Saturday 27 September 2014

Kickstarter: Bonus Prints #1-4

Every Friday, beginning with the launch of CANT, we'll be unveiling four additional Bonus Prints that you can add to your Portfolio Package... Each successive goal will be established depending on how quickly (or how slowly) it takes to reach the next goal. We'll update the schedule below each time a new threshold has been achieved:
PLEDGE AMOUNT: ADD $9 ($8 + $1 to cover additional shipping costs) to your portfolio pledge for EACH Bonus Print UP TO the maximum number of Bonus Prints allowed (see above table). 
Now that we're down to the final week of the campaign, we recommend that you pledge for all of the bonus prints that you want, up to the maximum (currently 7). This will help move the pledge total closer to the next target of $33k! When we reach that, 10 bonus prints will be allowed. At the end of the funding period, I'll ask the necessary questions in the survey, so that you can let me know exactly which ones you selected for yourself.
Bonus Print #1: Cerebus #1 Splash Page Reimagined (2010)
Bonus Print #2: Cerebus: 'Climbing' Commission (2010)
Bonus Print #3: Glamourpuss: Backpage Print On Demand Ad
Bonus Print #4: Cerebus & Lady Gaga (2011)

Cerebus Archive Number Two Bonus Prints:
1-4 | 5-8 | 9-12 | 13-18


Travis Pelkie said...

Well, since we're already at $11K plus, I guess we'll be getting to choose at least 4 bonus prints....

Tony Dunlop said...

Mr. Carron, while asking to be beaten up, definitely gets my vote for the most Neal Adams-y of all Dave's Neal Adams-ish faces.

M Kitchen said...

Wonder what the most ULTRA-RARE bonus print is going to be...

... which one is going to be the LEAST picked, and hence, hardest to find afterwards?