Wednesday 6 March 2024

Cerebus In Public Domain Romance: Painted Panel

Benjamin Hobbs:

Having made a cover rough for the Public Domain Romance book, and painted the Varkdalorian variant cover, I wondered how quickly I could paint a page of comic.  I decided to start with a giant panel, reasoning that if it took too long, I'd have a finished painting, and if it went quick, I could do the rest of the panels on their own boards, and then paint subsequent pages as full pages. 

I used a double page spread from a romance comic and Cerebus from High Society and transferred those images onto a wood panel using graphite paper:

The top of the board was used to mix colors, which makes it easier to paint without an easel or palette.

 The panel is still in progress as of this post.  Below is a scan of how it currently stands:

So, is it quick? Not really. I'm guessing it would take two or three times as long to paint a page as pencil/ink one.  However, I like the look of the painted panel.  It will be worth pursuing. Perhaps I can stream line the process to keep the time low and the quality high. 

Next Week: I'm sure something will come up.


Christon said...

BH, It looks great! All painted pages gives me that Havok & Wolverine:Meltdown vibe, which I still appreciate to this day.

Michael Grabowski said...

It looks sweet, but with all the other color there, it's hard to notice both Cerebus in the middle and Batvark on the left.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Watch out for that weasel. His bite will break the skin and you'll need a tentnius shot. Do you have will? I'm not picky. I don't even have to wait for your death. Whatever's good.