: And option two is just a montage of some of the various looks Cerebus has in the story. It was hard to find full figure shots of him that could be easily isolated, and I'm not completely satisfied with the layout but here goes...
Secondly, we had two very similar suggestions on last week's book plate post--
Secondly, we had two very similar suggestions on last week's book plate post--
Ethan Burns : Cerebus at the debate doing sketches of rocks and trees with the persons name on his sketch somewhere. Alternatively elrod doing the same thing.
Travis Pelkie: I like something like what Ethan Burns said: a pic of Cerebus or Elrod signing/drawing the rocks and trees, so it looks like Cerebus is the one who signed the bookplate (which is where Dave's going to be signing it, right?).
And below you'll find two very quick mockups of Ethan's idea (with Travis' elaboration).
Got some ideas of your own? Please send them to momentofcerebus at gmail, or link to them in the comments.
If you're interested in getting a signed and numbered copy of High Society for yourself, you can preorder them now through your local comic shop. Those of you who might not have a local shop handy could also heed the words of BBCoffey--
If you can't make it to a store, Discount Comic Book Services (DCBS) and Things From Another World (TFAW) both have it available for pre-order.
Got some ideas of your own? Please send them to momentofcerebus at gmail, or link to them in the comments.
If you're interested in getting a signed and numbered copy of High Society for yourself, you can preorder them now through your local comic shop. Those of you who might not have a local shop handy could also heed the words of BBCoffey--
If you can't make it to a store, Discount Comic Book Services (DCBS) and Things From Another World (TFAW) both have it available for pre-order.
Okay, without digging out my copy of HS, I have to say I'm pretty damn sure that it was "Cerebus trees" and "Elrod bunnies".
When Dave did his "get 10 people to send you a sketch of Prince Mick or Prince Keef and I'll send you (Jeff) a sketch of Prince Mick or Prince Keef, and I'll send everyone who sends you a sketch of Prince Mick or Prince Keef a post-it-note sketch of a Cerebus tree or an Elrod bunny", only one person got an Elrod bunny (well, besides me) and no one got a Cerebus/Elrod rock.
Just sayin'.
Okay, well, maybe, based on Tuesday's blog post of one bookplate idea, maybe there were going to be Cerebus rocks. But, the room never got silent.
I dunno. It's late and I'm tired and I don't feel like digging for the proof.
Would it be too much trouble to put page number references alongside the bookplate ideas that use actual images from HS? Please?
Ooh, I like that second one based on my interpolation of Ethan's idea. Nice. Tom's are cool too.
Is it really only going to be 100 signed and numbered?
Hey, Jeff, if you can't remember where all the book images are from, don't expect us to remember that it's Cerebus trees and Elrod bunnies (and Nancy rocks, right?). heh heh heh ;)
I like the upper mockup of Ethan's idea.
Hey Travis,
No, the amount will be determined by the initial Diamond order. If they order 100, it'll be 100. If they order 663, it'll be 663. I've just stolen Dave's lettering there from a convenient source, an early Cerebus portfolio that was numbered thusly.
I just remember at some point in the scene when Cerebus was actually getting into it he mentioned drawing some rocks around the trees to show off.
Of all the proposed designs so far, I like the first one today best for a bookplate.
-- Damian T. Lloyd, ppm
The only problem with the design at the top is, Cerebus didn't wear the wig until Church and State. Or is that just too wonkish and/or pedantic?
Personally, I'm not worried about that. He wore the wig as prime minister, and the bookplate looks very prime ministerial.
-- Damian T. Lloyd, pld
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