Saturday 6 September 2014

Cerebus Archive Number One: The Diamond Edition

Cerebus Archive Number One
by Dave Sim
Aardvark Vanaheim, $89.00
In Stores: 26 November 2014
Diamond Order Code: SEP140947

The Aardvark-Vanaheim Artist Editions begin here with the ten earliest pieces in the Cerebus Archive, six of them published and four of them never-before seen (pages 3 through 5 of the unpublished "Passage" story). Reproduced full size in crystal-clear, state of the art digital reproductions on glossy card stock. Cerebus Archive Artist's Editions are the closest you'll get to owning the actual Cerebus original artwork (that regularly sells for hundreds and hundreds of dollars) from the award-winning 300-issue series. Note: This is the unsigned and unnumbered version of Cerebus Archive Number One launched on Kickstarter in May 2014.


Jeff Seiler said...

Note that everyone who ordered the Kickstarter portfolios got them (with each plate signed and numbered) for at least $10 less than the Diamond version.

I am wondering, tho, whether I will get mine before November...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be a pedant,but shouldn't that be "pendant"?

-- Damian T. Lloyd, led

Travis Pelkie said...

Yeah, I've been irked by that, too, Damian. Pendant pedants we are!

And the kickstarter version wasn't really 10 bucks less unless you got free shipping....

Jeff Seiler said...

Oh, yeah, but remember that shipping was basically free on second and third portfolios, IIRC. I ordered 2.

And, you still have to pay for gas to your brick and mortar store if you go through Diamond AND none of them will be signed and numbered.

Steve said...

Wasn't 'Passage' published in both an early Newsletter and Following Cerebus, in a much-improved format?

Sean R said...

Damian and Travis--

"Pendent" is an acceptable alternative spelling for "pendant," although you could argue it's inferior, as it's then possible to confuse it with "pendent" the adjective.

Steve-- The two (limited release) times "Passage" has appeared were both sourced from Dave's severely flawed photocopies. This is the first time the original art has appeared, as it only recently came back into Dave's possession, after having been put up for auction by the gentleman who disappeared with it thirty years ago. You can read the details of it in the commentary for the portfolio.

As for pricing, please do keep in mind the CArchive series is intended to be a fund raiser for the ongoing restoration efforts. It also happens to be an awesome package, imho. I got to read a draft of Dave's notes for the second portfolio a week or two ago, and it's amazing. A tour de force analysis of storytelling techniques, inking and rendering, and even microscopic analysis of the timing requirements of humor. For people who enjoy Dave's analytical writing, it's hard to overstate the value here-- like Glamourpuss and Cerebus Archive (the comic) on steroids.

Dominick Grace said...

I got my Kickstarter copy on Friday, have looked at it (gorgeous) but haven't read the commentaries yet.